I warn you, I messed with Elrond a bit here, as in actually expanded on his mind abilities. Heh, oh, someone mentioned why would I kill Glorfindel, expecially when he's my fav Elf. ]:D Well, its simple. I torture/kill the chars I love! Thanks for the comments, sorry this is so late.
Warm fingers gently touched his shoulder, comforting, but strange, and yet not. Elrond opened his eyes, and pushed down on his emotions, as was how he had always done things. Looking up, he saw a pale, fair Elf standing over him. The Elf studied him with watery blue eyes, his white hair blowing gently in the light wind.

"Lord Elrond?" he asked solemnly.

Elrond sat up, and looked at the Elf as the he withdrew his hand.

"Yes," he answered cautiously, wiping the remains of his tears away.

"I have come for my brother, Glorfindel, and as his lord, I thought you would know where he is," the Elf said.

Elrond sighed softly, sadly, and pressed his emotions down tighter, "Lord Glorfindel is dead."

"I know that, and so am I. Mandos sent me to find him. We thought he might have lingered with you," the Elf said.

Elrond started at that, and looked at the Elf strangely, "Who are you?"

The Elf smiled slightly, "Ecthelion, Lord of the Fountains of Gondolin."

Elrond looked at him, weary of this strange Elf, and awed, because somewhere deep within, he knew it was true.

"I assure you, I was sent by Mandos to bring Glorfindel back. My lord, do you know where he is?" Ecthelion asked.

"Nay...and yet....," Elrond trailed off, unsure on how to reply, for he did not know if his dream had been real, or just a dream. He turned to another subject, "How do I know who you are?"

"Touch my hand, and I think that shall serve to convince you," Ecthelion said and held out his hand.

Elrond looked at it, and cautiously reached out to touch the offered hand. His hand passed through it as if through air.

"See? I'm dead, and I have been for several ages. The reason I could touch you was because I concentrated on it, but you cannot touch me. I'm purely spirit, milord. Now, you hesitated. No matter how foolish you think your ideas are, I wish to hear them. If he is not with you, then he must be found, and quickly, before he is lost," Ecthelion said.

What Ecthelion said brought Elrond from his shock and he looked up into the Elf's grave eyes, "What do you mean, lost?"

"He has no anchor here, and his soul must return to Mandos. If he does not, he will be forced to wonder this world to the end, or his soul will fade beyond the boundaries," Ecthelion said.

"Then we had best find him, "Elrond said. and pressed his lips tightly together as he thought, finally, he spoke, "I dreamt of him this night. He seemed to be trapped by some darkness. He tried to tell me something, but the darkness took him. Tis all I can remember."

Ecthelion frowned at this, and his heart trembled slightly at the thought of his brother trapped by such an evil that could hold so powerful a spirit. He then looked over Elrond, and begged Mandos, and the boy's father, for Ecthelion saw all ages younger then himself as young, for forgiveness for what he was about to ask of him. But they could not let the enemy gain the power that Glorfindel alone wielded.

"Then your bond is still intact," he said softly, awed slightly that it could have grown so strong.

"Nay," Elrond whispered, his mind again going to that broken link.

"It is, or else he could not have reached you, and he would truly be lost. Let me see, milord, for his sake?" Ecthelion said, reaching one hand towards Elrond's brow.

"How could it be?" Elrond asked softly.

"I do not know, though with a being such as Glorfindel, it is not unlikely. Now, may I?" Ecthelion gestured.

Elrond nodded reluctantly. He had no wish to share his mind with a strange Elf, let alone a dead one, but to save his friend, he had to. Looking into Ecthelion's eyes, he prepared to feel the pressure of a strange mind with his. But none came, as Ecthelion gently touched his temple, and entered his mind with little trouble. For a moment he started, nearly pulling himself out of Ecthelion's touch. The presence with him felt so much like Glorfindel, with only minor differences, and that Ecthelion seemed less powerful.

/I told you we were brothers,/ Ecthelion said gently in thought speech, with a slight bit of humor.

/How can that be? Glorfindel never spoke of having a sibling,/ Elrond sent back.

/He has none. We are brothers of the soul. We were so close that our souls started to mirror each other, though we kept our personality traits. Water and Fire, constant yet always melding together,/ Ecthelion explained, a wistful tone echoing in his thoughts.

/What happened?/ Elrond asked gently.

/He was sent back, I was not. Our souls were ripped apart, and I don't know if either of us healed from it,/ Ecthelion sent, anger slightly making its way into his words.

/So that was Glorfindel's hidden pain,/ Elrond sighed, his own sadness blending with Ecthelion's.

/It may. But come, we have to find him,/ Ecthelion said, and Elrond guided him through his mind to the broken bonds.

Briefly, Ecthelion touched upon Elros's bond, and a feeling of sadness came to Elrond.

/I was to be his guardian, as Glorfindel's was yours, but his way chose for us both,/ Ecthelion explained, then gingerly touched Glorfindel's bond. Relief flooded him, and echoed in Elrond's mind.

/See, that last strip of bondage?/ Ecthelion asked, guiding Elrond to it.

Elrond felt the tender, small bond he still had, and the pain in his heart subsided slightly. Glorfindel was still with him. He reached out to the bond, and was suddenly pulled into a world of nightmares.

Darkness surrounded him as fire entered his soul, shattering all of his mental barriers and licked greedily at his powers. He tried to protect himself, and was surprised to find that it worked, though it was draining him rapidly.

/Elrond...Elrond...no!/ a savage strength hit him mentally, almost regretfully pushing him away.

He suddenly realized who it was.

/Glorfindel!/ he called back to him.

/Go! It cannot find you here!/ Glorfindel snapped.

With one finally violent shove, Elrond was thrown back into his body, where he immediately lost consciousness.