
Okay, I don't ship SwissLiech. However, last year on the 15th of July, I began reading a Yu-Gi-Oh fanfiction called "Caught in a Bad Romance" by Punk Rock Kitsune. What followed was a series of great messages which eventually blossomed into a beautiful friendship between PRK and I.

Happy BFF anniversary PRK! I don't know what I would have done without you. I might have never survived the last year, I might have never got the courage to speak to people on FF, I might have never expanded my Fanfiction alias to Facebook and tumblr- but most importantly, I might have never gotten the courage to publish fanfictions.

Thank you!

For: Punk Rock Kitsune

Genre: Romance

Pairing: SwissLiech

Theme: "I has an idea! Liechtenstein overhears a romantic conversation between Hungary and Austria that uses the word "kiss". Liechtenstein has no idea what that is, and she asks Switzerland what a kiss is." -PRK

Liechtenstein hears one word that sets her mind in a spin. What is this mysterious 'kiss' people are talking about? Can Switzerland show her the answer? Or will he make yet another mistake he is certain that he's made somewhere before?


Beautiful blue shades lightly colored the skies behind the vibrant green hills of the young country. The natural beauty shone through greatly in this small nation. There in the midst of these lush green fields was a single young girl with pretty short hair and a long gorgeous dress. The girl was the personification of the Principality of Liechtenstein and she was having a solitary moment by herself- enjoying the scenery before going back to her big brother Switzerland.

"It's so beautiful here. I want to be able to bring big brother here as well." She whispered.

She clutched her two small petite hands to her chest and wished for this fondly for a few seconds before heading home. Really, she longed to be somewhere with her brother again, simply because her big brother felt like the most important thing in the world.

Liechtenstein didn't rush on the way home. Instead she took a leisurely stroll, seeing Austria and Hungary discussing something that looked fairly important along the way.

"So then he…" Austria began.

"Yes. Zen he kissed me." Hungary sighed.

"I-I see. How daring…" Austria whispered, closing his eyes but also frowning a little.

Daring? A kiss? What were Austria and Hungary going on about? These things all seemed new to Liechtenstein. What was a kiss? And why was it so 'daring' to perform or do one?

"Daring? Is zat all you can say?" Hungary snapped.

"Vell it is Prussia…" Austria sighed. "Did you… Enjoy zat kiss?"

"Vell maybe I did and maybe I didn't. You don't care eizer vay." Hungary huffed.

From what Liechtenstein could gather, Hungary was angry. She assumed that Prussia must have given her a 'kiss' and… Well… She couldn't figure out much else after that. A lot of drama was being caused over one simple 'kiss' and Liechtenstein suddenly wanted to know what it was.

And the only way to find that out was through her reliable big brother Switzerland.

"Switzerland, I'm back!" She called.

"I see. Welcome home Liechtenstein."

Switzerland was enjoying a small cup of coffee by himself at the kitchen table. He was dressed simply for once- not too formal or military- just like what he wore when doing his job. She liked how efficient and smart he always looked, but also longed to see him relax a little more now and then.

But all this was beside the point, the point now was the mysterious 'kiss' that had been plaguing her mind ever since overhearing Austria and Hungary on the way home.

"Switzerland? I have to ask you something." She began.

"Go ahead, I'm not stopping you." Switzerland muttered.

"Well… I was wondering… What is a 'kiss'?"

At that moment, memories sparked off in Switzerland's head. Memories of Austria- him and Austria as they had been as kids: simple, happy and very much friends. The word 'kiss' had brought up past experiences for Switzerland, just as they always did when he was with Liechtenstein…


"Switzerland?" Austria asked.

"What is it Austria?" Switzerland snapped.

"Vell I just vanted to know… Vat's a kiss?" Austria asked curiously.

"A-a kiss!" Switzerland exclaimed.

Although he was only a young country, he most definitely knew what a kiss was. Austria often asked questions like this and Switzerland, who enjoyed having a wise position of knowledge and responsibility, was often very much willing to supply him with an answer.

"W-well a kiss is something you do with someone you like- someone you really, really like. Basically you just touch your lips with theirs and-"

But Switzerland had no more chance to continue, because Austria had done just what Switzerland had been explaining: he had kissed him- stopping him mid-sentence. However, Switzerland pulled away with alarm.

"Hey what do you think you're doing!" Switzerland snapped.

"Vell I like you Svitzerland. You're a good friend and you're alvays zere to bail me out." Austria explained.

It was obvious that Austria didn't get it… Or rather, Switzerland didn't.

"No Austria. A kiss is for someone really special. Someone more than a friend. You can't just go around doing that to random friends- you'll get yourself in trouble." Switzerland explained.

"Oh so zey aren't for friends? Not even best friends?"

"No Austria. Kisses are something special, and as a result should be saved for someone special. Got it?"

"Got it."

-End flashback-

"Svitzerland?" Liechtenstein asked.

"Vell Liechtenstein… A kiss is… A show of affection for someone you really care about. You press your lips to theirs and then…" Switzerland explained.

Liechtenstein was staring at Switzerland intently now- urging him on with her innocent pleading eyes. Switzerland felt the pressure getting to him, one because of her pure innocence and two because at this point in his memory- Austria had kissed him because he hadn't explained properly. Liechtenstein didn't look like she would do the same, but he felt uneasy nonetheless. So he coughed and ended his explanation.

"So that's it really. Vhy do you ask?" Switzerland coughed.

"Err vell, no reason. I'm going to go have a bath, so have a good night." She smiled.

Then she left, running up the stairs happily- not knowing what she may have missed out on. Switzerland frowned at his adoptive little sister and, wanting to confirm his suspicions, he quickly grabbed his coat and headed outside.


Switzerland peeked his face around the corner, just enough to see Germany and Austria in deep conversation. Eavesdropping wasn't exactly his cup of tea, and neither was being in the same area as Austria but this was to confirm suspicions and set Switzerland straight- so it had to be done.

"So zen she told me she may or may not have liked ze kiss." Austria sighed.

"Mm. Vat happened next?" Germany asked.

"She stormed off, and I began to compose a piece describing my feelings at zat precise moment… Vould you like to hear zem?" Austria explained.

"Nein danke." Germany quickly shook his head. "Maybe she uh… Zinks you don't care? It seems my Bruder has made ze first move, und you haven't."

"Yes. I know." Austria nodded with a melancholic sigh.

"Vell vhy don't you…" Then Germany coughed. "Kiss her?"

"I don't zink I should. After all, I need to be certain about my feelings or else I can't do it."

"Who on Earth taught you zat?"

"Vell… Svitzerland actually…"

So it was true: Switzerland had actually given Austria bad advice unintentionally and ruined his chances with what he presumed to be a new relationship with Hungary. He had screwed up the man he had vowed to guard, help and respect and had done the same with his adopted sister Liechtenstein.

He had to change it. Otherwise Liechtenstein might never…


Liechtenstein brushed through her soft boyish hair once more and gently slipped into her pink sleeveless night dress. It was just below her knees of course, since her brother told her never to show too much skin since it was undignified and well… France-like.

The bath water had been extremely refreshing and calming so her hair was very light headed as she prepared herself for bed. However, she still managed to register the fact that there was a small- quickly written note on her bed- written with tidy yet hastened red handwriting:


Remember the pajamas you sewed me a while back? Well I'd like to repay you for it. Please go out onto the balcony.


If it was her big brother, then of course she had to obey. She immediately headed for the balcony almost instinctively and waited, glancing up at the moon as she did.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her cheek and she turned around to see Switzerland. Before she had time to curve her lips into a smile, or even say 'Guten Abend Switzy' she felt a warmth being spread across her cheeks and saw Switzerland's lips pressed to hers.

It was a delicate gesture, but still a slightly longer one than normal. Switzerland's eyes were closed- not tainted with a scowl or even darkened with violent neutrality. His expression was calm and at peace- eyebrows very slightly raised. Just as it ended, Liechtenstein felt herself closing her eyes too and letting herself sink into and enjoy the sensation that was gracing her lips.

Then Switzerland pulled away and both of their eyes opened. He didn't smile, but he didn't scowl either. He looked like he was neutral once more, but Liechtenstein could tell he was very slightly happy.

"Zat vas a kiss Liechtenstein." Switzerland explained. "Does zat answer your question?"

"Yes… Thank you Switzy." Liechtenstein smiled.

"Vell zen, have a good night's sleep." Switzerland coughed.


"Ja Liechtenstein?"

"You look cute ven you blush."

At the mention of his intense and 'cute' blush, Switzerland blushed an even deeper shade of crimson red. Liechtenstein let out a small giggle and because of that, he couldn't help but smile. For once it was just a natural smile. No memory of Austria, no awkwardness in the air- just a cute emotional moment one that he would surely remember fondly.

"Vell zat vasn't too bad." Switzerland muttered to himself.

Yes… In fact it had been more than just 'not too bad': it had been nice. To share something like that with his beloved sister, it filled him with warm fuzzy feelings.

But then it occurred to him: had he been Liechtenstein's first?

A smile dawned on his already blushing face. For once he was calm, happy even. Simply because the thought of that made him happy, it was a small hunch that he really hoped would be true.

Liechtenstein ran her small smooth fingers across the bottom of her moist, delicate lips. The feeling of Switzerland's lips against hers still lingered there. When he had kissed her, she felt happy, elated, and joyful. Something had sparked within her with that kiss. A new feeling had spurred.

And the sensation of Switzerland's lips against her own? Well…

It was certainly something she wanted to experience again.

Punk Rock Kitsune,

It's not a pairing I ship, but I hope you're satisfied with it! I know how much you like Switzerland (after that request you made) so I hope I kept him up to your standards and in character! I'd never have posted any fanfiction if it weren't for you. You gave me courage and I'll treasure it forever!

I'm surprised I didn't add one of my favourite characters in there or make a GerIta reference or something. It's amazing how much self control I can have when writing for a friend!

Remember to review and I'll see you in the next person's oneshot of "When you wish upon an Angel" Remember, it could be you! ^^

Sayonara minna-san!
