A/N: These aren't just romance shots.
Song: Letter From a Thief by Chevelle
Gods, Chevelle is the best band ever, I love them so much...
My OTP is Puzzleshipping, and it's pretty much the only Yaoi I'll read.
Yeah, I'm not a big Yaoi fan, unless it Puzzleshipping. I also like Tendershipping, and when I want a good laugh, Thiefshipping or Conspireshipping. I would say Bronzeshipping, but... I don't know. It just... never grew on me.
Topic: Library
Name: Figurine
Summary: "I know you've been having a bad week, Bakura-kun," Yugi smiled at the thief, "So... I made you this. I know it'll cheer you up."
Rating: K
Genre: Friendship/Family.
Warnings: Solid!Bakura. Friendly!Bakura. Slightly Sentimental!Bakura.
Pairings: None.
Notes: Iunno, got this idea the other night when I was trying to drudge up some plot bunnies. I realized that I really, really like the idea of Bakura—yes guys, I mean Yami no Bakura—being a sort of over-protective older brother to Yugi, just because Yugi gave him a certain wooden figurine. Admittedly, it was originally for this HPxOver I've been planning, but I really wanted to get it out of my system. I'll probably incorporate it into the xOver, though.
Yugi smiled nervously as he fidgeted with the blue cloth that covered up his gift to a certain indigo-eyed thief, as he waited patiently in Domino Library.
He hoped he was doing the right thing.
Akefia Bakura, after he had been freed from Zork's control and allowed to stay in the mortal realm, had mellowed out quite alot. He was still rough, and generally uncaring, of course, but he didn't make an effort to hurt anyone. He'd occasionally give everyone (specifically Yami) hell, though.
This week, however, Bakura had become reclusive and generally unresponsive. Ryou didn't seem overly worried, and when Yugi asked, he said the former tomb raider got like this at certain times of the year. At the same time, Yugi had been having dreams of a white-haired little girl with bright blue eyes.
The girl always seemed to connect with Bakura, but Yugi didn't know how or why. He still didn't know if he should have done this.
Oh well. No turning back now. He sighed anxiously as he spotted short, spikey white hair heading toward him. Bakura sat down across from him with a slight huff, his indigo eyes resting on Yugi for a moment before shifting to the covered gift in front of the little duelist.
Yugi smiled brightly at the thief, "Hullo, Bakura-kun!" He said, and Bakura's gaze shifted back to him, "Thanks for coming!"
"Yeah... Sure. What do you need, Yugi?" Bakura said, his manner being much more... soft-spoken then Yugi knew him to be. The duelist looked at the other worriedly. Bakura never called him 'Yugi'. Back when they were enemies, it was always 'The Pharaoh Brat' or 'The Pharaoh's Host'. When they became sorta-friends, Bakura just settled with calling him 'Twerp'.
"Bakura-kun... Are you okay?" Yugi asked, amethyst eyes trained on the other, practically daring the thief to lie.
"M'fine.." Bakura sighed, "What is it?"
"...If you say so..." Yugi smiled, nervous again, "Well, I noticed you being kind of... down. I asked Ryou about it, and he told me not to worry too much, but..." Yugi grabbed the cloth that covered the rectangular gift, "Well, I've been having these dreams lately, and, well, the person in them always seemed to connect straight to you." Bakura was looking at him, obviously interested.
"I know you've been having a bad week, Bakura-kun," Yugi smiled at the thief, "So... I made you this. I know it'll cheer you up." He pulled away the cloth, and Bakura's eyes widened.
Under it, was a glass case. It was just a simple design, but it was sturdy. Inside, though, was a little wooden figurine, carved with care and precision.
It was of a young girl, probably about 6-9 years of age. She had long, loose-hanging white hair, and bright, sapphire-colored eyes. She had lightly tanned skin, and was wearing a loose off-white/tan dress. Her tiny wooden hands were clasped to her chest, while tiny little white angel wings hung behind her. Her face was turned upwards, a soft smile on her face.
Bakura had reached over, pulling the display case over to him, staring at the little angel girl with utter facination. He looked up at Yugi in pure surprise, "Ho-How did you know about her?"
Yugi smiled softly, "That's just it... I don't. I don't know who she is, where she's from, or what her connection to you is. I just knew she was very close to you... and, well, I figured you might like this."
"...She was my sister. My baby sister. Amikia." Bakura said softly, looking back at the figurine.
Yugi blinked, surprised, "...Oh." He hummed, "...I'm sorry."
He knew the story. Because of Aknadin, Bakura had to watch his family and entire village be sacrificed to make the Sennen Items, causing darkness to grow in his heart and rage against the royal line, thinking that the Pharaoh ordered the massacre.
"Don't be." Bakura said, sitting up. He offered the younger duelist a smile, "This... This is more then I could have ever hoped for... Thank you, Twerp."
Yugi laughed lightly, "Anytime, Bakura-kun!"
Bakura smirked at him, getting back into his usual attitude. He looked at the figurine in wonder again, "I didn't even know you did wood cutting, Twerp. Then again, I didn't know you painted until Ryou told me you painted that picture in the living room..."
Yugi smiled brightly at him, "Oh, Jii-chan taught me when I was real little. Amikia there, though, is the first one I've done in a very long time. I'm glad she turned out well. Okaa-san taught me how to paint a few years ago."
"Well?" Bakura scoffed, "She turned out perfect. You have talent, Twerp."
Yugi blushed heavily, ducking his head, "...I guess..."
"...Hey." Yugi looked up at the thief curiously, his face still tinted red. Bakura was looking out the window, a small grin on his face, "...If you ever need anything, Twerp... Yugi... Just let me know. If someone's bugging you... I'll beat the hell out of them. If you really want something... I'll steal it for you." He grinned over at his fellow duelist, "In other words, you need me, for anything at all, I'll come. Got it?"
Yugi laughed, smiling brightly, "Sure, Bakura-kun!"
D'aaww, that was just cute.
(Note, as I'm unable to remember if the showed Bakura's family in the anime/manga, I don't remember what they looked like. I'm pretty sure he had a little sister, though...
But I'm not certain.)