A/N: Hey guys... Sorry about not writing anything at all. I've been in a serious writers block, schools being a bitch, and have no inspiration at all. I'm seriously thinking about abandoning Eternity for now, and I haven't been able to write much for Masks.
So, I told—forced—my friend, Madam Soprano, to give me a few topic ideas for some romance drabbles. Since that is, really, what I need most help in.
Thank Ra, she's actually helping me through this cursed writers block.
So, in her wondrous name and honor, I present to you, the Soprano Souls, a series of drabbles and one-shots based around the only pair I stalk on a daily basis—Puzzleshipping, AKA, Yami/Atemu x Yugi Motou.
(So, yes, Izzie, you have inspired me to make a Yaoi collection. Yay you.)
I will post the topic, name, summary, rating, and pairings of these drabbles/one-shots here. They wont relate to each other unless I mention it. I will update whenever I feel like it, so don't expect regular updates. These will all be K-T, no lemons here, from fluff to angst and everything in between, and lots of Yaoi.
Sorry again, for not posting anything. I'm trying, I really am.
I will say this now and only now:
I do not own Yuugiou/Yu-Gi-Oh!, nor do I ever plan to.
These drabbles/one-shots contain Yaoi. That means boy x boy, people. Some may be AU, most not. Please, don't read what you don't want to.
Criticism is accepted, while flames are used to cook marshmallows. Remember that, people.
These will mostly be inspired by Madam Soprano, my dearest friend, also known as Izzie. Hence the name.
Topic: Claw Machine
Name: For You and Only You, Aibou
Summary: Aibou wanted that Kuriboh plushie. And he would get it for him, even if he had to send the thrice-damned machine to the Shadows to do it.
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance/Humor.
Warnings: Yaoi. Solid!Yami.
Pairings: Puzzleshipping/Yami x Yugi.
Notes: ...Luls, so much fluffy goodness.
Yugi stared almost stoically at the large, fluffy, Kuriboh plushie. His head tilted to the side, amethyst eyes blinking slowly at the Duel Spirit in it's glass enclosure. Sewed-on purple eyes stared back at him, unblinking. He glanced down at his hands, which had formerly been shifting through his pockets, only to come out empty.
He sighed dejectedly, preparing for a long sulk back home. It even looked as if it might rain. Great atmosphere.
He blinked when an arm slid shamelessly around his waist, a familiar hand coming into his line of sight, holding two quarters. There was a soft chuckle.
"Now, I don't believe I can allow my light to sulk all the way back home, now can I?" Yugi smiled brightly, flipping around quickly to hug his darkness, almost bouncing in delight.
"Oh, thank you, Mou Hitori no Boku!" He said, bouncing backwards, holding out his hands for the quarters, grinning. But, Yami just smirked, holding up the quarters for inspection.
He hummed, "I don't believe I've ever played this game, Aibou... this.. claw machine." He blinked at it, crimson eyes looking at the controls haughtily, "What better excuse then to do it for Mou Hitori no Ore, ne?"
Yugi blinked, before his grin came uncannily close to one his yami's favorite smirks—'Number 17: Are you quite sure you want to do that, and, I don't know, lose the game and/or your dignity aswell?'—and he tilted back on the balls of his feet, hands behind his back. The picture of innocence, if you disregarded the smirk, "Oh, I don't know, Mou Hitori no Boku... The claw machine is pretty tough. Even I can't win half the time.."
Yami snorted, "Well, then, what do you think I'm here for?" His current smirk—'Number 3: Please. You thought to challenge me with this drivel?'—melted into another, which made Yugi blush slightly—'Number 24: I'm thinking of something perverted and you damn well know it.'—before reverting back, "If you can't beat it half the time, then I'll just take over that half. How hard could it be?"
"Whatever you say, Yami..." Yugi continued to smirk, which slightly unnerved the dark. Yugi didn't smirk unless he knew that whatever was going to happen would either;
A: Undermine his opponent and cause said opponent to either loose all of his lifepoints in one, fatal, confidence-crushing blow, or give him the upper hand so he could quickly deal out that fatal, confidence-crushing blow.
B: When he most definitely and assuredly knows that he is right, and the other is most definitely and assuredly wrong. (This usually proves to be correct, for Yugi has the uncanny ability to be always right. Especially if the other is at risk of a drop-kick or (In Yami's case) banishment to the couch.)
C: Something that will get Jounouchi in serious trouble with Anzu. The girl had one hell of a temper. And, it was hilarious to watch Jounouchi and Anzu go at it.
D: When he knew that whatever his yami was doing, it would get his ass and dignity positively pwned. Which would give him a decent amount of amusement.
E: Some -ahem- certain antics of his yami.
All in all, Yugi was a manipulative little bastard sometimes. And that smirk was still there. Seems to be a mix of B and D. Wonderful.
Yami twitched and looked over the controls of the machine, before slipping the quarters into the slot. He poked the analog, glancing up to see the claw move slightly to the right. He smirked—'Number 4: This shall be pwned. In all sense of the non-word.'
Yami twitched a little more noticeably as he lost. He risked a glance at his light. Yup. Yugi was still smirking, though this one had a bit of a mix with one of his more renowned smirks-'Number 5: Victory is mine, bitch. Now, admit you defeat before I make you.'
He growled low, putting two more quarters into the machine, the Kuriboh plushie having barely moved.
He lost. Again.
Yugi was still smirking.
Yami re-fed the machine it's quarters, determined.
Aibou wanted that Kuriboh plushie. And he would get it for him, even if he had to send the thrice-damned machine to the Shadows to do it.
"Take that, you damned machine!" Yami cried gleefully, as the Kuriboh plush dropped toward the drop-in box.
"Congratulations, you actually manag-" Yugi cut himself off as the Kuriboh got stuck on the edge of the box, before falling back into the mess of toys. They both stared at it for a moment, before Yugi burst out laughing.
Yami growled, glancing in agitation at the security cameras. Maybe, just maybe, if he covered them with shadows quick enough that Yugi wouldn't noticed and just Shadow Magic the damn thing out, he wouldn't have to send the whole thing to the Shadow Realm.
"Don't even, Mou Hitori no Boku."
Yami smiled softly at the almost childish display his Aibou put off, cuddling the ball of brown fluff to him, "Well, Aibou? Was it worth it? Because it better have been worth it."
"Most definitely worth it, Mou Hitori no Boku!" Yugi said, smiling up at him. He came over, hugging the dark, and giving him a chaste kiss. Yami had his arms around the others waist, smiling down at him, until Yugi got his 'evil' glint in his eyes, "You know, Mou Hitori no Boku, there was this other plush I saw that Anzu might like.. it's one of those.. er- 'Girl Anime' type thing."
Yami scoffed, "No. I will face that blasted machine for you and only you, Aibou."
Yugi grinned, laughing softly, "Good."
And Yami smirked—His favorite, 'Number 1: Aibou, I am about to kiss you. And no, there is nothing anyone else or you can do to stop it.'—and pulled his partner into a kiss that was anything but chaste.
A/N: I love Puzzleshipping.