Chapter 6: A chat with Happy

I am so sorry for the long wait! I really had lost my muse and I hope you can somehow forgive me! I rewrote the chapter so many times that I can't count it and now I just hope you like it! But just to warn you: I am not sure when the next update will be on this story since my muse is really running away from me (come back, please!) concerning this story. So I will apologize in advance if I don't update any time in the future!

That said: I hope you will enjoy it nonetheless...

"Man, I'm finished." Said Tony when he slumped in his chair – what looked a bit uncomfortable since Tony had his armour still on.

The others nodded in agreement and Steve gave him a questioning look to enquire if he was alright to which he nodded slightly – he was just exhausted like them all.

They really had had an exhausting week: first Panther's request for help in Wakanda – which had ended with T'Challa joining them – and then the thing with this 'Gamma World' that Leader had created which had lead to the Hulk returning to the Avengers and Hawkeye joining them too.

By the way... where were the Hulk and Hawkeye?

"Has anyone seen Hulk or Hawkeye?" asked Tony the others.

Everyone, except for Thor, shook his or her heads. The god of thunder said: "When we returned I saw Hulk and our new comrade taking the elevator down to the training area you have created."

Tony groaned and took his head in his hands – a gesture that looked a bit unnatural with his armour still on.

"I just hope they don't destroy too many levels..."

Before he could say more Jarvis voice filled the room: "Sir, Mr Hogan is waiting outside for you with the car."

"Thank you Jarvis." And to the others he said: "I'm sorry but I have to go." With these words Tony stood up to leave.

"Where exactly are you going if one could ask?" asked Janet while her eyes followed Tony to the fireplace where the elevator down was hidden behind.

Tony stopped for a moment to give her an answer. "I have some business – that Pepper only told me today about without giving any real details – to attend to. Something about my Malibu house... It may take a while but if any pressing matters show up I want you to know that you can always call me."

"You can count on it that we will my friend. I wish you a safe trip." Thor said while Janet said at the same time: "Have fun!"

Tony took the elevator down and the others scattered throughout the mansion.

Tony stepped out of the Avengers mansion with one of his suits – except the jacket - and a bag in his hand. He was surprised to see someone standing next to Happy talking and laughing: Steve.

When he walked towards them Happy saw him and raised a hand and Tony mimicked the gesture with his free hand.

"Hi Hap."

"Hey Boss."



"...Okay, not to be rude but... what are you doing here?"

Steve scratched his neck and stated the obvious fact: "I was talking to Happy here while waiting for you."

"Waiting for me?"

Was that Tony's imagination or did Steve really blush a bit?

"Well... I just wanted to see you off..."

For a few seconds Tony didn't say anything and Steve wondered if he had said something wrong.

"...Do you want to accompany me?"

Steve was taken aback by this sudden question and he opened his mouth but no sound came out of it.

Meanwhile Tony continued his suggestion: "You could see something different than New York for once in a while and I think that the change of scenery would be good for you..."
Finally Steve's voice seemed to have returned and he blurted out. "Sure... I mean, that would be really nice... the change of scenery I mean... I..."

On Tony's face grew a smile while Steve stumbled over his words and he cut Steve off before he would stumble even more over what he wanted to say. "Well if you want to come with me I think it would be best if you pack a few things. Happy and I will wait out here while you do that."

"Yes of course. I will hurry up with it." And with these words Steve was already halfway to the mansion, which left Tony and Happy alone at the car.

When Steve had closed the front door behind him Happy spoke up. "I can see why you like him so much..."

Tony's head spun to his driver/boxing teacher/friend.

"He is definitely different than other the people you're normally interested in Boss. And I don't mean that he is a superhero. You can see that he really cares about you not like the other women and men that usually accompany you – they are only interested in your status and money... but he isn't and I think that is what makes him so special."

Tony blushed slightly and cleared his throat. "...Hap I want you to promise me something."

Happy looked at Tony with a puzzled look and said: "And what kind of promise would that be?"

"... Promise me that you won't make any comments that could give Steve a hint that I like him on a higher level than friendship."


"Because Steve is certainly straight... And even if he wasn't Fury is already breathing down my neck when it concerns Steve. He doesn't want somebody like me to 'dirty' his golden boy."

Happy gave Tony a I-can't-believe-you-just-said-that-look that almost rivalled Pepper's. "Since when are you concerned of what Fury thinks and wants Boss?! You never care what others want you to do. You are Tony Stark! The man that stopped producing weapons right after he returned from Afghanistan and didn't give a shit that other people like Obadiah Stane wanted to stop him!" At the mention of Stane's name Tony involuntarily shudder, the nightmare from a few days ago still fresh in his mind. Happy saw Tony's reaction and started instantly apologising. "I am so sorry Boss, I didn't mean to mention him…" "It's all right Happy. You are right with what you said: that is not my typical self but I think that maybe I am afraid to lose Steve's friendship if I told him of my feeling and I don't want that."

Happy looked at Tony and laid a hand on his shoulder. "I understand Boss. Maybe one day you can gather the courage and tell him."

Tony gave a small disbelieving laugh. "Yeah, sure." Before the two could continue their talk, the door of the mansion opened and Steve stepped out with a duffel bag in one hand.

"I'm ready."

"Okay! Then let's go!" Tony and Steve sat in the backseats while Happy drove them to the airport. Once there, Tony's private jet would fly them to Malibu where Pepper would already be waiting for them.

As it turned out the 'business' that Pepper had talked about had definitely not been what Tony would have expected to be waiting for him at Malibu: a few days off from work, which meant: a few days alone in Malibu with Steve! Oh he was so doomed…