
Night had fallen to the quiet estate just as the dark hair man finished his meditation. His ice husky blue eyes opened and widened in alarm.

Before the thought of danger was put to his mind, Keegan found himself charging into his hostess, Piper Riley's room and private bath.

The sight of the pale bloody figure in the bathtub made Keegan grow suddenly cold.

Her hair was soaked a bloody red, blending in with her gore-covered nightgown. Keegan lifted her slender arm and felt for a pulse only to discover her wrist was ripped open. He looked down and discovered the object that wrecked havoc on the young lady before him: a metal hairbrush with its tiny prongs sharpened to a deadly point.

"Oh Gods, Piper you didn't." Keegan moaned lifting the slender young woman and gently laying her on the floor. He quickly tore apart the bathroom, seeking out towels and anything that could stop the bleeding.

In desperation, he shook Piper viciously.

"Piper, wake up!" Keegan cried as he pressed a mound of material over both wrists. "Piper!"

Gray eyes fluttered open and attempted to gaze at the frightened young man.

"Kee Gan?" she whispered.

Keegan almost began to laugh hysterically but forced his exuberance down and focused on Piper.

"What do you think you were doing?" he asked not embarrassed when his voice cracked. "Why did you do this to yourself?"

Piper laughed and began gasping, her eyes becoming unfocused.

Keegan shook her, "Piper, don't you dare die on me!"

She continued to gasp and fight against him.

Time was running out and he knew it. Suddenly inspiration struck and Keegan dashed into Piper's room. He rummaged through her jewelry box until he found what he needed. He dashed back into the bathroom and knelt beside Piper.

"Piper." He said calmly taking her left hand into his own. She struggled to open her eyes and finally did so, focusing on Keegan.

"I need you to repeat after me. Please?"

Before she could answer, Keegan slipped on the alexandrite and white gold ring he gave her the day she graduated onto her left index finger.

"Repeat after me: This ring, the symbol of my oath, will hold me to the words I speak: All I refuse and thee I choose."

Slowly and surely, Piper spoke the words and the stone glowed blood red for an instant.

"Now let's get you patched up." Keegan told her obviously more relaxed. "You're parents will be home soon."

Piper felt warm as Keegan's energies surrounded her, healed her, caressed her. For the first time in her life, she felt at peace and knew it was Keegan's doing.