~*~ UPDATE May 9, 2012 ~*~

Anyone going to Ascendio?

I'm going, and I (rather nervously) just signed up to read from The Problem with Purity while there.

Now I need your help!

1) If you're attending and think you might like to come hear me read, please send me a PM or e-mail letting me know. (I had to estimate attendees for room allocation, and I didn't have the slightest idea what to say.) I'm tentatively slotted for around 6 or 7 on the Saturday, but that's definitely still subject to change at this point.

2) Is there a particular chapter you'd like to hear? I signed up for the hour-long slot (eek!) with a max length of 9500 words (which means many of my chapters, or will with a bit of tweaking). E-mail or PM me (or leave a review!) to let me know what you'd like. There's nothing so formal as a poll and no promise that I'll pick what's been suggested, but I'd be really interested to hear recommendations and get a feel for my audience, as it were. Even if you're not attending, I'd still love your opinion.

Thanks, as always, to everyone who has provided fantastic feedback to me through reviews and PMs over the years. You've all helped shape me as an author, and I really appreciate it.
