Life is a set of choices.
From the moment we exit the womb, we are thrown into a world with a million different possibilities at out fingertips.
Some people receive more options than others.
Some people would rather have fewer options.
Some people would rather have more.
Some humans get no choices at all… discarded like so much ceramic at birth or even before birth.
And some people have their options taken away from them… an injury, a mistake… death.
But every choice made is another rock in the stream… a stream that must be crossed…
Some stones can be lost without penalty, or with a slight loss.
But some stones cannot be retrieved, and some, if misplaced, come with the worst of penalties.
So place your stones well, and your path shall be safe.
Place them poorly… and you will suffer the consequences.
For at the end of your life, you will not only be expected to have made a path across the stream…
But to be able to go across it again.
Woe to he who builds with another's stones, only to find that he is denied repassage, and him from whom he stole is granted his path.
One stone in the stream of life can change everything.
This is a fact all life must face.
And so it came to be that a round stone took the place of a rectangular one…
A woman took the place of a man.
But it was planned to be so since the river first flowed…
The way of men is not the way of God…
So says he who speaks in riddles… and has fought with himself…
And has won…
Persona 4 the Femfiction
Written by Chabad
Beta-read by EmperorArcana
Persona is owned by the creators of Shin Megami Tensei: Atlus
This is a fanfiction. All resemblance of characters or events to real-life characters or events is either coincidental or symbolic.
Let's begin, shall we?
Bonds of love are the true power.