A Story of Friends: Chapter 11

Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine...but I can always wish...

Bye Bye Central Perk,

Ross looked at Phoebe and back at the diary perplexed. He was unsure about this entire situation...Rachel was in love with him. He was in love with her. If only he would have had the courage to ask her out. She was always right in front of him, but his pride always made him a coward. Ross remembered how he felt about her in high school. It was one of those crushes that wouldn't go away. Every year, his feelings would become stronger. What if Ross had built up the courage and asked Rachel out...would they be together now? Would they be married with kids? He would never know... "Pheebs, does she still feel like this?"

"I don't know...I didn't read any further, but we could always find out."

"No, I think we have invaded her privacy enough. We should just put this away, and pretend like it never happened," Ross managed to say even though a part of him wanted to find out what Rachel was feeling.

"Are you sure you want that?" Phoebe asked wanting him to at least talk to Rachel about this.

"Yeah...I'm sure, um, could you leave? I kinda want to be by myself right now," Ross replied.

"Yeah, but just remember that true love only comes around once...even if he is gay!" That was the last word that Phoebe said before she left the room.

Ross snickered. Phoebe always had something out if this world to say. Ross looked up to Phoebe; it took a lot of courage to get the six friends to reunite, and the best part, to be civil to one another. Ross lay in bed with his eyed looking at the ceiling. The ceiling was pearl white with an artistic design that made it look perfect. This house was perfect. Everything was always in its perfect spot thanks to the seven or eight maids that flooded the house. Monica would love it here, Ross smiled. He didn't talk to her much over the past six years, but they did speak during holidays and traumatic experiences. One of them being when Ross' father had suffered a severe heart attack. It was a hard time for Monica and Ross, but they pulled through and so did their father. Ross turned over on his side looking at the closet. The closet was amazing. It had a gold colored door that was closed halfway leaving there a bit of the a hole to see the inside. In there were some of Rachel's cocktail dresses and some of her shoes that were placed neatly on the rack made specially for them. Ross thought that this was Rachel. Always wanting more closet space for the shopping excursions she goes on at least six days a week. Ross smiled. That was the Rachel he fell in love with; correction, the Rachel he was still in love with.


Joey and Chandler entered the house after having a great time. They went to some clubs and flirted with some girls, of course Joey was the one doing all of the flirting, but surprisingly, Chandler had a great time. He danced with some women, and he joked around all night like he did in the past. Joey thought it was exactly how they used to hang out. Joey smiled at the thought that he may have his best friend back. He realized that Chandler had been going through a hard time ever since he came back to New York. Chandler had told Joey a million times that he was sorry, and wished that the night had never occurred. Joey sat on the chair, and watched Chandler as he entered the kitchen. Joey felt sorry for him, but was mad that the others didn't know what he was going through. Joey had lost his job and had nowhere to go, and the only ones of the group that knew were Phoebe and Chandler. He hated the way that the group could act civil but all couldn't in the same room. The only times they were, was when they were forced or accidently. Joey was about to walk in the kitchen where Chandler was but thought better of it. He went upstairs to sleep- flirting with women took it out of him!


When Chandler walked into the kitchen, he saw Monica at the kitchen table eating ice cream right from the tub. He saw the tears that were flowing down her cheeks. At this instant, Chandler had never felt worse. He wanted to say something: to at least apologize to her, but he didn't have the courage. Chandler looked at her and this time she looked back at him. He saw the hurt in her eyes, and by the way she looked at him, he could tell that she hated him. Her eyes were glaring, and here lips were neutral. Not a frown, but not a smile either. "I'm sorry for interrupting; I'll leave," Chandler whispered while opening the kitchen door. Before his body was out of the kitchen, he heard her speak.

"Why?" She asked. She knew the answer, but she wanted to hear it from him. She wanted to see if he could be honest with her.

"I..I don't know what to tell you...at the time, there were a lot of reasons. I didn't want you to be held back, and I wanted you to be happy with your life."

"That's only two..."


"You said there were a lot...I want to know them. ALL of them," Monica said her voice becoming stronger.

"Ok, I know what's going on...Rachel told you."

"Told me what?" Monica asked playing dumb."

"You know what, Mon? I don't feel like getting into all of this! Ok, so I was in love with you; no big deal," Chandler said even though it was a huge deal.

"That's where you are wrong. It's a huge deal. Something you should have told me!" Monica said getting angry.

"I didn't know...Rachel made me see it two days ago. I knew there was something, but I didn't know if it was love."

"Oh, so does that mean that you still??" Monica asked curious about his feelings.

"No!...I mean Yes..I mean No, no I don't," Chandler, himself, was unsure but when the yes slipped from his mouth, he knew the answer. A bit too clearly.

"Oh, so you don't?" Monica asked a part of her wanting him to tell her that he did love her, but another part of her was saying not to think like that. He was barely even a friend.

"You know what? I'm just going to tell you the truth. What's the harm in it? I love you."

Monica couldn't believe he said it. He had actually been honest with her. She didn't know what to say. To even think. Chandler was a sweet guy, but more? It seemed a little weird. Monica had liked him at one time, but right now she wasn't sure. "I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. We're gone in two days, and I know that you don't feel the same way, so lets drop it."

"Can you do that?"

"This isn't a Can I question, Mon. I have to." Chandler said knowing that going back home would be harder than he thought.

"Well, I don't know if I can," Monica admitted.


"Come on Chandler! You expect me to forget that you are in love with me!?"

"Yes, I do! Monica we're not involved in each others lives; it's for the best," Chandler said wanting to just be spontaneous and kiss her, but he knew that he wouldn't.

"You're right. I am sorry."

"You're sorry? I'm the one who's in love with you and told you. I should be the one who says sorry."

"Yeah, well maybe I am too!" Monica looked shock. She wasn't even thinking that and it blurted out.

Chandler couldn't believe this. She loved him. She really loved. He knew she wasn't lying because her cheeks were red. She had never wanted to say that. He smiled.

"What are you smiling at?" she asked angrily.

"You...Me..this! Can you believe how stupid we are?" Chandler started laughing.

"I don't think it's funny." Monica said solemnly.

"Mon, just think about the timing, and the situation. We are crazy!"

Monica finally let herself laugh, "You're right; it is funny!" she said between laughes.

Chandler took her into an embrace and apologized again for ever telling her that he loved her. It hit him that no matter how they felt, nothing could happen because their lives were separate. He was living his life, and she was living hers. Chandler didn't realize how hard this could be. There she was in his arms, and she loved him, but nothing would ever happen. Chandler found that ironic, but mostly depressing. Chandler pulled away, and looked into her eyes, "Are we going to be ok?"

"I think so...buddy!" Monica tried to make a joke but neither laughed.

"Can we at least be friends again?" Chandler asked now holding both of her hands into his.

"Best friends," Monica squeezed his hands.

"I love you," he said softly.

"I know, I love you too. I don't know if I can do this Chandler."

"We have to." Chandler said even though his heart was telling him to just be with her.

"It's getting late, and tomorrow is going to be a hard day."

"Central Perk," Chandler said sadly.

"Yeah, I can't believe that they are going to tear it down."

"I know," Chandler said, and they both left the kitchen and went on their separate ways.


Phoebe walked away from the door to the kitchen and hid behind a plant that was sitting in the corner. Both Chandler and Monica walked their separate ways. Phoebe wanted to scream. She couldn't believe this. Chandler and Monica loved each other. They really loved each other. Phoebe always suspected that something may be there, but she never would have thought love. When they hugged, Phoebe had opened the door and inch to see them. She saw them in each others arms and at that time knew that they were meant to be. Phoebe hated it that Chandler was right. He and Monica had separate lives, but with a little convincing, Monica and Chandler could be together. Phoebe needed a plan, but couldn't think of anything. The situation was too bizarre even for her. She looked around the living room hoping no one would see her, and she quietly walked upstairs. She knocked on the first door to the right. "Joey! Joey! Open up," she whispered.

Joey opened the door with one open and the other shut. His hair was a mess and his clothes too. Anyone could tell that he had just woke up. "Pheebs! What is it? I'm trying to sleep."

"Shhh," she demanded, "let me in! I have to talk to you."

Joey opened the door to the fullest and let Phoebe in. When they were inside, Phoebe closed the door and locked it. "Pheebs, why did you wake me up?" he wined.

"I have great news...well kinds, but it can be great with your help," Phoebe said smiling.

"Not following ," Joey said confused as usual.

"Figures," Phoebe mumbled under her breath. "It's about Monica and Chandler..."

"What did they do now?"

"Nothing, they are in love," Phoebe grinned, "They love each other."

"Wow, I knew that Chandler loved her, but .Mon? When did she tell you? We can get them together!!!" Joey was so excited he began to do a little dance.

"Ok, you're not Chandler! And, she never told me." Phoebe said still smiling.

"You're guessing?! Phoebe, you never guess!" Joey said.

"No, I heard them say it to each other."

"Chandler and Monica are together! Way to go Chandler!"

"Not exactly...see that's the problem."

"You mean they love each other, but are NOT together. That's crazy!"

"I know! They think that because they have separate lives that it wouldn't work! We need to get them together!"

"Hmmm," Joey said while thinking. Finally something clicked. "I got it! You can hit on Chandler!"

"What? No, that's a stupid idea!"

"It is not!"

"I know, but I tried on my friends Chester and Marcia, and all they did was say they love each other."

"But Monica and Chandler already know they love each other!" Joey said.

"I know!"

"Oh, I get it," Joey said in realization.

"So, what should we do?"

"I got it!" Joey smiled and told his plan to Phoebe.


Rachel got into bed beside her husband. She was so angry with him that she couldn't speak. Ever since she said I do, she had regretted it. She, at the time, had feelings for Ross, but because of the fight, and that he moved to Rome nothing ever got to happen. Would it have happened if he stayed? Rachel was unsure, but now, she would never know. "Patrick!" he moans...louder, "PATRICK WAKE UP!!"

"Wha..What...What is it honey?" Patrick said waking up.

"Patrick, you can't tear down Central Perk tomorrow...please," Rachel asked begging him.

"Not this again! How many times have we been through this Rachel? No, I will not stop! Central Perk does not exist anymore!" Patrick raised his voice.

"Obviously we haven't talked about this enough!" Rachel said picking up her pillows and getting off the bed.

"Where are you going?"

"Anywhere but here!" Rachel said and exited the room making sure she didn't forget to slam the door.

"I never did understand her," Patrick said shrugging it off .


Rachel walked through the hall remembering that all of her guest rooms were occupied. She brought her pillows down stairs and got comfortable on the couch. She kept tossing and turning; she was too angry to sleep. Patrick could really get on her nerves. He was always greedy and never cared what she wanted. Never! Rachel got up in frustration. This was not working. She wasn't going to sleep. She hated what the next few days would bring. Tomorrow they are saying goodbye to Central Perk, and the next, everybody was leaving. Even though they weren't close anymore, she still was going to miss them all with all of her heart. She needed them. She needed to talk to them. She needed their advice about Patrick. She wanted to know what they would think if she left him. Yes, she had everything she ever wanted, but right now, all she wants was to live like she did when they were the 'gang'. She entered the kitchen and went through the freezer. Rachel pulled out the Double Chocolate Chip ice cream. That's funny, she thought. "I don't remember eating half," Rachel stared at the tub confused. She didn't feel like making a big deal out of it, so she sat down and began eating. While eating someone entered the kitchen. "Hey, do you believe that marriages have to last?"

"If you love the person then yeah I think they should."

"What if you didn't. What if you couldn't stand this person?"

"That's a judgement call."

"Come on Ross, I need your help!" Rachel yelled frustrated.

"Is this about Patrick?" Ross asked crossing his fingers.

"Yeah, I just...I just don't think he's the one, you know? You might think that I have a great life, but I've been happier."

"When?" Ross asked taking a seat next to her.

"I was happier when we were the gang. I was happy when the FICA took my money, and I was happy taking care of myself."

"Then why are you still here? Why don't you just leave?"

"It's not that easy! Where will I go? What will I do? I'm so confused Ross!" Rachel said taking putting another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

"I don't know what to say...you could always come to Rome.." Ross joked.

"Really?" Rachel asked not getting that he was joking.

"I was kidding," Ross said.

"I-I-I knew that! Of course I knew that," She said eating more ice cream.

"Rach, are you going to be ok?" Ross asked concerned.

"I don't know, Ross. I really don't know."

"Why don't we move onto the couch and leave the ice cream in here?" Ross asked wanted to get away from the kitchen, It's not that he hated it, but the chairs were terribly uncomfortable, and he knew that this was going to be a long night.

"Yeah, sure," she put the ice cream back into the freezer and walked with Ross to the livingroom.

"This is better," Ross stated. "Now where were we?"

"Ross, what do you think about your life?"

"What's not to love, I live with two women who take me for granted, and the nights..."Ross said sarcastically.

"Oh yeah that's right. So have you found anyone special yet?"

"Are you crazy? Between, work, Ben, and Carol and Susan, I have about enough time to sleep at night! Besides no one has caught my interest."

"That's too bad. Look at us! Are we pathetic or what?" Rachel said laughing.

"Well at least you not living with your ex-wife and her new wife!" Ross said looking down.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Rachel said.

"It's not your fault."

"I guess..."

"So what now? What do we do now?" Ross asked.

"I think we should run away from all of our troubles! Maybe to...Figi or something..."

"That sounds very appealing." Ross said.

"Yeah, it does," Rachel looked at Ross, and at that second all of her old feelings resurfaced. It's funny how little he changed in six years. Usually when you meet someone after six years, you think to yourself that I miss who they used to be, but not with Ross. He was still Ross and he would always be Ross.

Ross looked into Rachel's eyes and felt something that he hadn't felt in years. He felt nervous, but in a good way. He wanted to kiss her and tell her that everything would turn out...it just takes time. Unfortunately, Ross did not have the courage to say or do anything like that to her. He had always had trouble asking out Rachel, but right now, he knew that it wasn't right. He thought about what he read in Rachel's diary. He wished that he could talk to her about it and see if she still felt like that, but again, he didn't have the courage.

The both looked into each other's eyes and couldn't look away. There was a gravitational pull forcing them to look at one another. Ross, finally getting over his fear, kissed Rachel. The kiss began as a gentle brush against the lips, but then became more forceful. Ross moved closer to Rachel running his hands through her hair and all over her body. Rachel laid back on the couch bringing Ross with her. Ross, suddenly remembering Rachel was married, and her husband was right upstairs caused him to break the kiss. "We can't do this," he said.

"Why? Why not Ross?" Rachel said wanting this to happen.

"You're married, I live in Rome. . .that doesn't equal a relationship."

"Yeah, you're right, but what if I did come to Rome with you?"

"Rachel, that is not you," Ross said wanting her to come, but knew it was wrong.

"Ross, I have to get away from here...from this life..." Rachel said with tears forming.

"Shhh," Ross hugged, "it will be ok."

"No it won't! I can't stand it here anymore. I thought that this was the life that I wanted but it's not. Ross, I want a life with you."

"What?" Ross asked shocked. This was all moving too quickly.

"I know this is not me, but I have to do this! Please let me come with you. We don't even have to be together..I just need to get out of here."

"Rachel, you're tired, you're angry, and we had a 'moment'-- you are not thinking straight. We'll talk about this in the morning." Ross kissed Rachel on the forehead, and made his way back to his room.

Rachel knew that now she was never going to sleep. Now everything was on her mind. Was she being irrational when she wanted to go to Rome? Should she go? Should she give up this life? These questions raced through her head as if her head was a race car track, and her thoughts, were the cars that drove around it. Rachel just lay on the couch, pulled up the blankets and closed her eyes. First, she saw herself with Ross. They were in Rome laughing and smiling. She was linked to him and he looked into her eyes and they kissed. She opened her eyes and smiled. She liked that thought. She closed her eyes again and thought of Patrick. He was yelling at her for no reason as usual, and she just took it like a soldier. When he left the room, she crashed on the bed and began to cry. Rachel opened her eyes. That was not what she wanted. She wanted Ross. She wanted to be happy. Most of all, she wanted to get away from here.


The morning came, and the weather was beautiful. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and the wind was mild. The house was filled with the light from outside, and there wasn't one sound heard. The whole house was asleep. Rachel had finally managed to fall asleep, and she slept with a smile across her face. Ross, having a lot to think about, was asleep peacefully on his stomach. Phoebe was talking about birds in her sleep. She was mumbling, but then a smile came, and she stopped talking. Monica was sleeping with a frown on her face. She dreamt that she never got married and found the man of her dreams. Joey was on his back snoring loudly as he usually did. And, Chandler was the only one that wasn't asleep. He had closed his eyes, but nothing happened. These next few days were all he could think about. He didn't want to leave anymore; he was going to miss it here with his friends. He never got the chance to really talk with everybody, but the ones he did talk to, were the same as they were in the past. Joey was Joey, and Rachel even though a bit more stuck up, changed a lot since the gang came together, and Monica, was still Monica, but the difference was she wasn't only thought of like a friend anymore. More like the love that was unattainable.

Hours later, the house was filled with noise. The cooks were getting breakfast together and you could hear the eggs being fried, and if you listened closely you could hear the toast popping up from the toaster when it was ready. You could hear the maids cleaning. A few would whistle a song but mostly you heard the vacuum cleaners that filled the air. Rachel woke up from her deep sleep and saw about three maids looking at her slangily, "Oh, get back to work," she told them grumpily.


The clock chimed; it was 10am. The gang was around the diningroom table having breakfast being served to them. None of them spoke. When they ate meals none of them could seem to start a conversation, and when they did, it resulted in a fight. Joey looked and around the table and saw Monica and Chandler giving each other loving looks, but pain filled their eyes. Ross kept looking at Rachel like he did in the past, and Rachel seemed to enjoy it and looked back. Phoebe was looking down and focused on eating her breakfast. Joey thought a lot had happened this week. There was a lot less anger between them all, but there was something new. Joey didn't know. This was all too deep from him. He remembered how they used to always be able to talk even when the conversation made no sense, but now, it was all over. If someone talked, it was serious and sad. Joey hated that. He hated seeing his friends like this. He though it was time to start a conversation, "So, what are we all going to do before the whole Central Perk thing?"

"I was thinking we all could just talk...you know? Like we used to," Rachel said.

"Yeah, that would be a great idea! What do you guys think?" Phoebe asked.

"Yeah," Ross, Chandler and Monica replied.

When breakfast was over the gang moved to the livingroom. Phoebe and Joey stoop aside waiting for everyone to take their seats. This was the beginning of their plan. When they say that Chandler didn't sit beside Monica, they made sure that would be fixed. "Uh, Chandler I was going to have the chair," Phoebe said. Monica was seated on one side of the couch, and while Phoebe was talking to Chandler, Joey took the other side just leaving the middle seat. Ross and Rachel sat in the love seat. Chandler smiled at Phoebe and let her have the seat. Now, was that nice or what, he thought. He saw that the only free seat was beside Monica. He chuckled at himself thinking of how coincidental this was. Chandler sat beside Monica and smiled at her. She smiled back nervously.

Joey saw how far Chandler sat from Monica and thought he should come up with something fast. "Oh man, all of these pillows are bugging me! Can you push down Chandler?" Now, who said he wasn't a great actor?

"Yeah, sure man," Chandler said and moved closer to Monica. Accidently, he moved too far and he was now touching her. He went to turn back, but Joey had trapped him. That was funny, he thought.

Rachel, who was sitting contentedly beside Ross saw what was going on. She smiled at this. Phoebe and Joey knew and were trying to get them to admit it. Little did she know that Monica and Chandler had already declared their love from one another, but knew it was impossible to have a relationship together. Ross, on the other hand, had no clue what was happening. He just thought Joey was being Joey as he always was.

"So," Chandler began, "why don't we talk about our lives? All we've talked about since we've been here was the past so..."

"I think that's a great idea," Monica replied. "Who wants to start?"

"I will," Joey said, "I moved to LA where I thought it would be better. You know, more acting gigs, and more money. I thought that I might have had the chance to be famous, but I was wrong. Hollywood is not the dream I thought it would be. I live in a building that is so old and ugly, and my neighbor is an old lady who talks to her plants. A week before I got an invitation to come here, I got a part in a play called Hamlet, by that Shakespeare dude. Anyway we were practicing, and I forget one line so the director fired me. I couldn't get another job, so I came here so I wouldn't be living on the streets."

"Oh my God, Joe, we're so sorry," Ross said.

"It's ok, how did you guys know that would ever happen?" Joey said looking down.

"You could always stay with me, Joe. I have lots of room," Chandler started. " My life hasn't been a picnic either. I live in Washington, D.C., where I got transferred after the fight. I was really depressed because it was all my fault, so I felt I didn't deserve friends. Um, so what I did was dive into work. I would begin work at 7am and finish at 8pm. Plus 10 hours of overtime that I contributed. I'm known and the company meanie. Everybody is afraid of me, except for one worker Caroline. She was the only one who got to know me, and I am thankful she wanted to. Right now, I live in a modern apartment, that is three bedrooms, and I have a car that I bought three years ago. Overall, I have been happier here with you guys than I ever was in Washington. If that is believable."

Monica rubbed Chandler's thigh to console him. Obviously, his life wasn't perfect, but he never talked about it. He finally did, and Monica was happy for him. How he could ever be the company meanie, she would never know. "I never knew," Monica said looking into Chandler's eyes. He looked back, but each knew that the others would know it they kept looking at each other, so they both looked away. "I thought my life was great. I was living my dream, and I had met some great people. I was actually happy until, one day when I got stuck in an elevator with two guys. I had time to think, and I realized how much I missed you all. I remember that before the fight I had put a picture of all of us in my wallet, and I found it that day. I saw the picture and was lost in thought. The other guys thought I was a freak. Anyway, I thought I was going to lose my restaurant because I was late for an important meeting, but I didn't. I came because I wanted to see you all again."

"I live in Rome. I moved there with Carol, Susan, and Ben. I haven't had much of a life there. Ben takes up a lot of my time. Carol and Susan take advantage of me. I work hard. I'm still a Paleontologist . There's nothing else to say really. I don't really like my life, but I live it for Ben." Ross concluded.

"Wow," Phoebe began, "I moved to Albany in 1995. I still liked being a masseuse so I found a job as one. I met some great friends. I wasn't truly happy, like I always promised myself, but I was happy. I got to sing part time in a club, oh and I have a boyfriend!"

"What?" All of the others asked confused but knew that this was typical Phoebe behavior.

"Oh, I didn't tell you? Well, I am seeing this guy Jeff who is really sweet. I met him here in New York while planning my grandmothers funeral, so Monica do you have a boyfriend?" Phoebe asked trying to get Monica to talk about Chandler.

Monica gazes at Chandler an quickly looks away, "No, and if I did, I would have told you guys by now unlike some people."

Phoebe and Joey both rolled their eyes. They knew that Monica and Chandler weren't together, but they should be. When Monica, had said no, Joey could tell that Chandler was disappointed. Monica had felt the same.

"You guys all know my life. I live here married, but there is one thing you all don't know," judging by the silence, Rachel continued, "I have decided..." she looked at Ross, "I have decided to move to Rome with you."

The gang looked at each other shocked. They all couldn't believe that Rachel would do that. Ross was the worst though. He couldn't move. It was as if his face was painted to look the way it did at that moment. His mouth was wide open as were his eyes. Rachel wanted to be with him. She wanted to live with him. That was a lot to take in, "I-I can't believe it!"

"Well, believe it, baby!" Joey yelled happily.

The gang looked at him.

"Sorry, couldn't help myself," he explained.

Chandler laughed at Joey. He couldn't help it Joey always said the stupidest words in the most serious situations. What Chandler couldn't believe was Ross and Rachel. She was just going to move with him. No complications. Chandler wished his and Monica's relationship was that easy. He looked at her and she stared back at him. Both wishing the same thing but both were afraid to give up their lives. Chandler took Monica's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze that was telling her that everything would be fine. She looked back at him unbelieving, but he mouthed "believe me". Joey looked at the two then at Phoebe. He hated what was happening to his friends. He hated what would happen in an hour the most though. It was three o'clock, and it was one hour before Central Perk would be gone. Taking away Central Perk was like taking a piece of each of the groups hearts and throwing them away.

"I can't believe this!" Chandler finally said breaking the silence.

"I know! What happened?" Monica asked as surprised as Chandler.

"I think it's great!" Phoebe announced.

"Thank you, Pheebs! Ross please say something...flies are getting in there!"Rachel said.

"Uh..wow? Look, Rach, I don't want to break up your marriage,"Ross said feeling a bit guilty.

"Ross, I'm a big girl, and if I want to leave, that's my decision! Not yours or anyone else's!"

"Well, then are you sure?"

"I have never been more sure! Ross, I am not happy here, and I imagined what it would be like with you, and I liked it. I want that life. The question is, will you have me?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course he wants you!" Phoebe said.

"Thank you Phoebe. Rach, I can't make decisions for you, but I know that I do want you to come. I have never wanted anything more, but are you sure that you can leave? Are you sure that you will be happy? Can you honestly tell me that you believe that?"

"Ross, I know that I will be happier with you than I have or ever can be here! I will get out of here! Even if I have to move mountains!"

"Awwww.." Monica blurted out. Everyone looks at her, "What? It's sweet!"

"Yes, it is!" Chandler said sticking up for her.

"So, you are just going to go to Rome?" Joey asked skeptically.

"Yeah," Rachel replied vaguely.

"Cool!" Joey answered.

"Well, look at that! We better get going!" Ross said changing the subject.

"Oh my God! It's already a quarter to four!" Rachel said.


The gang all stood across the street from Central Perk. No one else was there except for the construction workers. Phoebe subtly made sure that Monica and Chandler stood beside each other. In times of crises people do get closer.

Central Perk was barely standing. Men were working hard at making sure that everything was cleared out. When they were done, they took measurements of where the new walls would be built. Rachel didn't know what Patrick was going to make. He said a restaurant, but you never knew with him.

The machines began to roar, and Central Perk was becoming history. Even though the six friends were only attached to Central Perk for a year, they still and would always consider it a memory, and even a friend. As the gang watched the tearing down of Central Perk, Good Bye My Friend, bye Linda Ronstadt (http://www.geocities.com/klr19/goodbyemyfriend.htm) (listen to it...)

Oh we never know where lifeWill take us

I know it ´s just a ride

On the wheel

And we never know when death

Will shake us

And we wonder how it will feel

Ross watched as they took apart Central Perk piece by piece. He hadn't seen the place for six years, but he always dreamed of ordering at least one cup of coffee here for the last time. He knew that would never happen. He began to remember some of the good times they had in Central Perk, but his favorite had to be when Rachel walked through the doors in a wedding dress. When he saw her, it was as if all of his troubles with Carol had disappeared. Without even knowing it, Rachel was the one who made him forget about Carol because Rachel had made him love her. Ross looked at Rachel who's eyes were beginning to water. He sweetly took her hand into his.

So goodbye my friend

I know I ´ll never see you again

But the time together through all the years

Will take away these tears

It ´s okay now

Goodbye my friend

Rachel smiled when she felt Ross's hand take hers. She loved how sweet he could be, and sometimes even his innocence made her feel safe. Every time Rachel saw Central Perk, she always thought bitterly that she was just a waitress, but it was so much more than that. This was where she started her life. Her life and not dependant on her father, or a husband to be. Central Perk was a symbol of work for Rachel. There were times that just made her laugh like when Chandler was talking about what he saw when he "accidently" saw her breasts. Before, she would always frown at that memory but now, she was happy to have a memory.

I ´ve seen a lot of things that make me crazy

And I guess I held on to you

We could ´ve run away and left

Well maybe

But it wasn't time and we both knew

Phoebe watched Ross and Rachel. She never got to tell them that they were lobsters, but on some level, she thought they knew. Phoebe turned her eyes to Central Perk or to at least what was left of it. When Phoebe looked at Central Perk, she always remembered happiness. No matter what was happening in the gangs lives, that when they were solved the gang would sit back at Central Perk and enjoy a cup of coffee. Phoebe though about Gunther, he was secretly watching from afar. Phoebe knew because she could see his hair that was bright enough for anyone to see. Phoebe thought that this must be killing him. She still remembered the bar. There was life in that building before Central Perk, and she knew that there would be life after. . . it was just hard to say goodbye.

So goodbye my friend

I know I ´ll never see you again

But the love you gave me through all the years

Will take away these tears

I ´m okay now

Goodbye my friend

Joey hated this. Why Central Perk? So many women would go in every day, and he would always use his charm on them. That's not what Joey really remembered though. What he remembered were all of the conversations they used to have. About sex, Chandler getting over his fear of commitment, Ross's sad and pathetic life, Monica's new freak of the week, and Phoebe's songs. He would never forget Phoebe's songs. Joey would really miss this place. . .it was like his family. Joey didn't know what he was going to do when this was all over. He knew that Chandler had offered him to go to Washington, but Joey didn't want to impose, but he really liked the thought of living with Chandler again.

Life ´s so fragile and love ´s so pure

We can ´t hold on but we try

We watch how quickly it disappears

And we never know why

But I ´m okay now

All Monica could think about was all the times that Rachel couldn't get the orders right. She was a terrible waitress that was for sure, but now she was going to Rome with Ross. She had had this luxurious life, and she gave it up for love. Monica thought back to Central Perk, and kept seeing Chandler's face making a stupid joke when things got complicated. Even though she never showed it, his joked always brightened up her day. She remembered Joey's sex talks, and how emotionless he was when it came to women, but when it came to friends, he was the greatest. Phoebe would always make sure that her 'family' was happy. Whether it was cleansing someone's aura or just singing a song, she still tried and succeeded. Phoebe was the greatest. Monica looked at Central Perk and was beginning to feel more and more depressed about the whole thing. She felt arms wrap around her waist; she looked behind her and saw Chandler looking at her concerned. She could see the pain in his eyes. Monica looked back at Central Perk and placed her hands on Chandler. She was going to really miss him.

Goodbye my friend

You can go now

Chandler felt Monica lean back on him. He couldn't believe he had the courage to actually put his arms around her, but he was glad he did. Chandler tried to take his attention away from Monica and think about Central Perk. When he looked at Central Perk he remembered when Ross kissed his mother. Chandler had been angry and couldn't help it. There were rules against those things. What Central Perk symbolized was that all of them had their faults, but they all got through them. Rachel had been spoiled, Monica would always have trouble finding the 'one', Ross would always complain about his life, Joey would compare everything to sex, and Phoebe was a little flaky at times, but these flaws were what made them all special. No one is perfect; that's proven, but at least they tried, and Central Perk was what always brought them together in the end.

Goodbye my


"It's actually gone. I can't believe it," Rachel said.

"I know...we all can't," Monica said as they all began to walk away.


The last night had been hard for all, but they got they got through it. Chandler and Joey went to the Knicks game as planned and had a great time. Joey had agreed to leave with Chandler. He thought it was time to take a break from being an actor, and time to find a new job. Chandler was happy to have his best friend back and not having to say goodbye. Chandler couldn't stop thinking about Monica though. He didn't want to leave her. He wanted them to be together.

Rachel had talked to Patrick about leaving and a divorce, and he pleasantly agreed. It seemed as though he didn't care, but Rachel was happy to get out of it so quickly. She wasn't going to miss this life, but she was going to miss the rest of her friends. Rome was far away, but she would be faraway with Ross, and that put a smile on her face.

Monica and Phoebe spent the night talking. Phoebe told Monica that she had overheard her and Chandler telling each other that they were in love. Monica was a bit taken back but didn't mind at all. It's not like it was going to continue anyway. Phoebe even talked to Monica about her and Joey's plan. Monica figured something was going on, but she didn't know what.

"So, are you going to be able to say goodbye to Chandler tomorrow?" Phoebe asked.

"I don't know," Monica replied. Just as she said this, I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston plays in the background. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/7571/iwillalwaysWH.htm


The airport was deserted. There were a few people here and there, but overall not many. Monica, Ross, and Rachel all had to catch a plane. Chandler had driven over, and Phoebe didn't live too far away. She was prepared to take the train. The gang was standing in a circle saying their goodbyes. It was hard for each of them.

"First Call for flight 234 to Rome!" The announcer called out.

"Well, that's us Rach," Ross said sadly.

"Yeah, it is. I'm really going to miss you guys. It had been six years of wishing to see you all again, and now that I did, I don't want to say goodbye. We'll keep in touch," Those were Rachel's last words, and she brought the group into a hug.

"Bye, you guys. I will miss you all so much," said Ross.

"We'll miss you guys too," Phoebe pointed out.

"Yeah, we will," the rest agreed.

"Final Call for flight 234 to Rome!"

"It's time," Ross said, and he guided Rachel away from the group. They were gone.

"Mon, when does your flight leave?" asked Phoebe.

"In about 10 minutes, why?"

"I think Chandler wants to talk to you..." Joey replied.

"I do?? . . .I mean yes, I do!" Chandler said realizing what Joey was doing.

Monica and Chandler walked away from Joey and Phoebe. "What is it Chandler?"

"Mon, I'm really going to miss you. I-I don't want this to be it," Chandler said looking at the floor.

"I know, neither do I."

"I don't know what to do. . ."

"Just hold me."

"I can do that," Chandler slowly put him arms around Monica and she reciprocated, "everything is going to be all right."

"Yeah, it will," Monica said and looked into his baby blue eyes. She slowly brought he lips closer to his, ready for a kiss. Chandler had been thinking the same thing and returned the kiss with all he was feeling. The two continued kissing never wanting to let go.

"Oh my God! Look!" Phoebe said pointing to Monica and Chandler who were lost in each other.

"We did it," Joey said.

"No, they did it, we just helped."

"First call for flight 33 leaving for Chicago."

When hearing this, Monica and Chandler reluctantly broke away from the kiss. Their arms were still intertwined as they looked at each other.

"That was me," Monica whispered.

"I know, just promise me something."

"Anything," Monica replied whole heartedly.

"You'll never forget this; you'll never forget us," Chandler whispered.

"I could never forget," Monica smiled, but then frowned. "Call me."

"Every night. Come on. . .it's time to say good bye," Chandler said taking her hand and leading her to where Phoebe and Joey were standing.

"Bye you guys! I'll miss you all so much," Monica said with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"I'll miss you too," Joey said and gave her a big hug.

"Bye, Mon,"Phoebe said sadly.

"Oh, come here and give me a hug"! Monica smiled and the two friends hugged.

"Last Call for flight 33 to Chicago, Illinois!"

"I guess this is it...I will miss you all."

"I will miss you too, Mon. We all will." Chandler said.

"Oh, Chandler..." She hugged him again and gave him a quick kiss and was gone.

"She's gone..."said Chandler in realization.

"It will be fine buddy...We better get going. See you Pheebs." The three hugged and Joey and Chandler went one way and Phoebe the other.


The instrumental part of I Will Always Love you faded in, and you can see all of the groups faces back home...

Ross and Rachel both sleeping on each other with sad looks on their faces.

Phoebe on the train looking at all of the happy people. She has tears in her eyes; she sits back and closes them

Chandler and Joey in the car not saying a thing. Chandler is driving, and you can see the red in his eyes. Joey looking out the window with a frown in his face.

Monica, sitting by the window on the plane crying. She had a picture of the gang in front of her as well as the picture of her and Chandler.

Who would've known that friends that drifted apart so far could forgive each other and be close again...I guess it's just A Story of Friends.


FINIS!!!! WOHOOO!! C'est Party time! Ok, I know I left some loose ends so if enough people ask me, I will write an continuing CnM series or RnR series, or if I am really nice both. As you can see I have a hard time getting fics up quickly. I don't have the time to have a new one up everyday. . .I wish I could. That's why I will only write a continuing story if enough people want it! I hope you enjoyed and please review. Even if it was bad! I need to improve!

Steph :)