A/N: I've decided to go in a different direction so the beginning of this is different than the original and I hope if you read the original few chapters your still enjoy it!

Summary: Santana Lopez is back in Miami, and it's for good this time. She's finally ready to join the family business, though that may not be the most legal of ventures. But what happens when she meets the one person who could make her rethink everything? And what happens when that person is not only a girl, but a member of the rival "family" as well?

This will definitely be mature, especially for language in the beginning, and there may be a bit of violence, and mentions of sex as well.

Hope you enjoy it!

Miami International Airport, the centre of the world, or so it seemed those first few times Santana's parents gripped her small hands as she followed them through the throngs of people. Now it was an end or a beginning, depending on from whose point of view you were looking at it. Mostly it was a decision.

She walked through the metal automatic doors, barely even looking up before she heard a jubilant scream of her name and her body whooshed up into the air, all thoughts of her suitcases or tiny frame tossed out the window. Puck always smelled the same; it amazed her. Sometimes he cloaked it with the Miami stench of aftershave, cigarettes, and alcohol, but when he smelled like Puck it reminded her of sun drenched days by the pool giggling happily with each other. Puck was her best friend, her partner in crime, and the most important person in her life. "I missed you kid," he said happily as he put her down. Santana had spent the last few months traveling around Europe after she graduated, but decisions had brought her back to her home and back to her father.

Puck grabbed her bags and led her out the doors to a black SUV that three bodyguards leaned on. He handed the bags before opening the door for her. Since she went to boarding school at fourteen she had found the bodyguards with their glasses and hidden pistols abrasive and strangling, when before they had been entertaining playmates. It always took her a few days to get used to their presence. Puck lived with them on a day-to-day basis and barely acknowledged them, though at night he worked with a lot of them closely. He handed her water as he joined her in the car. "Good flight?"

She shrugged, taking a long gulp from the bottle. "Fine."

"Your dad and I are so excited you're home. You should have seen him. I don't think I've ever seen him this excited."

"He's just ready for me to make a decision." This silenced Puck as he leaned back against the headrest. "Sorry," she said gently.

"You have nothing to apologize for." The mention of her joining the family business always made Puck angry. He didn't think she should be given a choice. He believed that she deserved a life outside of the mafia and that her father giving her a choice made her feel like she had to join. "We need to celebrate your triumphant return! I'm taking the night off and we're going out."

She loved Puck, but his penchant for partying always quickly exhausted her. In the beginning she mostly joined him because she didn't like the idea of him having fun without her. However, it quickly turned into joining him out of fear that he might do something stupid. So now whenever she returned home she found herself in crowded clubs with people fawning over her, terrified of what might happen if Puck had one more drink. It wasn't that he was a drunk, you couldn't compare him to those types of people, but in his line of work there was a certain amount of stress that needed to be relieved. He happened to relieve a lot of that stress through the little white powder that he trafficked so well. She couldn't judge him. She wouldn't. He was Puck and she was Santana and in the end whatever happened they'd love each other.

After what felt like hours of Puck giddily planning their night out they finally pulled up to the Lopez's palatial estate. They checked in with security at the gate then drove on through. She was surprised to see her father waiting for them on the steps of the mansion with an enormous smile on his face. Her father was always happy to see her, but he never went as far as stopping his work to greet her. Usually he'd find her sometime in the evening and greet her with a sweet kiss on the cheek and fist full of cash. Puck shifted in his seat at the sight of her father. "I don't like this San."

"I know what I'm doing Puck."

"I don't know if you do." With that the driver opened the door and Puck slipped out.

Her father always looked the same but he looked politely joyous at the sight of his daughter as he bounded down the stairs to wrap his arms around her. "Finalmente, mi niña. Será bueno tener a una mujer en la casa otra vez." She knew that he had his own group of women coming through the house, but she'd ignore that.

"Hola papi. Como estas?"

"Mejor ahora."

"Of course he is better now with his only child home." That voice always made her stomach crawl with bile. Her cousin Umberto disgusted her with his slicked back hair and gold rings. Did he need to be such a fucking cliché mobster? "So happy to have you home Santana." He pulled her into a hug that lasted a bit too long to be between cousins. She could feel Puck getting angry next to her and gently squeezed his arm to calm him. "I see they didn't trust you to go to the airport alone Noah." Berto always used Puck's first name to piss him off. Puck grew up in the Lopez family, his mom was Dominican herself and a close friend of Santana's mother, yet Berto always felt the need to remind him of the other side of his family, the side where Noah came from.

"I trust Puck; I don't trust my daughter though," Doctor Lopez said seeing the tension between the boys. Santana's father wasn't a doctor; in fact he hadn't even graduated from high school. There were a number of other reasons that he had gained the moniker of doctor: his intellect, his talents with a scalpel, along with many others. Santana knew he wanted her to continue the tradition and it was in her blood. Her grandfather had headed the family before her father and her mother's father had been his right hand man. She was bred for it and when her mother died without breeding any sons her father began to prepare her. Then her abuela got involved and suddenly she was on a plane up north to an exclusive boarding school away from the violence and drugs, but worst of all away from Puck. That day that they said goodbye she remembered as the worst day of her life. She didn't remember the day her mother died, she had only been two when the car carrying Puck's mom and her's had "crashed," or so they called it, but she remembered the wrenching feeling as Puck wiped their eyes with his sleeves. The best times of the years were seeing him in the airport waiting for her with that enormous smile on his face. Then they graduated from high school and while Santana went Ivy Puck took his rightful place in the family. The next time he picked her up things were different, his smile was the same, but there was something harder about him and that scared her more than any of the violence or drugs. Anything that could do that to her best friend must be horrible.

That was also the summer that all that mess with… well with her ended, so maybe she'd never really been the same after that.

Doctor Lopez pulled Santana towards him. "Well before we have any discussions I think you deserve a night out querido." Puck and he exchanged knowing smiles.

"Have you and Puck been talking behind my back?"

"Well it's not so hard when you go thousands of miles away," Puck interjected. He was hurt when she left; she knew that. He deserved to be. When she graduated from college she knew that he thought she'd finally be home and when she went away, though he'd never say it, it hurt him.

"Can I make up those thousands of miles through one night of debauchery?"

"Maybe two," he said seriously before they both started laughing.

Doctor Lopez kissed Santana on the forehead. "I'll let you two get started on your fun. Be safe and have a good night. I am taking you out to dinner tomorrow night Santana, so please be ready at eight."

"Ok Papi, you be safe tonight too." They never said I love you to each other, just be safe, in the end it meant more than I love yous in their life. When her father had made it through the door she turned to Puck. "So where are you dragging me to tonight?" An excited smile erupted across his face and she laughed as he threw her arm around her shoulders.

There seemed to be hundreds of people trying to make their way into the club. Santana slinked up to the bouncer and tapped him on the shoulder. He roughly turned around until he saw her face and started to smile. "Thank God you're back, this place has been quite boring without you Miss Lopez. Have fun tonight." He opened the door for her.

They moved toward their VIP booth and Puck started handing out shots to their coterie, which she drank as he did. He was so happy and that happiness was infectious. She couldn't control the smile on her face.

The evening continued on like this for a bit, with dancing and drinking and drugs, though Santana ignored these, flowing freely. Everything was going great until Finn Hudson, Quinn Fabray, and their entourage were placed at the booth next to their's. Puck tensed up immediately and the substances flowing through his system only intensified it. Puck had gone to high school with Finn and Quinn, something that Santana had been saved from by her abuela. However, she knew who they were. She had to considering their familial relationships.

"Go to the bar," Puck said through gritted teeth.

"Please Puck, we can go somewhere else. I don't want an altercation tonight."

"This is our place San, they know that. They're the ones trying to start shit."


With her pleading eyes he softened. "No hands, just words. That's all I can try for, go to the bar now."

She snaked her way through the throngs of people to take a seat at the bar. She knew the bartender from years spent coming back and forth to the club and he happily placed a vodka tonic in front of her without words just a smile. She spun the straw around in it, counting the number of brightly coloured bottles across from her, not wanting to look back at what might be happening behind her.

"I didn't believe Quinn when she said she saw you." That voice, that melodic little tingle that shot right into her so deeply, that voices that she revered. The music dimmed and the voice slammed into her. "I thought you'd call me if you ever came back to Miami."

"I've been back to Miami," Santana sighed without lifting her eyes from her drink.

Brittany cringed, trying to catch Santana's eye. She didn't like when she did that, tried to catch her eye. She always did that. "Why are you back? Last I heard you planned on studying for your MCATS up north."

"And who told you that?"

"Noah told me."

"He shouldn't have done that."

"So you're studying down here?"

"Something like that."

"Santana…" Brittany grabbed Santana's bicep.

Tossing her away, Santana looked up at her to meet those eyes. "Don't."

~Four Years Ago~

Santana lounged on a chair by the pool as sweat dripped slowly down her chest. She only moved when her phone rang for the third time in the past five minutes, not without a theatrical groan. However, when she saw a single B lighting up the phone she happily opened it. "I've been waiting for you all day Britt Britt where are you?"

"Extra dance practice. My muscles hurt."

"Do you want a massage?"

"Well that's an interesting proposal. Yours twenty minutes?"

"Mine twenty minutes."

She closed her eyes again, happy to return to her tanning knowing that Brittany would be there soon. Before she could truly fall back into her tanning a wave of water went over her. She opened her eyes to see Puck fully dressed goofily grinning at her. "Come on in!" He was drunk. She knew automatically from the sound of his voice and that lazy way his eyes moved down her body. He didn't look at her with those soft eyes he usually did, but with a deep set hunger that only a few months ago could have excited her.

If Puck ever really wanted her he ruined it that moment he drunkenly introduced Brittany to her. She'd never felt that electricity; a jolt deep in her stomach that radiated through her whole body when brown met cerulean blue. It all happened so quickly after that. Every moment she spent with Brittany, listening to her soft voice, laughing at her comments that only made sense to her, and lightly touching her taut muscular skin. It only took two months. It only took two months for her to forget all about Puck and fall completely in love with Brittany.

"C'mon Santana get in the fucking water. You're only here for like another few days and I expect my time."

She lifted her sunglasses off her head and walked slowly toward the pool, crouching down to look into Puck's eyes. "Maybe if you didn't get drunk we could have a good time, but since you insist on this…"

"So you say if I take a nap and sober up we can play?" He asked with a suggestive cock of the eyebrow.

"I have to go shower anyway. Brittany's coming over."

"Oh yeah about that, you're dad wants to see you in his office."

Although sweat poured down her skin those words caused an involuntary shiver to go down her spine.

She knocked lightly on her papi's office and at his soft voice she entered. "Ah San, siéntate por favor."

"I'm sweaty papi."

"Why do you insist on speaking English all the time? When you do business Spanish will come in handy you'll learn. I don't want you to lose it."

"And when I'm a doctor knowing English and Spanish will be important."

"That's not why I brought you in here Santana. I don't want to have to do this Santana. Te amo y no quiero hacerte daño."

"Sé que papá."

"That's why I didn't want to use these when your cousin brought them to me, but I have no choice. It's not just your reputation; it's the whole family's reputation on the line whenever you do anything." At this he took a manila folder from the locked drawer in his desk. "Lo siento. I did not want to do it Santana, but you must know that people see things." The folder contained six pictures. The first three seemed innocent, just Brittany and she splashing each other in the waves. In the fourth Brittany's arm began to snake around Santana's waist. The fifth: Santana tossing her arms around Brittany's neck. And the final sixth had Santana and Brittany about to kiss. "It needs to stop Santana."

"Pablo's gay and you treat him like a son."

"Pablo isn't you. You're special, you're my future. You and I , we will never have a choice."

"You got to marry mami."

"Your mami and I were complicated. We grew up together, whenever our parents spent time together we spent time together, so most of the time. We were very much like you and Puck, best friends, but unlike you and Puck that was it. Then I met this girl, Samantha. What an ugly name I thought when I first met her, but I'd never met a gringa like her, blonde hair blue eyes. I suppose we share a type as you children say. Well we fell in love, very quickly and very passionately. I proposed and I jubilantly went to my papa. I thought he'd be happy for me because I was so happy. He looked at me as if I was the stupidest man in the entire world and I felt that way too. Anyway at about this same time your mother met this baseball player, a bad guy who didn't treat her like he should have, but she loved him. I supported her, brought her to see him, et cetera, probably shouldn't have but she was desperate. Then one night he lost this game very badly and he took it out on her even worse. This was the same night I told my papi I proposed. After I went to her house, found her bleeding on the ground all cut up, brought her to the hospital, took care of her, and even through all that she listened to me about my gringa. Suppose it entertained her as those doctors stitched her up. At the end as I brought her home, put her in bed, she proposed to me. She said, 'I can't do love anymore. It hurts. I trust you and I love you. You'll never hurt me and it would make our parents so happy, so why don't we just marry each other and stop all this.' And I agreed because I did love her and I hated that way my papi made me feel. We make sacrifice in our business. We have to. I went to Samantha and I told her it was over. I think about Samantha often, but I love you more than I ever loved her. This is your sacrifice Santana. We all must make them."

She didn't exactly remember what happened after that. Everything went numb until she saw Brittany leaning against her car. "Where've you been San? I counted three unicorns while I waited for you."

She tried to smile, because that's what Brittany wanted her to do. She couldn't though. It hurt too much. "I can't do this Brittany. You have to go. I'm going away to school and probably never coming back."

"I can dance anywhere. I dance better when you're around, so I'll come."

"I need you to get in your car Brittany and I need you to leave." Her abuela taught her how to be strong her whole life, but right now all she could do was look at the ground and bite her lip to keep the tears away.

"You want me to leave?"




"Ok. If you're doing this for some reason it must be important. You are so sure about everything. I know you. I love you."

She couldn't take it anymore she just whipped around and into her house, waiting for the sound of Brittany's car to spin away.


She took a deep breath before moving back towards Puck who seemed to be quite a good job attempting to ignore the group next to him, though he did seem to be steaming a bit. "Can we leave Puck? Please?

"We don't leave until they leave."

"You know I can make people make them leave."

"I could too."

"Then why don't you?"

"I'm not a fucking coward."

"I know you're not. I just really want to go."

"Then don't try to fight my battles for me."

"Fine I'll leave. I wanted to have a good night with my best friend, I'd be just as happy spending time at home with you.

He smiled up at her, seemingly forgetting the group next to him as she gave his hand a squeeze. That was until a drunk Finn Hudson tapped him on the shoulder. "Yo Fuck she's hot think she'll give me a turn after you like all those other girls? Probably don't even need to ask. Your girls see money and they'll come." He plucked a hundred dollar bill out of his pocket and waved it in front of her face. Quinn joined him at his side, whispering something in his ear venomously that made him go white as a sheet and shrink back.

Santana interrupted the start of Puck's own tirade. "Who the fuck do you think you are? I think you might be lost, Sea World's in Orlando and that's where you might find more of your whale kind. And how dare you talk to me or any woman that way?" She turned towards Quinn. "If this is your boyfriend then I'd frankly be embarrassed. You probably feel all big and powerful Finn because Quinn's dad has given you some kind of position cause you're fucking his daughter, though who knows I heard she only opens her legs for Puck here." Finn and Quinn both paled.

"How dare you?" Quinn retorted. "You know who my father is."

"That's cute. Unlike you Quinn I don't need my father's name to fight my battles I obviously can do them myself. From now on you stay away from this club whether you want trouble or not. That might be hard for you Quinn, I know how much you like riding Puck's dick, but in that department luckily you're replaceable." Before Quinn could respond Brittany appeared behind her. She whipped back, not wanting to see the beauty again and feel that slight warmth crawling down her stomach. Puck had his arms crossed and was smiling from ear to ear. "Get the dumb smile off your face Puck," she said while trying to fight her own smile.

"You fucked them up."

"Yeah, well, I guess I'm back."

"And thank God for that."

It didn't feel like she was back though. It felt like she was on fire and the only thing to quell the flames was Brittany's soft skin.

Santana never needed to sneak into the house, usually her father arrived home later than her, but Puck and she always walked quietly into her pool house after a night out. It was some sort of weird tradition where they would end up falling laughing together on the floor.

They made their way toward Santana's room where she padded into the bathroom the put some cool water on it. When she returned Puck lay on his stomach in nothing but his boxers with his eyes closed. She smacked him playfully on the ass. He opened one eye and cackling flipped her onto her back so that he was above her. Their breathing grew ragged as they realized their close proximity. "Please," Puck pleaded. She just responded by placing her lips on his.

Somehow it always came to this, both of them in her bed, neither of them willing to say no, because they did love each other. It wasn't in that way exactly but both of them were scared of being lonely and if it was easy to get rid of that loneliness with a bit of sex then who were they to stop it. They were each other's firsts and since then they couldn't stop, even if they were with other people no matter what at the end of the night they found each other in bed together with ragged breaths. This time though at that last release it wasn't Puck she felt watching her but Brittany.

So there's the first chapter, I hope you enjoyed it and whether you did or didn't please review to let me know whether I should continue or not. I know it's a bit of a slow start, but I expect action to pick up pretty quickly. Thanks for reading!