A drabble - in which Rebekah forces an unwilling Caroline to attend her slumber party and Klaus shows up.

"Hurry up already. I've worked hard to make my room very girly for tonight," Rebekah said as she ushered Caroline into the house. She closed the door and started to walk up the staircase, not even looking to see if Caroline was following along.

Caroline sighed and clutched her pillow and bag tighter against her chest. Why had she agreed to this again? Oh right, Rebekah had said she would compel Matt to do some dangerous things to himself if Caroline didn't come. Yes, a great way to make new friends, Caroline thought to herself as she started to climb the stairs.

The house seemed deserted and she couldn't help but wonder if Klaus was there, too. They weren't on the best of terms currently, but Caroline was not going to apologize for anything. She finally found Rebekah's room and her jaw dropped a little. "Um, what did you do? Buy all of the pink paint we had in town?"

Rebekah smiled at Caroline's comment. "Well, I heard your room is full of all of the yellow paint in town so I thought I should compete." She closed the door behind Caroline and switched on her TV, flipping through the channels.

Caroline felt so awkward standing there. Were she and Rebekah supposed to act like normal girls? Paint nails and braid hair? Talk about boys? Yes, I think your brother likes me. He draws me pictures of horses and says words like I fancy you. Sure, Rebekah really wanted to talk about that with her.

"American television is so boring," Rebekah said as she flipped through the channels.

"Wait," Caro said as she saw something she liked. Rebekah turned the channel back and looked at Caroline. "We should watch this. I love this show. It's about aliens. Ever heard of it?"

Rebekah looked at the TV and then back at Caroline. "No, sorry, must have missed it while I was, you know, daggered for years and years."

Caroline rolled her eyes. So much for trying to just be nice. "Well, it's called Roswell and it's about the crash back in the 50's. That guy right there is the main alien guy, really cute." She sat down on the bed next to Rebekah, still clutching her pillow.

Rebekah watched the TV for a few minutes. "He's not bad to look at it. You can tell that they're all way older than high school kids, though. So unrealistic."

"Look at you ladies, getting along," Klaus said, standing in the doorway. Caroline hadn't even heard the door open. She just looked at him, not knowing what to do or say. He wasn't glaring at her but he wasn't smiling either.

"Nik, I told you to leave us alone. This is a girl's night," Rebekah said, walking over to her brother. She tried to push him out of the room and he laughed, putting his hands up.

"I just came to say goodnight. And to behave yourselves. No wrestling around in your underwear, or any of that nonsense." He looked at Caroline and their eyes met.

Caroline smiled, trying to just be the bigger person. Truth was, she had felt a little bad about what had happened the other night. "Thanks," she said, her voice low. He probably hadn't even heard her.

"Goodnight, sweetheart," he said, as Rebekah pushed him again and closed the door.