Hello, I'm new to fanfiction. I have spent years making stories in my head, but this is my first time putting thoughts down into the shape of a story (Kinda!)
I'd love to know what everyone thinks! I might be a bit slow at updating as I'm doing work generally and in the process of moving.

"I'm going out now Meggie!" Mo said over to Meggie as he walked towards the front door.
"Mhmm, okay! See you later Mo!" Meggie said with a quick glance and a smile.
By the look of things, she didn't seem to care at all, it was the way she had been for quite some time now, months, maybe even a year. But the truth was she did care. It wasn't about having a free house though, no, because it wasn't a free house after all.
Dustfinger and Farid were in the garden playing with fire. Farid now lived with a girlfriend just a couple of miles away from the Folchart house, he had been for a couple of years now. But he still found the time to come over and have dinner or go over routines with Dustfinger. He and Meggie still got on very well after the brief romance some years ago now.

"Okay!" Meggie said to herself as she sat up from the sofa, closing a book she had been 'reading', "Today's the day!".
Mo had been gone about five minutes, Meggie was already in a sweat thinking about her top secret plans. She moved over to the open window and looked out, Farid must have caught on fire as he was laying soaking wet on the grass with Dustfinger towering over him holding an empty bucket.
Meggie giggled quietly. Dustfinger's head shot up to look at her. He smiled.
"This is so risky Meggie!" Meggie told herself. "It's never going to work!"
Just as she was going into a daze there was a loud thud behind her.
"What am I going to do now? Huh? Go back to Lucy like this, you think she's going to let me come back here?" Farid exclaimed half-jokingly as he burst through the side door and into the living room where Meggie was standing, now turned around to face them. Dustfinger wasn't far behind Farid. Holding a piece of the boy's charred t-shirt in his hand. "Oh relax you pansy. I have some clothes upstairs you can borrow okay! Go up and get cleaned and I will get the clothes in a few minutes."
Farid grunted as he turned to walk up the stairs. He was muttering to himself all the way upstairs into the bathroom.
"Did you see what happened?" Dustfinger asked Meggie as he threw the piece of cloth into the bin and began to wash his hands.
"No I just saw him laying on the grass covered in water!" Meggie replied. She moved over to the sink beside him, half interested in hearing the story, more interested in being close to him. Every time Farid came up, she hardly got to be with him. And she loved his company.
As Dustfinger was explaining how the boy had caught ablaze, Meggie was watching as he washed his hands. Through the soap and warm water she could still see the man's scarred fingers. The roughness of his hands was something Meggie loved about him. They looked as though they had been through a lot but they also looked very protective.
She hadn't heard what he was saying as he was drying his hands, when he stopped, she snapped out of it. He put both hands on her shoulders and brought his face down to her level.
"And that, princess, is why we don't mess with fire! Fire doesn't like to be messed with. Just played with!" And with a wink he gently rubbed his knuckles under her chin.
He was just about to turn and walk away when he heard what sounded like a soft whimper.
"You okay?" He asked with one eyebrow raised. "Did I hurt you?"
"NO!" Meggie exclaimed, too loud perhaps.
"Oh! Okay then!" He looked at her oddly as he said this, paused for another second or two, and continued to turn and head for the stairs.
He had a sneaky suspicion why she made the noise, and it made a small smile creep across his face.
He had only made it up three steps when her voice called out.
"You should get a job as a masseuse!" She said loudly as she walked past the stairs over to the sofa to sit back down. "That was a lovely rub you gave my chin." She continued, sounding very serious.
He paused again, blinked at her a couple of times before forcing out a chuckle and mocking "Yeah, yeah! Very funny!" He stopped at the top of the stairs and hearing Farid was still in the shower, he thought about going back downstairs. "No" he said under his breath and hurried into his room.

Meggie was sitting on the sofa pretending to read her book again. "That was a lovely rub you gave my chin" Her cheeks were crimson with embarrassment. What on earth had possessed her to say such a childish thing? She slapped the book up to her face, with her nose in the middle she gently closed it around her face. "Urrgghhhh" She muffled into its pages. She slumped down and rested her face in the book, on the arm of the sofa.
She stayed there for what seemed like forever, but would have been more likely a few minutes. She stood up, leaving the book open on the arm. "No, now! I have to do it now!" She said quietly.
She rushed for the stairs and began to slowly and quietly walk up them. She could hear the water running for Farid's shower. "Let's hope he takes longer than a woman." She thought as she tried to work out how much time she would have. She went down the corridor to Dustfinger's bedroom at the end. As she was about to knock, she realised the door was slightly open.
"Walk away Meggie! Just walk away!" Her mind seemed to be speaking sense, but Meggie couldn't physically control her desire to see what he was doing behind 'closed doors'. She got closer and closer to the small crack between the door and frame. "If he opens this door you will have no excuse!" Her mind just didn't seem to quit. "My room is right next door you idiot" She thought back at herself. She was used to 'talking to herself', it happened a lot when she was trying to work out her top secret plan. Suddenly there was a soft thud against the door she had been leaning against. She noticed the door was slowly, very slowly, but surely opening more. "Just one more second" She told herself as she hoped something might happen to make her knees shake, her heart flutter or her stomach knot.
Just then her heart complete stopped, she saw Dustfinger walk past the door towards his window, nearly totally naked. Her jaw could have fallen off and hit the floor.
His hands were running over his sleek, slightly toned body, up into his golden hair and up into the air as he gave a big stretch. Meggie watched in awe, as if she was watching a rare wild animal in a forest. All he had on was a pair of loose fitting boxers.
"Right! I'll just go in!" Meggie said to herself. Plucking up the courage to just walk in and maybe make an excuse when she got there.
She took a couple of steps back, and went to walk through the door.
"Hey Dustfinger do you think you could-… OH I'm so sorry!" Meggie was laughing inside as she said this. She loved her acting ability, even though it didn't work sometimes. Especially with Mo and Dustfinger. But she thought it might work this time.
Meggie spun around on the spot in the man's room. "Sorry" she said again, seemingly embarrassed.
"It's okay Meggie, but if you didn't want to see me naked you would have knocked!" He said, with an unknown tone to his voice.
She peered over her shoulder at him, he gave her a wink, as he sat down to put black jeans on.
When he had done so, he cleared his throat and Meggie turned around.
The way his jeans gripped on to his hips so perfectly. Not too high, not too low. The beautiful curves of his figure. He looked as though he would melt butter, and he probably would. Meggie was thinking about ice cubes over his hot skin when a voice cracked her back into reality.