Author's Note: Again thanks to all those who have reviewed, alerted and favored the story, you guys are awesome. This is a follow up to my last chapter mixed with the chapter Prikaza y Athinganoi. Hope you enjoy. Also please check out my new story Bird Crap.


Disclaimer: I do not own, and characters in this story, they belong to DC and J.K. Rowling. Main story belongs to ReaperofDarkness.

Dolores Umbridge stormed down the hallway. She was furious; who did he think he was, using that, that gift of his to his advantage. Well he would not win, that little brat would still get detention. She stopped just outside the doorway to compose herself before entering; it wouldn't do to look unprofessional. She entered the muggle's classroom to find him sitting on his desk looking through some papers.

"Professor Grayson, I am here to inform you that Damian still has detention today. He was down for two and has only been to one."

"What do you mean Damian has detention today? Damian and Harry went to detention yesterday, and when you didn't show up I volunteered to oversee them in your place. They already served their time; it's not their fault you didn't show up."

He thought he was so smart didn't he. Well she wasn't going to take this lying down; she would find their weaknesses and exploit it. She just had to find students dumb enough who wouldn't realize that she was manipulating them, and who people would believe would do this on their own accord. There were some pretty dumb students in Slytherin, and no one would question if they were working alone or not.

Dolores was lurking in the shadows outside of the classroom when she overheard three Slytherin boys talking.

"I can't believe we got detention for that little prank we pulled."

"Yeah it isn't our fault that his knee popped out, he did it to himself."

They would be perfect; they already have a grudge against him. No one will suspect. Dolores thought.

"Are you sure about this? I feel that the muggle teacher could kill you with a-a Q-tip."

"A Q-tip?" Questioned one of his companions in a dead pan voice.

"Yeah, he could push it so far in your ear that it hits your brain and kill you. Kill you. You wouldn't even know." The boy ended in a high squeaky voice

"Just wear earmuffs." The other boy stated.

Damian marched into the Grand Hall with a box under his arm and straight to Ms. Umbridge's seat. Dick felt an ominous aura from the box and was wondering where it came from.

"What is this?!" Damian demanded.

Dick was also curious about that and looked to Umbridge for an answer.

"Why, it's a box. You muggle-born know what a box is, don't you?" Umbridge asked slowly, as if determining Damian's intelligence.

"I know what a box is." Damian growled, glaring. But before Damian could finish what he wanted to say the box started shaking. Damian moved away from the teachers table, getting in a fighting stance, when the box burst open reveling a black fog that swarmed over, wrapping itself around Damian. When it detached, it swirled into a scene of Talia, she was standing next to Damian who was back in his white and back jump suit standing on top of dead bodies. There was Bruce and Dick both in the Batsuit, Alfred and surprisingly Stephanie and Tim who were both in costume as well.

Damian's eyes widened in fear as he stepped back.

"No" Damian's whisper was barely audible, but Dick heard it loud and clear and jumped over the table and to Damian and stood protectively in front of him. Suddenly the black fog changed into new images.

Dick stood frozen, staring as Tony Zucco appeared laughing, but it wasn't his laugh- it was the Joker's. Behind him, Dick's parents were on the trapeze, when the wire's snapped sending them falling to their deaths, just like that night, for all to see. Then Bruce was up on the trapeze, he jumped off falling to his death on the floor. He was followed by Alfred, Jason, Tim and Damian. The scene faded away onto the figure of Slade coming out of the shadows looking and holding out his hand to Dick and uttered a single word.


Dick stopped breathing, all of a sudden he couldn't remember if he was still under Slade's control or not. If he was still Renegade or Batman or even if he was still Nightwing.

Some students shouted some words (Dick didn't care enough to identify the voices) and the black fog shrieked in pain and shrunk, Minerva turned it into a glass cat. It was only then that Dick rushed from the room; he heard little feet behind him and knew that Damian was following him. But Dick didn't stop till they reached their room.

Dolores was sitting at the desk in her office as she mulled over what she had learned. Thinking back on Wayne's and Professor Grayson's fears, there was no way she could use what she saw, their weaknesses were something that she could not use. And could one really call them weakness?