Let's pop in and see how my Samcedes: The Series couple is doing.

Checking In by Yinx

Sam Evans opened his bedroom door quietly. It was two in the morning and his house was finally silent. He wished it was always like this but five kids, two dogs, a cat, an iguana and a ferret made the seven thousand square foot home seem like a studio apartment. What made it all worth wild was his wife of seventeen years. She smiled at him in the faint glow of side table lamp.

"Did you finish" Mercedes Evans asked.

"Yeah I need to stop doing double issues." His green eyes wandered over the California king and twin size beds pushed together. His wife had made special sheets to fit them together because of two ten year old curly headed twins and their doe eyed six year old sister always seemed to find their way in.

Mercedes sat in the middle looking through a fashion magazine leaving room for her husband beside her. "You know you love it when you do your double issue, Baby." She absent-mindedly stroked Shane's curls as his sleeping head laid in her lap.

Sam smiled as he sat at the couch at the end of their bed. "Yeah I do." He took off his clothes and carried them to the hamper in the bathroom. He came back sitting in the over-sized chair in just his boxer briefs. Sam patted his lap as he winked at his wife.

Mercedes giggled as she slowly moved Shane's head back to the pillow then crawling off the bed in her 'I'm A Mom of Five, Therefore I Don't Sleep' night shirt. She sat astride smiling as he pecked her lips.

"How was your day, Yawne" Sam whispered before declaring thumb wars.

"It's was good. I got a lot of my maternity samples done. I think they will be ready with the rest of the designs, for the show in Paris."

Sam smiled "That's great, remember I'm coming with you."

"Can't wait" she stuck her tongue out to the side trying to grab Sam's thumb. "So…Shade expressed interest in doing a kiddie clothing line. But I think she just wants one because Ming and Aoki Lee have one she looks up to them." Mercedes groaned as Sam pinned her thumb.

"It's nice they have taking her under their wing like their mother did for you." Sam smiled receiving his kiss for winning. He declared again.

"I'm thinking about allowing her a mini line in my show in Paris if she's truly up to it."

"Don't put too much on your plate, Yawne. There's always next time…it doesn't need to be done now" Sam warned her. "You will take a break again if I think you need it."

"I know, Sam. And I'm not; Shade will be doing most of the work. She's only doing five designs…I've seen the sketches and she'll be doing the samples" Mercedes reassured him.

Sam pecked her lips "Good."

"Did you know that Simeon has a girlfriend"?


Mercedes laughed "Cari, the red head that helps attends cars at Mahaila pick up. You want to know what they do for fun"?

"It's not sex is it...OW"! Sam cried out as Mercedes pinched his nipple.

"No"! She laughed as he rubbed the reddening tip then more seductively as he waggled his eyebrows and licked his lips at her. "They make comic books."

Sam stopped rubbing "Really"! His eyes widened.

"Yeah in his room on the floor she does the story line and he draws like his father." She smiled proudly at him.

Sam felt his cheeks heat up. "Well he is a Lil Bit of both of us. Mom's brains…"

"And Daddy's creativity." Mercedes beamed as Sam linked their fingers.

"Micah coach said he was going to start him as quarter back in Saturday game." Sam grinned as Mercedes wrapped her arms around his waist laying her head on his shoulder.

"That's great and he got an A on his English test today. His teacher called me all excited." Mercedes laughed.

"He doesn't have as bad of a case of dyslexia as his father did" Sam sighed squeezing his wife tightly to him. He felt her nestle her face in the crook of his neck.

"It never held his father back why should it hold his son back. Sure he has to work a little harder but it never stopped his father of perusing and achieving his dreams. He learns from example Sam. And he has the best one role model in you." Mercedes whispered and gently kissed his jaw line.

"Thank you Mercedes. His father did have help though."

Mercedes shrugged "He just has to find himself a partner that understands him."

"Like I did"?

"Yes Baby, like you did" she gave him a squeeze.

"I'm glad I found her" Sam smiled pushing Mercedes back so he could kiss her deepening the kiss as he linked his fingers behind her head. "Sam wouldn't be where he is without her" he whispered in her mouth.

Mercedes smiled "Yes Sam, would but she's glad to have helped."

"Yeah 'cause birth five kids ain't easy" Sam smirked. Mercedes shoved him away as they laughed.

"Mom what are you doing Shane" asked as he lift his head.

"Mommy and Daddy are talking, Lil One" Sam smiled as Mercedes snuggled against him.

"Are you coming to bed" their son asked sitting up rubbing his eyes.

"Are you trying to get fresh with me I ain't no bed hopper son I just don't jump in peoples bed cause they asked me" Sam laughed. Mercedes punched his arm. "Besides how the hell are you going to invite me to sleep in my own bed, son."

Mercedes snorted as she got up. She held out her hand pulling her husband up with her. The couple joined their son who snuggled close to his mother.

Sam draped a leg over his wife's hip. "Can't believe we made all them" he whispered laying his head on top of hers. He smiled at his children and thought of the two upstairs.

"We aren't making anymore the factory is closed" Mercedes whispered back feeling his hand slip under her shirt and caress her bare breasts.

"Yeah I know but we could still sneak in some time."

"Only if it's just us the whole gang can't come."

"Good I planning a factory visit this weekend for our anniversary."

Mercedes moved her youngest son off her and turned to face her husband. "Has it been seventeen years already"? She noticed the soft grey patches at his temples she knew she would have a few streaks of her own if she didn't dye it.

Sam nodded "Yes Yawne feels like yesterday I sang to you in New York. I was so nervous didn't know if you liked me the way I loved you." He wrapped both arms around her pulling her close.

"Since you held me and told me everything was going to be alright during our flight." Mercedes smiled up at him before nestling to her spot against him. "I knew you were the person I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with."

Sam rubbed circles on her back nudging her face up with his forehead. He kissed her "Here's to seventeen more." He reached and turned off the light.

"How many kisses can I have in a lifetime" Mercedes smiled feeling him cup her face. The faint glow of the night light cast a soft hallow around the two.

Sam shrugged "Let's count" he grinned and pecked her lips "One, two, three, four, five" he kissed her each time. "Wait are we counting kisses on the lips or elsewhere 'cause I placed about a thousand kisses between your legs alone."

Mercedes felt her face was on fire "Go to sleep, Samwise" she laughed.

"Goodnight kiss first" Sam pursed his lips at her. Mercedes giggled kissing him. "I love you, Mercedes."

Mercedes snuggled back to her spot "Not as much as I love you Sam."