Chapter one of my new story- i've been working on this since i read a few stories from Don't-Eat-My-Pie (PLEASE guys, check out her stories, they are AMAZING. :)
Chapter One.
Ianto pulled up outside his small apartment, carrying two brown paper bags in one hand and struggling to find his keys with his other. 'Click' Ianto nudged the door open with his leg and dropped the grocery bags on the table, a few fruits scattered themselves over the table, Ianto caught an orange as it fell. he sighed as he sat it in his fruit bowl. Another two bags awaited him in his car, Ianto made his way to collect them. However, was cut off. There was a figure standing at Iantos screen door, Ianto watched as the figure let himself in and froze in the site of the gun as it was raised to him.
"Hello eye candy" John smiled. "it's been a little while, how have you coped without me"
Ianto wasn't expecting a home visit from John, of all people. "I've been fine. What do you want, John? why are you here?" Ianto didn't believe in carrying a weapon in his home, now he wish he did.
"Is that anyway to treat a guest? thought you'd have better manners" John teased.
"It's how i treat uninvited guests. what are you doing here?" Ianto's eyes darted between John and his handgun.
"oh, i've just come to collect a few...Goods." John said looking Ianto up and down. Ianto started feeling uncomfortable.
"Does Jack know your back?"
"He will..." John reached into his pocket pulling out a set of handcuffs. "..Put these on, now"
"Your joking." Ianto shot John an unimpressed look.
John cocked the gun and aimed at Iantos shoulder "I've never been more serious" he threw the cuffs to Ianto "pick them up.. Put them on... quickly now, i have an agenda to keep..."
"Your joking." Ianto felt sick as he picked the cuffs up, locking one hand in place.
"BE-hind your back... if you will" John smiled.
"Your unbelievable, When Jack finds you, he's going to have a field day" Ianto locked his other hand in place. John put his gun in his hoister. and made his way over to Ianto. face-to-face. eye-to-eye. Just the way John liked it.
"Your ride awaits you" John said as he took in the feeling of hatred Ianto was drilling into him with his stare.
Ianto didn't reply, he knew it wasn't going to help him in the long run. "We need to move quickly eye-candy, we need to make another house call" John pushed Ianto through the front door.
Let me know what you think guys. reviews welcome. and PM moreso. :)