So, I read somewhere that Lavi was good at medical aid. Dunno if that's canon or not, but hey, I don't really care.

Also, Louis Pasteur is my hero of the week.

He hurt all over and his tattoo wasn't helping fast enough. He could tell that Marie and Daisya were also injured. Pulling himself from a heap of rubble and looking around, Kanda realized that the Level 2 was distracted by the snake carrying the Innocence. The snake was defending itself valiantly and was immune to most of the Level 2 attacks.

They had received the mission a week prior. A small town was being terrorized by a legendary serpent, a basilisk. It would come out at night and feed on livestock. Finders investigating confirmed the fact and it was reasonable to believe that Innocence was a major cause. A sixteen year old Kanda, as well as Marie and Daisya, were dispatched due to the presence of two Level 2 demons as well as multiple other lower levels. When they had arrived at the town, they found it loaded with military. The country had just lost in a war with its neighbor and was now under watch. A day before they arrived, a treaty was signed in that very town.

Not really caring about the state of petty wars, the exorcists had done their jobs and managed to locate the basilisk when it came to town to hunt. Unfortunately, the demons made their move, leading to a battle that had the three exorcists fighting both to kill demons and to prevent the serpent from escaping.

The blast of one Level 2s destruction had leveled an abandoned building onto Kanda and his comrades. He was suffering from several broken ribs and what he felt must be internal damage, as well as the fact that his left arm was dangling at a funny angle with his shoulder a mangled, bloody ruin of flesh. Blood dripped from the numerous cuts on his body, leaking to the rubble. His tattoo was taking too long to heal. Gritting his teeth against the pain, Kanda summoned his First Illusion and slew the demon. He turned to the basilisk.

The serpent regarded him with eerie intelligence. Golden eyes reflected him. A tongue darted out to taste him. Its mouth cracked open and it hissed, fangs flashing. Having watched it destroy the rest of the Level 1, Kanda knew how blazing fast it was. Those fangs could cripple him for a while, allowing it to escape and more demons to accumulate. He wanted to just get this over with. He watched for weaknesses, as it watched him for the same.

A noise behind it caused both to look over for a split second. It attacked the person behind it, a boy with red hair. The boy yelped and dove out of the way. In that second, Kanda attacked, driving Mugen through its gut. In its last instant of life, the serpent turned and burrowed its teeth in his arm, nearly ripping it off. While blood trickled warmly down his arm, Kanda pulled the green orb from the beast's corpse and stashed it before he felt his body lose energy from blood loss.

The boy that had originally provided the distraction hurried over. Kanda blinked. It was the kid he had seen loitering around town reading. The one with the eye patch and red hair. He was without his customary oversized poncho though, wearing only a black, filthy shirt with fingerless gloves.

"You're going to die from the severity of those injuries," the boy murmured without much feeling, kneeling next to Kanda and prodding at the mess that was his arm, "There's no way that you can get help before you bleed to death." The kid's eye was a dull green, as if bored with the entire process of death. "Che," Kanda hissed, wiping a stream of blood from his mouth, "I've had worse. Now, if you want to actually do something useful instead of standing around looking stupid, go over to that rubble and see if my comrades are ok."

The boy listened, surprisingly. He picked his way through the rubble as Kanda watched, feeling his tattoo begin to work on his internal organs. They must have been more dangerous than the mangled arm. The kid stopped and crouched pushing at a rock until it budged, then lending a hand to help up Marie, who limped twice before walking normally. After another minute of picking through the rubble, the boy leaned down again to kick away some rubble and pull at the unconscious form of Daisya. Marie easily lifted him up and draped him over his shoulder. The boy said something to Marie and started back to Kanda.

He coughed up some blood and sucked in a gurgling breath. One of his ribs probably punctured a lung. He could feel the tattoo pushing the rib out of his lung and merge the bone back together with a steady crackling feel.

"I can't believe you're still alive," the boy murmured as he knelt down in front of Kanda.

"Don't question it, it's just a peculiarity of his," Marie explained, leaning down to feel for Kanda. Although he hated the indignity of being carried, Kanda knew he couldn't walk in his state. He shifted into Marie's other arm and winced as he was lifted.

"Follow me," the boy murmured and headed through the rubble towards a tent.

"Shouldn't we go to a hospital?" Marie asked.

"Nah, I know more about health than these folks, and they have their hands full with injured soldiers. They'd be more likely to turn you out," the boy said with a smirk riddled with cynicism.

The tent was loaded with books. As Marie ducked under the flap, the boy quickly spread out two clean, albeit stained bed mats. Marie placed Kanda on one and Daisya on the other, settling between a couple stacks of books. Kanda wrinkled his nose at the smell of alcohol rising from the mat.

"Who dropped vodka on these?" Kanda grumbled. The boy looked up from a tool box with a red cross on it. He had tied his red, messy hair up with a black head band. Little loop earrings hung from his lobes. Without his poncho, the kid was thin as a rod. Kanda could guess that the kid was slightly younger than him and hadn't finished growing. He was a good half foot shorter than Kanda.

"Its ethyl alcohol," he murmured, "It's to prevent infections." He set a rusty pan and a clean towel next to Kanda. Rolls of gauze, tape, and various instruments piled on the towel. The red head placed a large bottle of clear fluid next to the pan. Then, he knelt next to Kanda, rubbing alcohol on his relatively clean hands.

"Is that some old wives' tale?" Kanda asked as the boy began to peel his ragged coat off. The fabric was torn and frayed and the threads were sticking in clotting blood to the torn flesh of Kanda's shoulder. Pulling it off hurt.

For the first time, the boy's eye caught a spark of interest. A smirk broke out from the kid's face.

"It's science actually," he explained, sprinkling some water on the scabs to loosen them, "A French chemist conducted a bunch of experiments proving how micro organisms are actually the cause of all illness. By eliminating these micro organisms, doctors can prevent illnesses and infections." With that, he took a grip of a particularly stubborn section of the coat and ripped it off. Kanda bit through his bottom lip. The rest of the coat and shirt underneath pealed off rather easily. He lay down at the boy's urging.

"The experiments and implications are fascinating," he murmured excitedly, "Ya know, the same organisms that kill people are also responsible for making things like milk spoil. These organisms can be killed either with alcohol or heat, so if you cook milk it'll last longer."

"You're off your head, aren't you?" Kanda grumbled. The boy pouted as he felt Kanda's stomach for internal injuries.

"You're mending inside, incredulously," the boy murmured, "I think that the best I can do is wrap your arm to prevent any more blood loss, despite the fact that you seem to be producing it as fast as you lose it."

"What's your name, kid?" Kanda asked as the boy poured alcohol into the rusty pan to wipe off Kanda's shoulder. The kid paused for a second, as if not sure.

"Remy," he murmured finally and grabbed Kanda's shoulder, jerking it back into place. Kanda nearly broke his teeth.

"You a gypsy or something?" Kanda asked, wondering why he was asking so much. He normally didn't give a shit about anyone, but this Remy kid was intriguing him. Maybe it was the cynicism.

"Heh," Remy laughed as he wound gauze around the black haired teen's shoulder, "Close enough. I'm an apprentice for the Bookmen. But my master is getting a new mission right now." He moved on to swabbing and wrapping the bite marks. By that time, Daisya was waking up.

"Ugh, big fucking snake," the kid muttered under his breath. Kanda narrowed his eyes, no longer concerned.

Kanda healed as much as necessary in two hours, enabling him to walk. He turned to Remy and nodded his thanks. The group headed off to Headquarters, leaving the apprentice to his tent.

An elder man emerged an hour later. His eyes were painted black and a cigarette hung off of his lip.

"We have a new mission in the Urals. Your new alias is Deke," the old man murmured, "Don't slip up."

I dunno if I'm continuing this. It all depends on how long I have the hair up my ass to write for DGM. If you have any suggestions for if I continue, let me know, cuz I dunno right now if I'm going to make this shonen-ai or more of a Kirk-Spock t'hy'la relationship.