Half Demon Territory

Summary:Things get heated up when the boundaries between the Western Kingdom and the Eastern Kingdom blur and a territory battle begins. Inuyasha is just pissed that he is considered territory. SessKougaInu, Slash

A/N: I wanted to write a threesome... there, that's it. No excuse, no chocolate made me do it or plot bunnies randomly attacked - though they are known to in the past - I just got a little bored and decided to write this, so sue me. Anyway as you read this is SessKougaInu which means this is yaoi/slash okay? Also the order in which I put the names are significant, it goes by who is the most dominant so don't expect Sesshomaru to bottom okay?

Note: I am ashamed to admit that I haven't watched Inuyasha in some time so my memory is a little iffy, I think that Kouga belongs to the Eastern Kingdom, in the mountains and Sesshomaru rules the west right? Tell me if I'm wrong and I'll change it okay?

Warnings: (Entire Fic) Yaoi, Smut, Lemon, lime, Sessinu, KougaInu, SessKouga, eventual SessKougaInu, incest, humor, cursing, angst, threesome, Ocs

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha... but you know Sesshomaru and Kouga do in My fic so I think it's okay...

Chapter One: Pack Life

Kouga was awakened my the insistent yelling at the entrance of his room. Well 'room' might be exaggerating a bit... it was a cave in a bigger cave which the wolves called the Eastern Kingdom. There was nothing really blocking the entrance to his 'room' except a stained curtain but the principle was still there. Kouga growled softly as he removed himself from his animal furs that he had been sleeping on and dragged himself toward the yelling wolf which he now guessed was Ginta, or Bikari Ginta's brother but then again Bikari was still a pup and he wasn't old enough to be blatantly rude like Ginta. It was most probably Ginta and Kouga wished that he had a very good reason to wake him up before the rise of the sun or he would learn to behave...

Kouga thrust open his curtain forcing thoughts of screwing Ginta into submission, it must have been longer then he thought that he had gone without a fuck if he was contemplating fucking Ginta, sheesh Ginta was like his little brother!

"What?" Kouga grumbled rudely before he yawned and stretched his arms over his head.

"We have a problem alpha." Ginta hurried on, his face blushed and sweaty, his voice breathless.

Kouga instantly came to attention, Ginta almost never called him alpha they having become familiar with each other long ago. "What's wrong Ginta?"

It's the dogs, they're coming onto our territory again!" Ginta rushed, his hands flailing. "We've been able to push then back so far but some of our wolves and other clans are starting to question where the boundary should be! If we lose it to the mutts we might lose some of our wolves to other clans!"

Kouga sighed, he'd had enough of this shit. Demons were trying to push their luck and claim more territory since his clan had nearly been killed off by Naraku two hundred or so years ago. They had been weak then and some clans like the bear demons and - shamefully - even the rat demons had claimed wolf territory. Kouga had mated with Ayame and taken enough wolves to fight them off his land and start his clan over again. It had been going good until Ayame had gone rouge and left on her own. When a wolf demon goes rouge they become known as a lone wolf and could never belong to a pack, it had also ended his mate status with her.

Since then some of the wolves that had been in her father's clan left to return to it and the invisible string that connected the clans disappeared. Kouga wasn't anywhere near weakened though, as alpha of the Eastern Kingdom many chose to stay with him. Everything had been okay, more or less after that. Kouga hadn't really been all that fond of Ayame and there was only a little loneliness in his heart after she left, they had no cubs as Ayame was sterile so all in all there was nothing physically bonding the two anymore. The only real problem was the dog demon tribe.

Sesshomaru had made amends with his mother apparently a year or so ago and all the dog demons had left to join him in his territory. The only problem was that the new mutts had taken it a pone themselves to test how far they could stretch their legs in wolf territory and Kouga couldn't have that. He also couldn't have a war with them either as strong as the wold demon tribe was they were still not strong enough to handle Sesshomaru and he'd lost enough already.

"I think it's about time that I have a talk with the northern ruler, " Kouga muttered.

"Y-you mean Sesshomaru? A-as in the feared, icy, bastard Sesshomaru?" Ginta asked in disbelief, "You can't be serious, Sesshomaru is known for killing people willy nilly!"

Kouga snorted, his pride a little bruised, "Are you saying that you think I'm so weak that he could just kill me?"

Ginta bit his lip, clearly meeting an indecision. "No, no of course not Kouga it's just... Sesshomaru is said to not have any mercy at all for anyone! Inuyasha is his brother remember and he nearly killed him a bunch of times! He is a half demon but he's also from a royal line most demons would have just overlooked the half demon part if Sesshomaru had recognized him as kin." Ginta said hastily as he tried to get his point across to his alpha, "And you know wolves and dog demon don't get along, if he could be so cold to his own family we probably wouldn't give a damn about you!"

Kouga roled his eyes at Ginta's hysterics. "Sesshomaru is cold but he also isn't an idiot. He won't kill the leader of another clan so hastily, especially one that hasn't gone against him. We're not cat demons, we haven't started a war with them and really there is only a mutual animosity nothing explicitly violent between our clans."

Ginta looked terrified but nodded nevertheless, his alpha was stubborn and the more he pushed the more Kouga would push back he knew that from personal experience.

"When are you leaving?" Ginta asked softly.

"Probably tomorrow night, I still have to send word out to him first or he'll see it as an act of disrespect and then he'll really kill me." Kouga replied with a teasing voice.

Ginta paled, "Kouga don't joke like that!"

"Hakkaku really made you into such a damn pansy, hasn't he?" Kouga asked with an amused snort, "You were so less jumpy before you guys got mated."

Ginta blushed and he toyed with his coffee colored hair that he had let grow, it fell to his shoulders, "You two just worry me so much, especially now that Kaku is so determined to be like you, a strong alpha."

Kouga snickered, "You should try keeping a rein on that one, his romantic thoughts might get him into tough spots and without me here to save his rear he might get hurt, scratch that he will get hurt."

Ginta blushed, "I'll make sure he stays out of trouble just worry about not getting yourself into any."

Kouga snorted, "Me trouble, never."

"Kouga!" Ginta growled.

Kouga grinned and put his hands up in surrender, Ginta was not one to be messed with when he was in his 'mother' mode as Kouga liked to call it. "Okay, okay I promise that I'll not do anything to cause trouble."

Ginta looked at him suspiciously and was about to say something when hands wrapped around his waist. "Should I be jealous that you sneaked out of our room to go to Kouga's room so early in the morning?"

Ginta blushed a pretty pink and turned to look up at his mate giving him a soft, loving smile. "No, you know I love you more then any other living thing on this world, it's just... the dogs are at it again and I came here to inform alpha."

Hakkaku caught that Ginta had used the word 'alpha' and realized how serious the situation was. He nodded, his arms tightening around Ginta, "So what are you going to do Kouga?"

"He's going to have a talk with Sesshomaru." Ginta answered warily.

Hakkaku nodded his face serious and solemn, "I'm coming with you."

Ginta paled and was about to retort when Kouga broke in, "No you aren't Hakkaku you have a mate here that you need to keep safe, I'll be okay by myself besides you'll just slow me down."

This wasn't entirely true considering that Kouga no longer possessed the shards in his legs because Kagome had destroyed the jewel oh so long ago, but Kouga wasn't about to give the white haired boy any more reason to argue with him.

"But Kouga you can't expect to go alone, "Hakkaku complained.

"I am your alpha you will follow my orders and my orders are to protect Ginta as he will act as pack leader until I return, got it?" Kouga said in a chilly tone and was relieved when they both nodded.

Kouga never liked pushing his alpha status around like he had just done but he didn't want his friends to get hurt. Kouga broke out into a smile and clapped the couple on the shoulder, "Okay lets eat!"

A/N: Okay this was chapter one and sorry if it's short, the first chapters will be because they are the explanations of Kouga, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's lives at the current time period. This chapter was focused on Kouga, the next on Inuyasha and the last will be Sesshomaru before the real story starts. So tell me what you think okay?