Our First Snow

A B26Adult!V 3-way romance threeshot.

"Fran... hey, Fran," Mammon murmured, gently shaking the younger illusionist. "Wake up." Fran lazily opened one eye, then sat up, gazing at the slim, bare chest he was presented.

"Aren't you cold?" he murmured, reaching up and wrapping his arms around the indigo-haired man. Mammon allowed Fran to drag him into a hug, and also allowed the younger man to start planting kisses along his jawline down to his ear. "What brings you into my room today, Mammon?" he breathed, looking up into the deep, purple eyes.

"We have something to show our prince," Mammon said seriously, grabbing a spare Varia jacket of Fran's and putting it on. "Come." Always glad to find new things to show the third lover, Fran followed his boyfriend, reaching to grab the hand that his own dwarfed. Mammon's unusually small form was adorable to the younger illusionist, even though it was odd that someone who was six years older than him was also six inches shorter than him.

Fran and Mammon walked outside, and Fran gasped to see the bright, sparkling crystals that danced to the ground in a sight that was deeply moving. "Wow, Mammon," Fran breathed, "this is beautiful. Did you do this?"

"No, you goofball, it's snow," Mammon replied, grinning. "I'd only read about it in books before, but my, is it better in life. This place doesn't usually get snowed on. We're pretty lucky."

Fran turned towards the Arcobaleno, and leaned in, letting Mammon wrap his arms around Fran's neck as they kissed. The younger illusionist moved his own arms beneath the other, and picked him up a good few inches off the ground, smiling against Mammon's lips when he felt the other's legs lock around his own hips. He could only remain in that tense position for a few moments, however, and soon eased the other back down, but didn't break the kiss until Mammon did so first.

"We seriously need to show Bel," Mammon breathed, "Come on."

The two headed back into Varia headquarters, and soon came up to Bel's room, and entered without warning. They were met with the sight of Bel sleeping, curled up in a tight little ball- the usual for winter- and they walked over to him, each taking a side to warm. Fran took the front, Mammon took the back, and the both of them snuggled up close to the prince, wrapping their arms over his form to place their hands on each other. "Mm...," Bel breathed. "Hi, Fran... Hi, Mammon..."

"Hi, Bel," the two returned in sync.

"We have something to show you," Mammon breathed against the prince's ear, before taking the chance he had and licking the same region. Fran grinned, and came forward so that his lips just barely brushed against the prince's.

"You'll have to get up out of bed," he husked.

"N'aw, c'mon, you two... you make the prince all hot," Bel complained, pushing the two other men back and sitting upright. "What is it?" After exchanging nods, Fran and Mammon each took an arm, and dragged the prince off of the bed, then started back towards the door to the magical sight outside. Bel was fairly docile through the trip, with only small complaints whenever they rounded a sharp corner, but once they reached the outside world, the prince was speechless. "Wow...," he gasped. "What's this? Monta, did you...?"

"No!" Mammon protested. "Goodness sakes, two, I'm not that good; it's snow!"

Bel glanced back at Fran and Mammon, and reached up, brushing his bangs back so that they could see the eager, blue, puppy eyes beneath. Fran glanced at Mammon, and the Arcobaleno grinned at him. "Go ahead, Bel," he said. The prince broke into a wide, cheshire grin, and flung himself into the snow, smiling and laughing as he played by himself. As he did so, Mammon sat down on the steps, and Fran soon joined him. "How the hell do we bottom to a child like him?" Mammon asked Fran.

"I don't know," Fran replied. "I've been trying to figure that out for a while too- senpai!"


"Don't eat the yellow snow!" Fran called. Bel shrugged, and got back to goofing off, and his two boyfriends continued their conversation. "He is pretty damn cute," Fran mumbled.

"Not as cute as you," Mammon returned with a grin. Fran blushed lightly, then leaned in close to the Arcobaleno.

"Well, you're cuter than Bel and I combined," he murmured. Mammon's grin vanished in an instant.

"Now, Fran, just because my body is slightly- mind you, slightly smaller than yours, does not mean you can pick on me," he said.

Fran chuckled. "Try telling me that in bed." Mammon's usually pale cheeks burned bright red in response, but just before he could argue, a ball of snow hit him in the arm.

"C'mon, Monta!" Bel called. "Fran, you too! Don't just sit there!"

Mammon growled, and stood, and several tentacles slid out from beneath his cloak, burying themselves in the snow, before coming back, and hurdling about eight snowballs towards Bel at once. The prince threw his arms up in submission, but the snow was already in flight, and it knocked the prince down with ease.

"Aw, Mammon, that was mean," Fran laughed. "Cool down, all right? You know we love you." As he said that, he leaned in, giving the Arcobaleno a brief kiss on the lips, before walking over to Bel. He dug the prince out of his snowy grave, and helped him back up, then observed in silence. Snow crystals adorned the prince's hair in multiple places, making his beauty even more pronounced, and as Fran leaned in to kiss Bel, he knew that Bel was thinking the same thing. The prince's lips were somewhat cold from the small amount of time he had spent out there, but as they kissed, Fran felt them thawing beneath his touch.

Mammon walked over soon after, looking a bit down, and the two others pulled him into a hug. "You getting jealous, Mammon?" Fran teased. "Even though I've already kissed you so many times..."

"Yeah, but I want attention from Bel, too," Mammon pouted, looking up at the blonde with sad, purple eyes. "You love me too, right, Bel?"

The prince released Fran in an instant, swooping Mammon up into his arms and kissing him, picking the smaller body up and holding it close as he did so. Being stronger than Fran had many advantages, Bel's favorite being the ability to hold Mammon like a child in his arms. The two of them desperately clung to each other's bodies, and Fran watched, running his fingers over his own lips as he witnessed the scene. Mammon mewled with delight as Bel came down, nibbling on the older man's ear, and Fran was fast to run and catch Mammon when Bel's grip fumbled. The three laughed as Mammon stood upright again, and enjoyed another little group hug, always happy to be beside each other.

-Part 1: End

Hehehe~ This is usually my favorite love triangle with Mammon as the rival, so I was thinking, 'What if Fran and Mammon weren't rivals? What if they could be lovers, too?'
Hence, this fanfiction.

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