I had another idea for an Auslly story so enjoy!
Ally POV
I sat thinking of how Dallas had moved to Idaho. I cried myself to sleep for weeks, but kept my happy façade up around my friends. I couldn't even stay focused on writing a song now, though Austin has been begging me for weeks. I shut my book giving up on song writing yet again and clutched my book to my chest turning to get up and almost fell backward off the bench coming face to face with Austin.
"Austin, how long have you been here?" I jumped up from the bench and he stroked a few keys. "Not long, just long enough for you to close your book. Also, to see you give up on writing a song again. When are you going to write me a new one, anyways?" Austin shrugged. "Do you want to be hit up beside the head or is it me?" I hissed "I'm trying my best, but I'm having some issues. It'll be finished when I finish it." I hurried out of the room annoyed with my writer's block.
Austin's POV
Ally had been sulking and unable to write since she heard Dallas moved, but that was weeks ago. I needed to get her out of her funk, but didn't know how. If only she'd see me the way she saw Dallas, maybe she'd be able to write again and even better be my girlfriend. Unfortunately, I think I blew it when I read her diary and found out about her crush. I told her I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship. Talk about putting myself in the friend zone.
I got up from the piano in the practice room, hurrying to find Dez and Trish. If there were two people I trusted almost as much as Ally it was Dez and Trish. They would help me devise a plan to help me and Ally. I ran passed the counter where Ally sat masking her frown with a fake "I'm okay" smile. I waved as I left Sonic Boom and she merely gave me the same smile as everyone else. Then my phone went off.
"Man, Trish just ate my whole gingerbread family. I need more gingerbread makings." Dez groaned as I answered the phone. "I need your help; I'll get you the makings as payment." I replied. "Austin, how can I refuse a friend some help? What is it buddy?" Dez said pleased. "I need help getting Ally out of her funk so she can write songs again and more." I said quickly. "Yikes, now that's a toughie. I could make her a gingerbread family as well." Dez suggested. "That would be cool, but I don't think it will be enough to make her feel better." I replied. There was smack sound and then Trish spoke "Hey, don't listen to that wackadoodle. You like her, right? Well, play her secret admirer that will get her mind in a happier mind set. The notes have to be left in certain spots. I'll place them around if you write them."
I sighed "I'm not so great with words. Hence Ally as my songwriter." Trish groaned "You wanted a plan I gave you one." I laughed "Alright, alright, we'll do that. I just hope it works." I walked toward the food court. "Austin, over here!" Dez called rubbing his shoulder and I hung up my phone. "I don't know how we're going to pull it off, but it's our only hope." I sat down and Trish patted my shoulder "If it doesn't work we can go with my type of approach and do the craziest thing I can think of." I rolled my eyes "Ha-ha, very funny. Can you help me with the first plan before we go to plan B. Trish laughed "Sure, but Dez needs to keep his mouth shut about it." Dez winked "About what?" Trish shook her head "Dez, we'll work on you secret keeping, but first to execute our plan." She grinned evilly before she began telling me how to go about our plan in detail. She even had drawn out the scenario in a cartoon so I could follow her bantering. For thinking it up on the spot, boy was she prepared.