Disclaimer: Guess what? I don't own Transformers. Not at all. All copy rights and trademarks go to their respective owners.



::Comm links::


"Regular speaking"

Chapter 18

~*For the Win*~

"Is it sad that this is normal for us?" Optimus asked Elita One looking at the chaos in the main autobot hangar.

Prowl was on the ground, his processor glitched.

Wheeljack was covered in soot from his latest explosion.

There was a hole in the wall from the blast of one of Ironhide's cannons. He was currently getting chewed out by Chromia.

Blaster was recording everything for later use, and Jazz and Jolt were trying to help out Bumblebee, who was (thanks to Ironhide) laying on the ground, with a scorch mark about three inches away from where his helm had beem

Ratchet was twirling another wrench dangerously, waiting for the right time to throw it at Blaster.

Arcee and Flare Up were in an argument with Mudflap and Skidz, who had once again been hitting on them.

The human soldiers were running about confused and panicked, unsure if they had been attacked or not. Epps and Lennox were watching on, Epps with a bemused expression and Lennox with his hand pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Where are our sparklings?" Elita asked, noticing that their twins were missing from the ruckus.

"Where are Sunstreaker and Sideswipe?" Optimus asked.

"Oh you big lugnut. Calm down. Our girls are grown enough that they're allowed to be in a relationship." Elita said. "If they come home with a virus, a sparkling, or bonded, then we can worry and you're allowed to terminate the Lamborghini twins."

That seemed to appease her spark mate.

"THAT WAS GENIUS!" Starlighter said.

"Which is why I'm the processor of us." Moonstream said.

"It was my idea." Sunny said.

"I planned it out." Moonstream argued.

"So what I was the one, who had to do most of the work." Sides said.

"I had to do the practical suicide missions." Starlighter said.

"Then that settles is. You may have done the basic work, but ours was more detailed and more dangerous, so that make us the geniuses." Moonstream said to her twin.

"Agreed." Starlighter said.

"That's not right femmes." Sunstreak said.

"At all." Sides added giving the cybertronian version of a pout.

Just like he knew she would Moonstream caved. "Fine, since you did a lot of grunt work you get credit." Moonstream said to Sides, pressing her forehead to his.

"You are a weak weak femme." Starlighter said shaking her helm. "I'm embarrassed to be your twin." She looked at Sunny. "I'm not like my sister. I'm not gonna cave cause you pout."

"Unlike my brother, I won't pout." He said.

"You will when you lose our next fight." She said.

"As if."

The two got in a small tussle that ended with Sunny pinning her to the ground and pressing his forehead to hers. When he pulled back he spoke. "Still not gonna pout."

Then the crew heard police sirens. They were quickly followed by those of an ambulance.

"FRAG!" Starlighter screamed.

:. Just follow my lead. .: Moonstream said over their bond. "You two go. We're right behind you."

They all transformed and took off, but after a few minutes the femmes trailed back.

:. Plan? .:

:. Follow my lead. .:

:. Better be good. .:

:: Where are you two going? :: Prowl asked.

::Fragging lambos switched our vocal processor settings. :: Moonstream said using Starlighter's voice.

:: Gonna fragging offline them. :: Starlighter said using Moonstream's voice.

:: You two go back to base and fix yourselves. I've got mechs to wrench. :: Ratchet said.

:: Then they'll have to spend some time in the brig for the fiasco they caused back on base. :: Prowl added.

:: We're going. :: They said, turning around. The magenta and aqua GTA Spanos drove side by side. As soon as they reached base they saw the mess that was still being sorted out. :. We are geniuses. .: Moonstream said.

:. You're plan was amazing. .:

:: YOU TWO ARE EVIL! :: Sunny and Sides said.

:: We' love ya boys. :: Starlighter started.

:: But just not that much. :: Moonstream finished.

:. Femme twins .:

:. For the win .:

Author's Note

So this is just sort of an epilogue. I am going to miss this story. It was fun and didn't take as long as I thought it would But this just means I can start new projects. Then again there are some characters that I just can;t let go of. So there might be a sequel, but it won;t be for a while. I'll even throw in little purple sparklings for Minimus Prime. Thanks to everyone who reviewed. you all are the reason I kept writing cause I was going to quit after the first chapter. So review the last chapter. Please.

Fox of Magic: AWESOME! MoonxSides and StarxSunny! Perfect couples! Your awesome gurl! Wait, you are a girl, right? Anyway! I love this story!

I love them together and yes I am a girl. Thanks for the support.