Starfleet Jedi

Chapter 7

Times Change Pt. 1

(Starfleet Intelligence)

Rear Admiral Abigail Rivers sat in her office poring over reports. She was not a physically imposing woman standing only five feet tall and weighing in at just a bit over one hundred pounds, but she had a knack for intelligence work and with it had made her way up the ranks. With a slightly pained groan she released her strawberry blonde hair from the severely constricting bun at the back of her head letting the curly locks fall free. She leaned forward in her chair and released a sigh of exasperation as she picked up a padd which contained a Romulan transmission that had been decrypted and leaned back into her chair, "Raktijino," she barked at the small replicator next to her desk.

Her agents had been slowly feeding her information on the Romulans trying to gather intel on a very unique starfleet officer. They were clamoring to find out what made Commander Kreen tick. Recently it had come to her attention that Starfleet Medical had discovered how these "Midiclorians," interacted with her genetic code and allowed her to become psionic. Another interesting fact they had discovered that the same markers existed in a dormant state in some way, shape, or form throughout most races within the Federation. Now there was talk among the council to start a program to train those who were found to possess these unique genetic traits, which would undoubtedly alert the enemies of the federation as to what to look for in their own populations. This was a troubling development indeed.

Ardana sat on the edge of the bed in her quarters while Addams looked over the message sent to her. "Ardie, this is fantastic news," he said with a hint of excitement in his voice. Ardana nodded slightly, "But it's dangerous. Without proper training and devotion one can turn to the dark side easily." Addams placed the padd on the small table and sat down on the bed, "You'll do great," he whispered in her ear cone. Ardana rolled her eyes, "It's not the direction I feel is proper in my career. I was never a master."

Their moment was interrupted as the ship shuttered and groaned from a weapon strike, "Addams to bridge, what the hell is going on?"

"We're under attack sir," Came Parsons voice.

"Duty calls," Ardana stated as she slipped her boots back on.

Moments later the turbolift doors opened and the captain and first officer stepped out onto the bridge, "Report," Addams ordered as he took his chair and turned towards the viewscreen. Parson's went over the readings, "Unknown, but they appear to be utilizing cloaking technology but the energy signatures match more with Cardassian weapons than Romulan or Klingon."

"The Obsidian Order," Addams stated, "A secret organization in the Cardassian government, but they're existence has only been rumored." Ardana went over the scans, "Well I think we can confirm the rumor. Judging from the scans that we ran during their brief decloaking I would assume that we are facing a Galor class vessel." Addams furrowed his brow, The Galor class was the latest and greatest Cardassian vessel and if this one could cloak who knew what else was on it. "Full power to shields and standy by warp drive. We can't beat them, but maybe we can get away."

The ship rocked from another hit and the helm console erupted in a shower of burning sparks. "Shields down!" Parsons yelled as the familiar whine of a transporter hit their ears. Addams spun in his chair to find his first officer missing, "Of course they wanted her... Everyone wants her," he muttered to himself, "Get us up and running!" he ordered as he looked at the blank viewscreen, "Hang on Ardie, we're coming."

Ardana materialized in what appeared to be a cell with no windows and only a metal door to contain her. "What now?" she asked herself as she unclipped her saber from her belt and ignited the blade filling the dark room with a soft blue light. With a singular thrust she sent the blade through the door and began cutting her way out. She had no idea what to do when she escaped but removing herself from this cell was foremost on her mind. She felt a jolt and was thrown backwards as a force field came into being around the door. "Fine," she muttered, "I'll go through the wall." Suddenly she felt lightheaded and her vision began to swim as she noticed that they were pumping anesthetic gas into her holding cell.

As her world went dark she heard the door open. The last thing she saw before losing consciousness was a boot kick her saber away from her as she was lifted off the ground.

"Yes admiral I do know what this means," Addams said to Admiral Rivers through their subspace conversation. Abigail Rivers stared at him for a moment, "The Cardassians want her and I'm sure if the Romulans were to find out about her they would too. We need to retrieve Commander Kreen." Addams nodded, "I agree, but the Stratford is no match to this Cardassian cruiser." With a sigh the admiral punched in a few commands, "I'm sending the Enterprise to rendezvous with you. Captain Picard will command the rescue op. Starfleet out." Addams leaned back in his chair. He had heard of Picard. Made a name for himself by beating Jim Kirk as the youngest captain in Starfleet history, and had quite the reputation as a no nonsense commander, and while he had not seen one of the new Galaxy Class ships in action, he knew they were reported to be as effective as they were massive.

Ardana could feel consciousness returning to her. Even though she was severely disoriented, she could feel something in her mouth. Suddenly there was a sharp pain as she felt one of her back teeth ripped from her jaw. Suddenly she found herself wide awake and screaming a human phrase, "What the hell!" "Quiet!" she heard one of her captors bark, "It's for identification purposes." Feeling blood begin to flow through the open hole in her gum she struggled against the bonds that held her strapped to a chair, "I demand to know why you've kidnapped a Starfleet officer. This is a blatant act of war against the federation." A large man stepped into the light, his gray skin and protruding neck scales clearly identified his as Cardassian, "You're a guest of the Obsidian Order and will remain so until we see fit to release you." Ardana blinked a couple times. She knew that release from the Cardassians usually meant execution, "Then who is my host?" she asked. "I am Gul Givack," he responded, "And I am now your master."

She was released from the chair and shackled before she had time to react, but with her mind she was able to tell that they had planned to use her for something. Four guards led her from the examination room and shoved her into another cell. Once the door closed and locked the magnetic shackled released allowing her to separate her hands but leaving the cuffs attached. As she turned to face the door she spotted a small figure huddles in the corner. It was dirty and wearing rags for clothes. She knelt down beside the form and brushed the black hair back from the prisoners face. With a gasp she realized that it was a girl no older than six years of age and judging from the dark blue skin and deep almost glowing red eyes realized that it was a Chiss child.

"How is this possible?"

"Who are you?" she asked getting only a puzzled look from the girl, "Coo chuba," she said in her rusty Huttese knowing that if she didn't speak basic she probably spoke that. The girl blinked, "Gena'imitha'rome du Nar Shadaa." She looked at the girl, "Ardana."

Just then Ardana felt her cuffs snap back together as the door opened revealing Gul Givack, "Walk with me Starfleet," he commanded. Ardana looked at the girl and nodded before standing up and stepping out of the cell. "You will release us," she said to him through the Force. He chuckled a bit, "I don't think so and before you try again we are trained against the use of telepathy." He led her down and empty corridor and threw her against a wall, "How did you get her to speak?" Ardana shook loose the cobwebs from the upper part of her lek hitting the wall, "I used her language. Speaking would be easier if I were allowed a universal translator." He released her, "For some reason we're unable to lock on to her syntax. It's a complex language."

"How did she get here?" Ardana asked, "It's obvious that you know nothing about her." Givack looked down on his prisoner, "She was found in a decaying stasis pod. Our estimates say that it's at least 1500 years old." Ardana nodded, "I see and what do you need with me?" Givek pulled out a portable scanner and activated the display, "She has some unique genetic markers. Markers that appear in only an eighth of a percent of our population. We heard a rumor about a Starfleet officer who had these markers and was capable of some unique abilities. We want you to train her and our people to do what you do." Ardana shook her head, "I won't." Giveck threw her to the ground causing her face to hit the grating in the floor, "Listen carefully. You live as long as I say you do, so the best way to stay alive is for me to find you useful." He then grabbed her by the shoulder of her uniform, ripping it as he pulled her to her feet. "Fine," she said as she pulled his hand off of her and causing her uniform to tear further exposing the top of her breast, "But I have a few conditions." Givack harrumphed, "And what would those be my pet?" Ardana pulled at the torn fabric in an attempt to cover herself, "I want a programmable universal translator so I can communicate with the girl easier, and we will not be kept in a cage like animals in your zoo." Giveck smile triumphantly, "You will be given more comfortable quarters, but there will be a guard posted outside your door, and you will not live your room without an escort. I'll get you your translator, but I also have a condition."

Addams sat in his chair impatiently when he felt the engines hum to life through the deck plates,"Main power restored Lt. Carol said from the helm station, "Course captain?" Addams hesitated for a moment, "Course five three seven mark nine. Rendezvous with the Enterprise." He felt himself get pulled back into his seat due to the inertial dampener not being quite functional and his small and damaged ship jumped to warp, "Hold on Ardie, we'll get you back."

It didn't take more than a few hours for the Enterprise to appear on the Stratford's sensors as the ships hurled through space towards each other. "We're being hailed, "Parsons said. "On screen," Addams replied with a touch of irritation." Ardana was his officer and friend and he hated on having to rely on help to save her. Jean Luc Picard and his crew appeared on the Stratford's small viewscreen, "Captain Picard," Addams said as he stood up from his chair and straightened his uniform, "We're honored to have your assistance in this matter." Picard nodded, but there was no politeness. It appeared as if he was judging Addams and his crew through the viewscreen, "I've heard of your unique first officer captain and if the Cardassians have decided they want her it could spell trouble."

"Indeed," Addams replied, "I know all too well what she is capable of." Picard seemed to contemplate what he said, "I'm going to have my first officer and a security team come aboard. We need to go over the evidence and decide what actions would be best to take." Addams nodded, "We'll have the transporter standing by."

"Very good," Picard said, "And You did the right thing. I know many captains who would have gone after them despite the overwhelming odds. Enterprise out."

Ardana was led to secure quarters with the girl that she had decided to call Gena since her full name was just too much of a mouthful. Once they were inside she noticed that while still spartan, these quarters were a serious improvement on the cell they had previously occupied. Giveck kneeled down to the girl," Soon you'll work for us." Ardana did her best with her limited knowledge of the language to translate. After only a moment a look of understanding appeared on the girls face and she turned to look at Giveck, "Cha skrunee da pat, sleemo!" she shouted at him causing Ardana to smirk. "What did she say?" Giveck asked with irritation evident in his voice. "Don't count on it slime ball," Ardana replied. Giveck backhanded the child and turned to Ardana, "You would do well to teach her some manners!" Giveck regained his composure and grabbed Ardana by the arm, "Time to keep your end of the bargain," he said as he yanked her from the room.

Lt. Tasha Yar, Worf, and Lt. Commander Data all sat with Addams in the Stratford's conference room going over details about Commander Kreen's abduction as well as the commander herself to better understand why people would want her. "I've never seen anything like it," Tasha said as she watched the recorded lightsaber fight between Ardana and her dark counterpart, "And those blades are actually made out of energy?" Addams nodded as he produced the phaser that Ardana had modified aboard the Betelgeuse. Pressing the fire control a saber blade erupted from the emitter, "This is one she rigged out of a phaser. I can't leave it on long since the phaser wasn't built for it, it will overheat after a few minutes, but from what I've seen it will cut through pretty much anything without too much trouble." He turned it off and handed it to Data who opened the casing and looked at the relatively simple modifications, "Fascinating," he said.

"Bridge to Addams," came Parsons' voice over the comm, "We're receiving a transmission." Addams tapped his commbadge, "Put it through down here," he replied. Almost instantly Ardana appeared on the wall mounted viewer. He noticed a few cuts and bruises as well as her torn up uniform. He also noticed that her head tails were pulled in front over her shoulders instead of behind her like she normally wore them, "This is Commander Ardana Kreen first officer of the U.S.S. Stratford. At this time I am currently onboard a Cardassian cruiser and I am announcing my intention to leave Starfleet and join the Obsidian Order. Please do not attempt to come get me nor to negotiate for my return. The cardassians would consider that an act of war. On a personal note I would like to say something to my former captain. Richard, I'm so sorry, but I have to do what is right."

The transmission ceased leaving everyone in the room with the exception of the android slack jawed. "I don't damned believe it." Addams said.

A/N: Sorry about the long update, but the Plot Tribbles ran away. I know this story is kind of disjointed jumping from event to event but I have to establish how she came to be for the story I've had written down for 2 years. That being said this will begin the wrap up as I only plan about three more chapters. Once it's done I will star posting her first true story. Hope you enjoy, and as always please read and review.