Disclaimer: Glee does not belong to me.. blah blah blah..

Authors Note: All mistakes belong to me. I know this is a slow chapter but I feel like I had to get this information out before anything exciting happens. I'm not the fastest at updating but due to some health issues, I should have some free time on my hands so I promise to update as soon as I can. This story is mainly about Faberry but our main Glee members are all in this story. Brittana and Klaine are implied. Reviews would be awesome :)

April 23, 2012 6:09AM

"Noah, pass it over."

Rachel stepped onto the 2nd floor balcony of their temporary home and smiled as Noah handed her the pre-lit blueberry joint. Taking a couple of puffs before handing it back to him, she smiled as the warm sensation flowed through her body. It was just over 6AM which gave Puckerman and Rachel about 3 hours to finalize their plan before they headed out to collect whatever supplies they could find in this small town.

"Have I ever thanked you for stealing those marijuana plants before we escaped Lima on Z-Day? Best thing you could have done Puck."

Noah broke out into a grin thinking back to the first day Rachel had asked him to share what he was smoking. "Have I ever thanked you for being such a badass? Especially on Z-Day?" He replied with a smirk on his scruffy face. Rachel rolled her eyes but sent a smile his way anyways. She knew that he was kidding but behind that playfulness was honesty. The day the world went to shit, Rachel surprised everyone by stepping up and protecting her former Glee members. It was almost as if she had been waiting for a zombie apocalypse to happen. She had the right cars, the right plans, and definitely the right ammunition.

"You taking Artie with you today?" Rachel asked as he handed her the joint once again. Eyes lighting up with excitement, Noah quickly stood from his seat and picked up his silenced rifle to shoot at a zombie that was walking a little too close to the front gate of the house.

"Bet your sweet little Jew ass I am. He's driving us into downtown in his Hummer so we can go scavenge for some walkie talkies. According to Mike, we need to keep in touch long range ya know?" Noah cleared his throat hoping she hadn't caught his double meaning. Nodding her head in agreement, Rachel softly added "Yeah.. I know. Our cell phones aren't gonna last forever. I get it." She turned and looked down the abandoned street. It was an unspoken rule now that nobody talked about family. To them, the only family they had was each other. Parents, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, they didn't exist anymore. No one knew what had happened to their families but they all knew the possibilities of them being alive were slim to none. But deep down, Rachel knew. She knew that Kurt and Tina and Mercedes and the rest of her friends still hoped that their phones would ring in the middle of the night and on the other end would be a parent or.. someone.Which is why every car had car chargers that would fit possibly any phone known to them.

"Watch it Puckerman, only I can make comments about Berry's ass." Smiling gratefully at the interruption, Rachel turned around only to be greeted by the equally smiling face of her girlfriend, Quinn.

"Morning baby." Rachel greeted. "Is everyone else awake?"

"Na just Sam and I. He's downstairs cooking breakfast for everyone. I think its pancakes and the last of our juice today." Quinn replied before stepping into Rachel's embrace and planting a soft kiss on waiting lips. The truth was though, everyday was pancakes for breakfast. It was the one luxury they were able to hold on to as everything around them crumbled apart. When Z-Day, as the gleeks had started calling it, happened, the one thing they made sure to stock up on was pancake mix. After all, the only thing they needed to add to it was water.

"Well that's my queue to get the fuck outta here then." Noah said with a slight chuckle. "Rach, go ahead and finish that. I'm gonna go eat and then wake up the rest of the gang so we can get ready."

Rachel gave a short nod towards him before looking out onto the street in front of them. Not seeing any zombies, she sat on the chair previously occupied by the former football player and pulled Quinn onto her lap.

"Ya know, if someone had told me a month ago that my perfectly innocent girlfriend would be smoking weed and kicking zombie ass, I would've laughed in their face."

"It keeps me alert but calm. Kinda like you." Rachel flirted before blowing out smoke directly into Q's face and then passing her what was left of Noah's joint. Coughing at the unexpected smoke, Quinn glared at her before smirking and throwing an affectionate "ass" in her direction.

"You love me."

"Something like that."

Downstairs, Noah sat at their makeshift kitchen table eating a plate of pancakes and discussing plans with Sam who was almost finished cooking for everyone. Sam and he had become very close over the past month. They expected Noah to pull away from everyone after he was forced to put a bullet through a zombified Figgins but instead, he became attached to the blonde cook almost instantly. It almost seemed as if Sam had gone through a similar situation, but of course no one dared to ask. Noah's days were still filled with huge smiles and crude remarks but his nights were a different story. Nightmares of his zombie principal and exploding heads were all he dreamt about which was the main reason he usually took night shifts when it came to patrolling whatever house they were staying in that evening. Although, on occasion, Santana would threaten his "baby making tools" if he didn't take a night off to get some rest.


After everyone was finished eating, they packed up the gear they had brought into the house the night before and met up in the living room to await further instructions from Rachel and Noah. Although Rachel was all about being fair and letting everyone give input into future plans, most of the teens sat back and let her take the lead. She was a quick thinker, and always played it smart. With the help of Puckerman, she knew where to go and when to go. But the main reason everyone trusted her? She never left someone behind. Even if it meant going into a crowd of zombies, she did whatever it took to keep her group of 13 alive.

"Alright guys let's get this bullshit over with" Rachel joked while walking into the living room with Quinn right behind her. "I know I said we'd leave today but I think we can stay another night here if you guys are up for it. The balcony on the second floor is perfect for outside guard and there's a tall ass fence surrounding the back yard and sides of the house. " At that, everyone's ears perked up. It was rare when they got to spend more than one night in a house. Rachel and Noah sat on the bean bag chairs in front of everyone and pulled out their notebooks. "Finn and Kurt, you're on gas duty. The pump is already in the front seat of Puck's truck. The containers are in the bed of the truck. Hit up any car you can and clean it for all the gas possible. Santana and-"

"Wait we're doing good on gas why do we need more? I mean Santana and Kurt and Mercedes' cars are electric powered. So is Tina's. And they each have like what? 6 extra batteries or some shit. Plus Artie's hummer has that solar power thingy so it doesn't use gas either. The only cars that need gas are mine and Pucks. But Puck has a hybrid so that helps right?" Finn rambled genuinely confused.

"Look Finn," Noah started "We got lucky with Artie's hummer. It's solar powered because his parents didn't want him getting out of the car to put gas because of his injury. But it won't fit all of us plus our baggage. If something happens and we lose one of the electric cars or if the electricity… We just need to be prepared in case we ever have to hop in a random car."


"Ok. Moving on. Santana and Puck, your goal is to find those walkie talkies at the station. Bring as many as you can find and if they have a charging port, bring it. Artie's driving the two of you plus me and Mike into downtown. We'll give coverage from the rooftop across the street so you guys can go in and out as quickly as possible. Sam, you're with Mercedes and Quinn on a food and accessories run. There's a Walmart just around the corner and down a few blocks. Pick up anything you may think is useful. Take Finn's truck. Britt can you and Blaine stay here and cover the front street for when we get back? Tina will stay in the house and make sure it's clear."

"Yeah I tots got this Rach." Brittany answered with a smile on her face. She stood up and grabbed Blaine by the hand before pulling him towards the garage that was attached to the kitchen. "We'll go get the cars and bags ready."

"Alright guys be back no later than 2." Noah instructed as everyone stood up and stretched their limbs. Rachel walked over to Quinn and wrapped her arms around the taller blonde's waist. "Don't be mad" she whispered into Quinn's shoulder.

"Seriously? You know I HATE when you go out and I'm not there Rachel. How do you expect me-" Rachel cut off her nervous girlfriend by turning her in her arms and kissing her with as much passion as she could muster. "That's not fair." Quinn mumbled against slightly parted lips.

"I'm sorry. But we have to break teams evenly babe. You know that.." Rachel placed another quick kiss on the addicting lips in front of her. "I'll make it up to you. I promise."



At that, Quinn couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Be safe Rasberry" she whispered against Rachel's lips before heading out with her assigned glee members. "Puck! Don't make me shoot you in the ass!" Noah laughed and threw a wink in her direction. Everyone in the house, including Quinn, knew that Rachel and Noah were more like brother and sister than anything else. The flirting, if you could even call it that, was just their way of finding comfort in each other during all this madness. Quinn on the other hand, bonded with Noah with faux threats. It was odd, sure, but for them it worked and it kept them sane.


"Did you pull up the latter on the fire exit?" Rachel threw over her shoulder as she walked across the rooftop to take her position. She heard Mike mumble a short 'yeah' to her not wanting to be too loud. As they set up their gear they looked across the street towards the police station and could easily see about 15 walkers lingering by the front doors. They had about 7 minutes to clear all the zombies down below before Artie would be circling back around to drop off Santana and Puck at the entrance.

Exhaling slowly and putting his finger on the trigger, Mike turned his head slightly to look at the short brunette who was attached to the scope of her rifle. "You ready Rach?"

The corners of soft pink lips shifted up and a smirk now adorned the soft face of one confident Rachel Berry. Slipping her aviators on, she barely turned her head before answering her good friend. "Born ready, Chang."