A/N: o.O Yes. I know what you're thinking - Where in Merlin's pants is that multi-chaptered fic?

Well, folks, this is simple - not here yet. *shot* D:. I'm being a bit lethargic about it, no lie - o.O however, it will be in full swing soon. I just thought that in the mean time, I would appease my Twincest Gods with some drabblets of fluffiness and intensity to quell the momentary drama that is occuring in my other chapter. Until then, do enjoy~. Reviews make smiles appear :'D.

Stars twinkle knowingly. Moonlight glitters with focus. Water is lapping playfully at the bottom of the wooden boat that treads against its otherwise smooth, undisturbed surface.

"It's such a beautiful view…" George whispers as he gazes up into the bright, star-scattered sky.

"Very." Fred murmurs, though he finds the stars to be infinitely more beautiful through his brother's chocolate-colored irises.

"Baby, you're not even looking at the stars..."

"I am. They're just better-looking through your eyes…"

George turns to face Fred and takes his hand wordlessly, staring at the digits that wrap tenderly around his porcelain hand with a soft smile.

"Fred…did I ever tell you that you're just too good at saying all the right things?"

He merely shrugs, brushes some strands of brunette from his lover's features, and leans in so that their lips ghost dangerously close.

"It's not saying the right thing, George. It's just the truth."

The elder twin finds himself fitted with a shy little smile as his eyes keep their gaze downward at their laced hands. Fred chuckles lowly and steals a light peck.

"You're so easy to love…"

George smirks knowingly and steals a full-on kiss from his twin.

"With you, Fred, it's impossible for me to make it any other way."