A\n: Doing a Keith story with 100 prompts. So, this will be 100 chapters/drables, each one based off a different prompt. The first prompt: Beauty.
Keith's thoughts were messy as he sat on the edge of the cliff; he wished desperately he was anywhere but this town, and in this body of his. Cancer was a word that was foreign to him; something everyone else got- something that couldn't touch him. But it had touched him; grabbed him, even. It had touched him, grabbed him, and taken complete control of his life. Keith wondered what he had done to deserve this- to deserve to be dying. Keith's thoughts wondered to Natalie as he sat over-looking the water. Her beauty amazed him- she was more beautiful than anything he had ever seen. But with her beauty, came the want for her to be his, and with the want for her to be his: came only more pain. Keith supposed he could just leave it at beauty, though, that way he wouldn't have to take those steps to more hurt.
He would admire her beauty, and that alone would give him something to smile about.