Authour's Note: So I first started this fic with this prompt: Write about something your character has lost and how willing he or she is to get it back. And I immediately thought, Ah, I got this! I can do this. Alas, no. The fic spiraled to a point where it had not resemblance to the prompt whatsoever. Ah well...

Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1

"Just because people have to come back doesn't mean they will." – Unknown

Lavi was the first to spy the blood on the forest ground. Lenalee, landing besides him when she noticed he had stopped, paled and gasped, hand over her mouth, before frantically swiveling her head around, hair whipping in the wind, thinking she would glimpse those stray white hair and silver-gray cursed eyes staring back at them. Seeing nothing but the looming blackness of the surrounding forest, she took to the sky, as graceful as ever, in an attempt to survey the area at a boarder angle.

Lavi remained on the forest ground, head bent, as he plucked the Ace of Spades card lying next to the steadily spreading pool of blood, Timcampy whizzing over his head.

Eyeing the simple playing card before stiffly pocketing it, he glanced around the clearing just once before looking up. Seeing the dismayed look on Lenalee's face, he extended his hammer and was carried into the sky to stand next to the distraught girl. Lenalee was barely keeping her calm; she was bordering on hysterical as she rubbed her face with both hands, scrunching them over her eyes, making them a pink red. Lavi put a hand on her shoulder and she turned to him, head on his chest, fitting right under his chin, sobbing quietly into his jacket.

Lavi said nothing as she whispered, "He's not dead, he can't be," over and over again, voice muffled, grip tightening on the back of the redhead's uniform.

Their golem buzzed then, cutting off the girl's cries.

Bookman's voice. "Can you hear me, Lavi?"

Lenalee hiccupped and looked at the golem as Lavi answered, speaking for the first time, with no emotions in his voice. "What is it?"

"Come back. A messenger is here."

A click- signaling the end of the conversation.

Lavi gave a small sigh before shifting, taking ahold of Lenalee by the waist, supporting her up, before urging his hammer to head back in the direction of the ship.

As Lenalee continue to whisper to herself, "Allen has to be alive, he has to come back," his face remained a blank slate.

Throughout the whole time, the expression on his face never changed. Not even once.

The darkness had been swept away by the sun's rays by the time they both arrived back at the ship, Timcampy in tow.

Lenalee had subdued by then, listlessly holding on to Lavi as to not fall over her own two feet.

Stepping over holes and scattered equipments, the boy made his way towards the bow, Lenalee following just three steps behind him.

At the bow of the ship, sitting on crates, were Anita, Mahoja, Krory, and Bookman, in a circle facing a tall hooded figure. The group turned towards the duo as Timcampy zoomed over their heads and the messenger peeled his hood back.

"It's been a long time, Miss Lenalee."

Lenalee looked up at that, eyes brightening as she recognized the voice. "You're… a member from the Asia Branch…" she says hesitantly as Lavi made eye contact with Bookman, his face closed, before walking over to stand behind the older man.

The broad-shouldered man nodded. "I am Wong. I have hastened here to pass along a message given to me by my branch leader."

The girl tilted her head as the others exchanged looks of confusion before turning their attention back to Wong. "A message?"

"We have found one of your forces, Allen Walker, and have taken charge of him."

At the news, Anita and Mahoja breathed sighs of relief and Krory bared his teeth a little as his lips curled up to make a small smile; Bookman and Lavi looked on with objected faces.

Lenalee just stared at Wong before what he said registered in her mind and a flicker of enlightment came into her eyes. "Really..!"

An affirmative. "Yes."

"Is he… Is Allen okay? Please Wong, let me see him right now!"

Wong's face hardened for a brief second as he said, "You must set sail immediately. You must leave Allen Walker here in China." Lenalee's eyes widened as he continued in a softer tone. "I know it is hard for you… but please use your best judgment."

Her vision clouded as her mind whirled in a cacophony of chaos.

"Lenalee." Lavi's voice. His voice enveloped her as he said in a low tenor, "You saw Tim's memories as well. He's lost his Innocence. There's no path he can take to continue being an exorcist." A pause before he delivered with finality. "We must continue our mission without him."

Reviews are much appreciated.