Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or anything else I mention.

He's driving in his old, beaten truck with the windows rolled down out in the middle of nowhere.

And if he's being honest, he has no idea where he's going.

According to this super-ancient map of his, Lima is supposed to be less than a mile away. Problem is, he sees no sign of human life anywhere. All he sees are trees and grass and well, nature. And more trees. It's way different from life in the big city, that's for sure. He's pretty sure they like, polar opposites.

After what seems like hours, he finally sees an old, wooden sign with the word Lima carved onto it. He follows the arrow and turns right, continuing on the now helluva bumpy road.

After about two miles, he parks right in front of the major's office. Stepping inside, he has a chat with Mayor Figgins, who gives him the keys to his new home.

"So happy you're here Mr. Hudson. Lima's been needing a new mechanic."

He wonders for a moment what kind of problems could a small town like this have, other than coyotes, or creepy old people and what not. Still he shakes his hand and thanks him before exiting to go to his own place.

It isn't much; in fact it's a fraction of the life he used to have. It's roughly the size of an apartment, except the bricks are outdated, and it smells like a tree scented plug-in. Sure, life won't be luxurious as it had once been, but he made this choice. He chose to get away from all that pressure and disappointment. Maybe here in Lima, things could be good. Maybe here is where he finally belongs.

Lima's super small. He literally met the whole town's population in one day. He's sorta made some friends too. There's the Puckermans, who live just right next door to him, the Evans, as well as Dr. Schuster and his fiancée Nurse Emma.

There's still that part of him that worries about his mom, Burt, and Kurt in New York, but he knows they'll do just fine without him. Besides, here he can actually do something for himself, make a living on his own.

His first job as the town's mechanic is to fix the chicken coop.

It astonishes him that here, they actually have to get their own eggs and milk and they even grow their own food.

He really does try his best to fix it, but coops are not like cars-at all. He freaks out when the chickens break loose and wander out into the streets. He hustles to gather most of them before anyone finds out. Seriously, how embarrassing would that be. Thankfully, he manages to screw the nails correctly this time. Crisis diverted.

That is until he hears an insanely loud and scary crash.

He rushes outside and sees a car crashed into an oak tree. He immediately runs towards it, and is followed by the other townspeople. The tire tracks show an abrupt turn in the middle of the road. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the cause. A stray chicken.


"Somebody, get that person out of there. I'll go get Doctor Schue." Quinn Puckerman yells from a distance, before running towards the medical center with her child, Beth, in tow.

Puck, her husband, helps him get the driver out of the car. The driver, a woman, is knocked out and is bleeding, badly, but alive.

He can't help but to freeze at the sight of her. He has this feeling, this weird abnormally strong feeling, that's starting to overwhelm him. It isn't a noxious feeling though, like what he would have expected because of the blood and stuff. It's the opposite really. He lets Puck get her out while he analyzes every detail of her. She has a sundress on, with knee socks under her shoes. A weird combination, but he finds it somewhat cute. The last thing that catches his eye is her Rach necklace. He quickly makes the assumption that 'Rach' is short for something. Like Rachel. Rachel, that's a really nice name.

Nurse Emma comes first, and everyone backs up to give her space. Everyone except him.

"Oh dear. This doesn't look too good. She's going to need help as soon as possible. Puck, would you be a dear and look through her car to see if there's any trace of who this young lady might be. Do be careful of the glass though."

"Umm… Emms, there's nothing in here," Puck says after rummaging through the woman's car. "Not even a license or anything."

"That's really strange." She says, turning away from Puck to look straight at him.

"Finn, do you know who this woman is?"

He doesn't know why, but he hesitates for a moment.

Just tell her the truth; that you have no idea who this woman is. That she's a complete stranger to you.

"Her name's Rachel," he blurts out. "Rachel Hudson. She's… she's my wife."

He doesn't know why he said that.

Scratch that. He doesn't know why a part of him meant it when he said it.

Obviously she isn't his wife, heck he doesn't even know a thing about her. Besides her name, and he isn't even a hundred percent sure her name is actually Rachel.

Still he doesn't know what he's going to do when she wakes up. He's pretty sure he's committed some sort of fraud or something like that.

But he doesn't regret doing it though. She has no source of identification, no wallet, no insurance present with her at the moment. So maybe, if it all works it, she'll wake up, acknowledge his act of heroism, and reward him by not pressing charges or anything. Yeah.

That is if she wakes up.

He's sitting in the tiny hospital on a plastic bench waiting for any type of news. It's perfectly logical to be worried sick right? Well, it was his fault that she crashed into a tree. He's just feeling guilty. That's what it must be, guilt.

"Mr. Hudson, I need you to feel out these things for your wife," the Nurse tells him.

"Oh yeah, sure thing. Thanks." He replies, taking the clipboard and pen from her.

Last Name; First Name; Date of Birth; Allergies…

Crap. He only fills out the name part before he gives up completely. How is he supposed to pull this off when he doesn't even know a thing about her.

"Umm… Nurse Emma. I'm sorry but, I'm still in shock with what happened to my wife and everything, so… you we maybe… put this off until later?"

"Of course. However I must know, does she have any known allergies?" He shakes his head no, praying his right. "Good. Oh and by the way, just call me Emma. You can drop the whole nurse part of it. We're all one big family here in Lima."

"Cool. Uh, you can just call me Finn too." He smiles earnestly, exhaling a deep breath as she walks away.

"I didn't know you had a wife." He jumps as he hears Puck's voice come out of nowhere.

"Dude you scared the shit out of me. Yeah… I do have a wife. Rachel."

"Then why haven't we met her before? Why didn't you tell us you were married, hmm? Or better yet, why is it that neither of you have rings?"

"Dude, will you cut it out? She stayed back in our old home for a couple of days… just to… just to… make sure everything was good with the… the renters! Yeah, the renters of our house. I came first with all our stuff, to like get everything situated and stuff before she came. As for our rings? Well, we eloped, and we didn't think rings were necessary just yet." He nervous and his palm are starting to sweat like hell. He wasn't cut out for this kind of stuff.

"I don't know bro, it's all just a bit fishy to me. I mean when Quinn got into a car accident I didn't just stare at her."

"Look, why else do you think she would come to this cow town." He said more rudely than intended, immediately regretting his words.

Just as Puck began to open his mouth Doctor Schuester comes out of the operating room.

"Good news Finn. She's stable, she had a minor head trauma, so we'll need to check on that before she wakes up."

"Oh thank God doc." He said relieved. "Well… we don't have insurance, but don't worry. I'll pay for every penny." Taking out his wallet, he gave the doctor his debit card.

"Oh, you're one of those city boys." Puck sneered.

"Was. I was."

He stays at the hospital overnight in case she wakes up.

He doesn't her to wake up with he's at home, because he doesn't want Emma or Doctor Schue to find out he's been lying to them without him there. No, he wants to be the first person she sees when she wakes up. That way, he can explain the situation to her in person.

Except he isn't.

He just got back from the cafeteria when Doctor Schue tells him that she finally woke up.

The doctor has a serious face that makes him super nervous. Did she tell him? He's hands start to get clammy again and his starts to tense up. "What's wrong?" he asks.

"I think it's better if I just show you."

As Doctor Schue leads him into Rachel's room, he takes a giant breath. He mentally prepares a speech in his head, to justify his actions. He did pay for her operation after all. He just hopes that she isn't one of those divas who have a rich lawyer dad, because if she is, then he's screwed.

But totally forgets his speech the moment he sees her.

She's sitting up on the hospital bed with Emma holding her hand and talking to her.

"And this," Emma tells her, "is your husband Finn."

She slowly turns her head in his direction and her gaze meets his.

She's just so… so beautiful.

Every single feature of hers is beautiful, her mouth, her hair, her nose.

He's seen her before, in this bed, but now, now that he see her eyes, her dark brown lively eyes, he finally gets that complete picture of her.

He expects her to yell, shriek, or even throw something at him.

But she doesn't.

Instead, she breaks into a mega huge smile.

"Oh thank God," she breathes, "he's handsome."


That's what Doctor Schue is telling him. Apparently, she can't remember a thing about her life. All of sudden, she woke up, not remembering a thing- not her parents, her career, nothing. He probably knows more about her, than she does herself. And that's saying something.

To make it worse, the doctor has no idea how long it will take before she does gain her memory back, that is if she ever does.

He doesn't know what to do.

When he came to Lima, he never expected to get a 'wife' in the lapse of a week. How is he supposed to help her gain her memory back if he doesn't know her either?

He doesn't even know how to be someone else's husband. After she's discharged, she has to have a place to stay right? He has to get her clothes and feminine products and all that. Just the thought of it freaks him out a little. Or a lot.

When Doctor Schue and Emma leave, he gains the courage to sit down next to her.

"Hey you," he says, as if he was talking to an old friend, not a complete stranger.

"Hi," she replies. He'll admit, it's not the greatest first conversation ever.

"I know this must be hard on you," she says, breaking the silence.

"Me?" he asks surprised. It's not like he's the one in a hospital bed with no memory.

"Yeah," she states, "I mean, it must be hard, having your wife not know who you are. Knowing that I have to memory of us, or our legacy. I don't remember our first date, kiss, or the day that you proposed. Or even our wedding day. I don't even remember the most important day of our lives, the day that we promised each other forever."

That's because we never did do all that.

"Everything in my head, it isn't fuzzy, or even pounding. It's just all gone; it's like my head is empty," she continues.

"I am so sorry Rach," he honestly says, not missing the way she smiles when he said 'Rach'.

"Look Finn," she says, taking his hand. Immediately, with the contact, he gets that feeling again. Only this time, there's no doubt about it. It's a sensational tingle that his nerves sent all throughout his body. The look on her face tells him she feels it too. "Just because whatever we have is gone here," she continues, moving their joined hands to her head, "doesn't mean that it's gone here," she says, now moving their hands to her beating heart. Her pulse matches his, its thumping loud and fast. "When I first saw you Finn, my heart literally leaped. I didn't even have to know you were my husband, I could just feel it. We can get through this, together," she finishes.

It all sorta makes sense to him now. Why he impulsively called her his wife. He understands what she's talking about, because well, he felt the same way too. There's just something about her that makes him feel different, in a special way.

"For better, or for worse," he replies.


AN: Just so you know, I intentionally made Lima an isolated tiny little province. Anyways, thank you all for reading the first chapter. Please let me know what you guys think about it and if you have and suggestions!

Bear in mind that what I write about amnesia may not be factually correct, but is used for the plot's sake.

Oh, I literally just made a new twitter account under this name (with no periods in between), so go follow me! That is only if you want to, though I practically have no followers :( I do want to follow you guys too! :D