Fireflight in Pitch Black

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Pitch Black/Riddick

Rate: M

Cautions: There will be Lemons, Slash, Violence, Blood, Language, and etc.





Chapter 1

'They say most of your brain shuts down in cryo-sleep. All but the primitive side… the animal side. No wonder I'm still awake. Transporting me with civilians. Sounded like 40-plus. Heard an Arab voice; some hoodoo holy man. Probably on his way to New Mecca. But by what route?

'Smelled a woman; sweat, boots, tool belt, leather. Prospector type. Tch. Free settlers. They only take the back roads. Ah, but here's my real problem: Mr. Johns, the blue-eyed devil. Planning on taking me back to slam… Only this time he picked a ghost lane. Long time between stops… Long time for something to go wrong.'

Riddick's nostrils flared as and he felt his ears try to prick; something happened, something bad. He'd felt the shudder, and he could smell the fear coming off the crew. There were two of them, a man and a woman.

"Captain's dead…."

"Weeks out…"


"…Hemorrhaging air! Something…"

"…Still in… Lane."

"…All those stars, those big bright—"

"…Emergency from merchant… Enroute to the Tangiers….passengers…"

Riddick listened harder.

"We've been knocked out of our shipping lane and entering… a planetary body in the following position; X—… Frye where the hell's our comm.?" the man yelled, panicking.

A cool feminine computer voice::Rate of descent above known limits.::

"They trained you for this right?"

::Deploy lower air brakes now.::

::Deploy lower air brakes now. Center of gravity too far off. Recommend purging ballast now.:: A thunk, then a crash as part of the ship dropped away.

"What the… Frye was that a purge?"

"Too heavy in the ass! Can't get my fucking nose down!"

"Crisis program selected Number 2 in the galaxy because it shows some oxygen. Maximum terrain…"

::220 meters above surface.::

"Largely cinder and gypsum with some evaporate deposits." There was another thunk, and then a frustrated scream from the woman. "Frye what the hell are you doing?"

"I gotta drop more load! I tried everything else; I still got no horizon." Riddick smiled through his bit; so this was how he was going to end. So be it… but he wanted to be loose for his death. He started working on his chains.

"You try everything twice! We don't just flush out—"

"Look, you know something I don't, get up here and take the chair."

"Company says we are responsible for every single one of those people."

"What we both die out of sheer fucking nobility?"

"Don't touch that handle!"

"I'm not dying for them!"

::Air lock doors not secure.::

"70 seconds! You still have 70 seconds to level this beast out Frye!"

::Air lock doors not secure.::

"OWENS!" Riddick's attention turned away as he felt Johns pop out of cryo and stare at his locker before moving away. He could hear a thunk sounded, leveling them a bit before they ploughed into the ground.

Gem emerald eyes looked up in sunlit sky to see a fast broken space ship heading down to the planet.

When landed the ship brought up clouds of sand and dirt as it slowed down running along the ground.

Wavy black hair whipped about as the air blew towards the person, as the air settle the emerald eyed person started walking toward the ship while carrying a nap-sack.

The first thing he noticed when everything stopped, was that he could move. He climbed up into some pipes and hid.

When Johns made his way under him, he slammed his chained feet up under Johns' chin, wrapping the chain around his neck. Johns managed to break his hold on the beam… and everything went black.

Waking up Riddick found his arms chained behind one of the beams that were still standing. Footsteps were heard from the background.

He smells that it was Johns and one of children, a girl. They soon left, he looked up at the beam thru the little hole on his blindfold.

Sitting on top of one the bones, the emerald eyed person looked on at the ship.

This person who has been living on the planet for a long time was Haru.

He could see with his enchanted eyes that there were ten, a mated couple, four younglings, three males, and one female. But he could sense another one with his magic.

Though this person he sensed gave him chills and not the scared kind either.

"Mother do you know what this feeling is?"

"Giggle. Yes, but this you must learn on your own. Giggle."

Rolling his eyes Haru jumped down from the bone, landing on the ground softly with no sound. He picked up his nap-sack that he left on the ground before going up on the bone. Starting to walk toward the bone yard where Haru was in a big surprise once he gets there.

Riddick heard footsteps again coming close behind him, he could smell Johns and the woman…Frye.

"He just escaped from a maximum prison."

"So we just keep him locked away forever?"

"No, that would be my choice."

"Is he really that dangerous?"

Frye whispered to Johns while looking back at the convict.

It was kind of funny that Johns would try to scare the woman into thinking that he was dangerous cold-hearted killer. Though it was kind of true, didn't mean Johns wasn't also dangerous to the other survivors.

"Heh. Only around humans."

Once hearing them leave he turned his head to look up the Beam that held him through the small tear in the blindfold to see the beam was split through close to the ceiling.

He turned back to look ahead of him and saw a welding torch ahead of him and then, within the second, he had a way out. He easily pushed himself up.

Picked himself up on his toes even and began to lift his arms. He took a deep breath then…



He forced both his shoulders to dislocate and finished bringing them over his head before snapping his shoulders back into place. He gave a grunt before falling onto his knees and grabbed the torch before hitting the floor and burning off his restraints.

Once free he pulled out the black goggles from his pocket and put them on after taking off the blind fold then ripped out the bit and moved his jaw around, it being sore from having the bit in his mouth since his capture. He stood and tweaked his neck and shoulders before her hurried out of the ship and left the bit and blindfold to show that he was heading toward the setting sun before turning back and going the other way after dropping his false trail. He was a good distance away that he turned back as he could hear the distant voices of one of the boys calling to the adults. Johns was the first to the ship and the first to see Riddick gone before he followed the path Riddick had first taken. He smirked as he looked over the panicking settlers, and he ran off into the distance.

Soon he came upon a bone grave yard,

"Whatever beast these were huge, but something was hungry enough to eat something this large."

Riddick thought as he looked at the bones close up to see narrow teeth marks on them.

Then he heard movement behind him. Taking out his shiv and turned around to only see an angel.

Silver eyes hidden behind goggles locked on emerald gem eyes.

"Hello beautiful." Riddick purred out.

Falling Blue Roses: Hi guys, I know this chapter kind of short but its kind of the only way to get updates quickly. So I hope this was good and please review. Thanks! :3