A/N: Yeah, I'm finally writing it. I've been having so much trouble with the end of "I Can't Believe it's the Bride." That my mind finally went 'EFF THIS!' and started thinking of other stuff. That other stuff being, the total fan crack you've about to read. You already know by the title it's going to be awful SO STAY AWAY! Seriously. Get back. As I write this I'm sitting in a Wifi McDonalds with no current plans to move. Nothing good can come of this. Nothing. Also never fear 'I Can't Believe it's the Bride' will be updated. I'm not going to not finish it.


Chapter 1

It was a different kind of case. Shawn wasn't even entirely sure why he was there. He sat in Caleb's SUV with Gus and Lassie next to him in the back seat. Caleb hadn't said a single word since they got into the vehicle. His stony expression was impossible to read, but every time Shawn caught a glimpse of the man's eyes in the rear view menu something inside him moved and he had to suppress the urge to blush.

Caleb had shown up in Santa Barbara a few days ago. He came baring a golden box that was sealed shut, and he requested police escort to the next town over. He offered the Chief top dollar for the services. The Chief at first was hesitant, but Caleb had managed to convince her. She had called Shawn and Gus in to make sure that nothing would keep the move from going as quickly as possible. I.E she wanted Shawn to predict whether or not the team would be fine.

"Perfectly fine!" Shawn had promised – even though he wasn't entirely sure. Caleb had explained that the box belonged to a very wealthy friend of his, and that it was being sought after by wayward family members. All he wanted was for the SBPD to take him over to his friends. It seemed safe enough. However Shawn began to get a little anxious when Caleb specifically said he required more than two escorts.

It took some bribery, and some pretty smiles, but Shawn managed to recruit Lassie, Jules, The Chief, and McNab. The other three being in the SUV driving behind theirs.


Shawn turned to face Gus who was looking at him concerned.

"What are you thinking about?" Gus asked.

"This whole thing." Shawn admitted in a low whisper. "We're just driving a box down a high way. I don't think it requires two SUVs and six escorts."

"For once we agree." Lassiter whispered from Shawn's other side. "However agreeing to this was your idea to begin with, and now if things go wrong, it's all you Spencer. All you."

"I didn't agree." Shawn said. "The Chief did. Then she called me to do it, but then Caleb told me to recruit people, and here we are."

"We're all going to die." Lassiter growled a bit under his breath. The second he was asked to join Shawn on this little trip he was against it. Lassiter personally disliked Caleb a great deal. Not because Caleb had said anything wrong to him, but because Caleb had this amazing ability to render Shawn speechless and make him blush. Lassiter didn't like that.

"You're not going to die detective." Caleb spoke up from the driver's seat. "I'm just taking extra precaution, when we get to Coral Haven, you'll be transported safely back to Santa Barbara and you'll never see me again."

"I hope that's the case." Lassiter said lowly. "This whole situation has strange written all over it."

"Nothing personal." Gus tried to break the tension. "We're just not used to this kind of work."

"It's not an everyday occurrence." Shawn added in.

"Nothing in my life is an everyday occurrence." Caleb said then.

"What exactly is that supposed to mean?" Shawn asked.

"You're the psychic." Caleb said teasingly. "You tell me."

Shawn took a breath, damn, he had nothing to say. He looked back down to his lap. Lassiter noticed the change in Shawn's stature and tensed. Whatever kind of power this Caleb guy had over Shawn – Lassiter hated it. He admitted to himself he was jealous, of course you couldn't pay him to say it out loud.

"Can you at least tell us what's in the box?" Gus suddenly asked. "I've been dying to know since you came into town."

"That I cannot do." Caleb said a tad apologetically. "Heirlooms. Nothing more."

Shawn remained silent for a moment. He honestly wasn't feeling too great. He wasn't sure with what either, he was tired, but at the same way he felt overly aware. More so than usual. Everything around him had a certain feel, and his senses were on over load. He could barely keep the conversation, so he sat and thought, and thought.

It happened too fast then. Shawn wasn't sure when it hit him, but it did. The worst headache he had ever had. He went to say something to Gus, but the pain felt like an explosion between his eyes. He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Shawn?" Once again it was Gus who called for his attention. But Shawn wasn't listening. "Shawn!"

Shawn's face had gone completely white. He couldn't make out his surroundings, the pain in his head was now shooting all through his body, he didn't realize he had started shaking uncontrollably.

"STOP THE CAR!" Lassiter practically yelled at Caleb who hadn't yet noticed Shawn's distress. Caleb stopped the car with a jerk, finally looking back and saw that Shawn was barely holding on to himself.

Gus exited the car and took Shawn's arm helping him out. Shawn collapsed onto his friend breathing heavily. Gus was in a panic. "Just try to relax, what's happening?"

"N...not sure..." Shawn managed to get out. He completely froze up then, unable to move. The only reason he could stand was because Gus was holding him up. He saw it then. At least he thought he saw it. Something, a monster of some sort came flying up firing at them. Lassie was the first to go down. This was quickly followed by explosions and chaos. Only it wasn't happening. They were on the side of the road. Nothing was exploding, no one was firing at them.

The other SUV pulled over, and the Chief exited from the driver's side coming up to them, followed closely by Jules and McNab. "What's going on here?" The Chief sounded distressed. "Is everything alright."

"No." Lassiter said. "Spencer just started flipping out."

"Does he need a Tylenol?" McNab sounded off from the back. "I have some."

"No..." Shawn said shakily. "I think...I think it's gone."

Only it wasn't gone. The pain was soon replaced with anxiety, and all Shawn could re-call was that thing he saw in the air taking Lassie out. Shawn took another shaky breath. He heard it then, something flapping – and heavily...It sounded like – helicopter wings? Oh god it was getting closer.

"What's that noise?" Juliet was suddenly on the alert, and she was keeping her eye out as everyone tried to figure out where that sound was coming from.

"EVERYONE DOWN!" Shawn yelled the words before he realized they were even forming in his brain, everyone seemed to take cue, and Shawn acted. He found the strength to push off of Gus, slamming his weight into Lassiter knocking him back a good few feet.

"Spencer what the hell? !" Lassiter managed to get out as he fell back, just as the spot he was standing on just seconds before got a small crater blown into it. Lassiter didn't have time to comprehend that Shawn had just saved his life.

As soon as Shawn had yelled everyone down, they went down, Chief, Jules and McNab all had their guns out and they were looking around cautiously. The helicopter had vanished, and there was a moment of eerie silence. Everyone was glancing around unsure, mainly at the air, and then to Shawn who was still standing close to Lassiter.

"We need to leave." Caleb said. "Now."

No one was about to argue with that, with their guns still drawn; everyone was backing up towards the SUV. Shawn still in shock that he had seen that first attack coming, like a real vision, he couldn't say anything because 99% of the people here already thought he was psychic anyway – but Shawn was downright disturbed.

"Cops need to know some form of hand to hand combat...right?" Caleb asked suddenly.

"A little bit." It was Jules who had answered him.

"Good." Caleb said. "Because you're about to need it."

As soon as he said the word, everything Shawn had seen in his head started coming true. Black holes appeared all around them and the strangest looking mean all emerged looking exactly the same. They didn't speak, they just screeched, and charged.

Gus was the first to react, he screamed like a little girl and ducked, Jules had turned towards him with her gun aimed and managed to take out the first attacker in one shot.

"Something tells me you're not going to have enough bullets." Shawn said out loud. He stumbled back from Lassiter, and even though he had no prior training he managed to lift his weight into a solid kick, knocking down another attacker. Who of course was then joined by five more surrounding him.

If anybody was going to try and help Shawn they couldn't. They couldn't, the attackers had surrounded each of them and were closing in fast. Bullets were being fired left right and center, and while it managed to take a couple down, some displayed an impressive feat and speed and managed to dodge. Shawn had no choice but to use his own hands. Which seemed oddly easier than it looked.

One of the attackers charged him head on, and Shawn without really thinking about it raised his arms in defence, absorbing the impact, he felt himself slide a couple inches but it was just the momentum he needed to push back. The attacker stumbled back, just as another came from the side. Shawn saw it coming milliseconds before hand and actually managed to spin with another kick taking it out, just in time to spin back towards his front where the first attacker was coming back. Shawn lowered himself grabbing it from the middle and pushed all his weight down. The attack landed on its back and vanished in a pile of ash. Shawn for a second stood stunned – did he just kick some serious ass? Hell yes he did! Suddenly excited Shawn turned to tell for Gus to share the happy news – that he was now a karate master, but he never managed to say it as he saw Gus was having a bit of trouble with three attackers of his own.

"Oh no!" Shawn exclaimed. "Not my best friend!" Shawn started running, adrenaline pumping through him. He made it Gus just in time to take out an attacker that had been creeping in from behind. It vanished into a pile of ash.

Gus wasn't having too much trouble, he was managing to fight them off too, but all his logic was telling him that he couldn't fight to save his life. So whenever Gus managed to get in a punch, or a kick, he was overwhelmed with a feeling of disbelief. "Something about this doesn't seem right." Gus said to himself, he then cringed as he heard a crack from behind him. "What the hell?" Gus turned to see Shawn looking damn proud.

"Dude!" Shawn said excitedly. "We're ninjas!"

"What the hell Shawn? !" Gus barked, but he didn't have time to get an answer. There were more of those things.

Everyone seemed to be holding their own just fine. Lassiter, Juliet, The Chief and even McNab already had basic training from the academy, and their guns helped quite a bit. Gus' fighting was sloppy, but he managed. He even managed to duck as two attackers were coming in from each side; the result being the two monsters collided and destroyed each other.

After a while, they were able to fight them all off. When the last attacker vanished, the six stood there dumbfounded as to what just happened.

"Those were monsters." McNab finally said. "Not guys in costumes, honest to god monsters."

"Monsters don't exist." Lassiter responded a bit plainly. "There HAS to be a reasonable explanation."

"There is no other explanation." Caleb spoke up. He had been standing in the background the whole time. "They were after the box."

"The box we're currently transporting." Shawn said. "Alright, time for answers. What's in the box Caleb?"

"And what were those things?" Juliet asked.

"Those things." Caleb started. "Are called Shadow Stalkers. They take on the shape of men but develop none of their features."

"Fantastic." Lassiter cut in, his patience running very short. "So they came, and attacked us, nearly killed us, over a box."

"Not a box." Caleb said. "What's in the box."

"Which is?" Juliet started.

"Coins." Shawn said. This drew everyone's attention to him. He was focused on where the box was in Caleb's pocket. He could see them clearly. Stacked neatly. Six of them. All lined with a different colour. "Weird ones. But coins none the less."

"Seriously?" Lassiter hated that answer. "We just got attacked, for spare change? !"

"Carlton calm down." The Chief spoke up.

"Shawn." Caleb said. "You can see them?"

"Of course I can." Shawn said. "Am I not supposed to?"

"Green." Caleb responded.

"Green?" Shawn tilted his head a bit.

"Shawn." Caleb said. "I need to talk to you, in private."

"Uh...Okay?" Shawn was officially confused. He looked to the group and shrugged. They had just been attacked by monsters – Shadow Stalkers? And now Caleb was leading him off like 'hey no big deal.'

This of course was the last straw for Lassiter. Something in him snapped a little. "No, dammit no!"

All eyes were now on the detective as he made his concerns loud and clear. "First off! You recruited Psych to do your little escort across towns, fine – whatever. Then, Shawn manages to get not just myself and O'Hara to come along, but McNab and Chief? Which is a little much for me! Then we get attacked by – by those stupid looking things, which by the way I still call bull shit on. And now you're trying to take Spencer off to god knows where to 'talk' to him! No! I'm not having it! Whatever you have to Spencer you can say to the rest of us, or my name is Detective Carlton Lassiter!" As Lassiter said the last part of his little speech, his hand came down, and landed the hood of the first SUV. Normally such an action would've resulted in a loud thumping noise, but as Lassiter's hand closed over metal, the metal crunched and bent and caved in, Lassiter's hand going right through it.

"Wow..." McNab's shock mirrored everyone else's.

"C- carlton..." Juliet took a step forward. "Are you okay?"

"Detective Lassiter?" Chief Vick followed Juliet's cue.

"I'm – I'm fine." Lassiter had calmed immediately, and he lifted his hand from the twisted metal, with not a single scratch on it. "I just – wow, cheap piece of crap this car is. I can't believe I was stupid enough to get in it, one accident and we all would've died!"

Gus was a little suspicious – and curious. He backed up looking as casual as ever, and he was going to test the 'weak metal' theory himself. Before he could throw his own fist at the SUV however, Shawn spoke up.

"Lassie can punch through cars. I'm a little turned on."

Lassiter's cheeks went beat red. He inwardly cursed his own name.

"I'm sorry detective." Caleb said. "I only wanted to talk to Shawn because up until now, he was the only one who made a visible connection."

"Visible connection to what?" Chief Vick had her attention back on Caleb.

"To the power coins." Caleb answered. "There are six of them. Shawn's connected to the green one, and your detective here, just proved he's connected to the red one."

"Together we make Christmas." Shawn grinned cheekily.

"Whatever floats your boat." Caleb said.

"Spencer isn't floating anything." Lassiter cut in.

"I'm sorry." Juliet raised her hand. "Let's go over this again – power coins?"

"Yes." Caleb said. "They're old – ancient. With incredibly strong powers. Used to protect people."

"I'm in!" Shawn didn't even wait for the invitation; all he heard in Caleb's statement was 'super powers.'

"I'm not!" Lassiter said. "I already protect people."

"You don't really have a choice." Caleb said. "You've been chosen, along with Shawn."

"Chosen?" Lassiter huffed a bit. "To do what?"

"To become a power ranger."

There was a long – long pause of silent after Caleb said power ranger. Shawn and Gus exchanged confused looks. Juliet looked like someone had slapped her mouth open, and everyone else just looked at Lassiter expectantly.

"I'm sorry." Lassiter a bit cruelly. "A power – what?"

"Ranger." Caleb said. "You've been chosen to become a power ranger."

"That is the stupidest load of crap I have EVER heard!" Lassiter at this point was rolling up his sleeves. He was for sure – going to hit this guy. He wasn't holding back. Not even a little bit.

"Lassie wait!" Shawn jumped between him and Caleb. "I think you're missing the point here, this is cool, and important, we could have like a secret handshake, and a secret hideout, and be super special awesome! We don't even have to call ourselves power rangers; we could be the super special awesome squad!"

"Spencer you've gone mad!" Lassiter was grabbing Shawn's arm to shove him out of the way so he could get to Caleb.

"Question!" Shawn twisted around to face Caleb. "How awesome is being a power ranger, and most importantly – do we get to wear cool suits?"