After the long tour with Yue and Kun was over with, the warriors began to head back to the kitchen so that their dragon warrior could make them a delicious dinner like he did every night. But on their way there, Tigress gently tapped her husband on the shoulder who automatically turned around slowly to face his wife.

"Is something wrong honey?" Po asked softly as he stopped making the others stop in their tracks, so that all attention was now on Tigress who only looked at Po.

"Nothing is wrong sweetie, I was just wandering if you could hold Kun while I run to our room and get the bottle." Tigress stated softly, while looking down at her son who in turn looked up at his mommy and then to his daddy.

"Yeah sure Tigress, that's no problem," Po said with a smile on his face, before gently taking Kun into his free arm and kissing his forehead making the cub giggle and for Tigress to smile.

"Thanks Po, oh but before I go. Master Shifu may I ask you something?" Tigress said, turning her attention away from her husband to her father who looked at his daughter.

"Ask anything you want to Tigress," Shifu said making Tigress nod.

"Well, I was wandering if you happened to have another bottle around here somewhere, cause right now we only have one bottle," Tigress stated feeling a bit of ashamed of not being prepared as she thought she was for the arrival of her children.

"Hmmmm, come to think of it, I just might have one from when Tai lung was still a cub. If you like I could go look right now," Shifu said while looking at Tigress who smiled.

"That would be great Master, thank you," Tigress said before she bowed to her master who only laughed a little.

"It's no problem daughter; I will meet you all at the kitchen in a short time." Shifu said as he left the group and began to head to his room with quickness. Once he did, Tigress walked closer to her husband and to her children.

"I will meet you at the kitchen ok honey," Tigress said, giving Po a sweet little kiss on the lips.

"Sounds good to me kitten," Po said making Tigress blush a little, as she always did though whenever Po called her that. It was then Tigress gave both her cubs little kisses on the noses and headed off to her and Po's room.

"Well than, shall we continue onward," Po said to the others who smiled and gave a soft before they continued to their destination.

Over with Shifu

Once the grand master had entered his room, he began to search all over the place on where he would have kept the bottle all this time. He searched high and low, still no luck, but he then remembered a place where he stashed all his most prized possessions. So without a moment's notice, Shifu walked over to what seemed to be a matt that was near his bed and slowly lifted it up. And when he did, there seemed to be 5 Chinese letters engraved into the wood floor, and each represented a number as they were 1-5, a code.

"Now let me see if I remember here," Shifu said as he began to breathe in and out softly, and after a few seconds he opened his eyes and placed his hand on one of the numbers making it glow green and in a swift pattern pressed the other 4. Once he did they all began to glow and then the floor began to open revealing a little hidden compartment.

Which many things laid inside of it, such as old scrolls, paintings, some toys that belonged to Tai lung and Tigress, and even the bottle he kept over so many years. Shifu smiled at all the memories that began to flood back, but knew he didn't have time for that. So he reached inside and grabbed the bottle.

"It may be a little dusty, but nothing a little bit of water and washing can d.," Shifu said as he smiled, he then stood up and input the code again making the floor close back up. Shifu then laid the matt back over it and rushed to the kitchen.

Over with Tigress

Once Tigress arrived at her and Po's room, she slowly opened the door and made her way over to the dresser that lay beside their bed. Once there, she opened one of the drawers, and inside laid baby clothes, some diapers, and the one bottle they got.

"There it is," Tigress said with a smile on her face, as she grabbed the new bottle and closed the drawer. She then proceeded out of the room while closing the door behind her, once she did she then headed off to the kitchen.

Over with Po and the others

After Po and the others had arrived at the kitchen, they all took their appropriate seats around the table, and while waiting for their master along with Tigress, they decided to play with Yue and Kun. Or well, make sure the little tikes wouldn't become bored.

"Come on Yue you almost got it, just a little more," Viper said with a smile on her face, as she gently waved her tail back and forth above little Yue who was swatting her paws at it trying to grab it.

"If I were you Viper, I would be careful cause remember last time you did that you got your tail bit," Mantis stated trying to hold back a chuckle at the memory, making Viper look at him.

"Yeah you don't need to remind of that Mantis," Viper stated as she continued to wave her tail in front of Yue being very cautious this time around. Mantis then just shook his head and began to look at little Kun along with the others.

"Hey Po, you think we can hold this little guy?" Monkey asked as he looked at Po.

"Sure Monkey, but please be very careful," Po stated gently letting his arm reach out to Monkey, but as Monkey moved his hands over to Kun, the little guy closed his eyes and retreated close to his father's tummy.

"Its ok son, they won't hurt you," Po stated softly as he looked down at Kun with a smile as Kun looked back at Monkey and the others still a little frighten.

"Your father's right Kun, we are your uncles we promise no harm will come to you," Crane said softly as he could which made Kun ease from his father's tummy and extend his little arms out to the three. When he did Monkey gently put his hands under Kuns arms and gently lifted him up and began to hold him.

"I know what will make this little guy happy and laugh to," Mantis said as he hopped onto the cub's belly.

"Tickling his little belly," Mantis said with a squee before he used his thingies to tickle Kuns belly making him laugh and wale his arms and legs happily making the others laugh with delight. Though, as Mantis continued to tickle Kun, the little cub stopped laughing and let out a huge sneeze in Mantises direction causing the insect to be covered in snot.

"Or it will make him sneeze on you," Crane stated causing the others to giggle but for Mantis to look at him and say "Shut up Crane." As Mantis then hoped off of Kun and onto the table.

"Well it seems you all are having fun," A feminine voice said from the door making the others look up and see none other than Tigress along with Shifu, both of who were giggling.

"Oh yeah we are having a blast over here," Mantis said in a sarcastic tone.

"Come down Mantis, you know he didn't mean to," Viper stated while looking at him.

"Yeah I know," Mantis said rolling his eyes, Tigress along with Shifu then walked over to the table and over to Po.

"Here you two go, it's a little dusty but it just needs a good wash and scrub," Shifu said while putting the bottle up on the table.

"Ok, thank you Shifu," Po said in a grateful tone before he looked over at Tigress who gave him a peck on the lips.

"Is it ok if I hold Yue honey?" Tigress asked as she looked down at Po and then Yue.

"Well of course Tigress, she is your daughter and besides we don't want her near the stove or anything dangerous. Do we my little sweet," Po stated as he tickled Yue's belly and slowly handed her over to her mother who took her gently and began to hold her.

"Ok guys I will get started on dinner right away, and have it done as quickly as possible," Po stated while he looked at everyone who all gave nods. Po then headed outside the palace to an ice box where the milk was being held and rushed back inside where he began to cook dinner. And while he was doing that, Tigress took her seat and held her daughter close to her chest.

And while Tigress looked down at Yue who was snuggling against her mother's chest, loving the warmth and comfort of her, Tigress smiled and then looked over to Mantis and the others who were enjoying themselves a bunch entertaining Kun who was having lots of fun with his uncles, and then looked over at her husband who you could was very happy. And that when seen all this, his eyes began to fill with water and soon droplets fell from there along with sobbing, making the others turn to Tigress with worried looks.

"Are you ok love?" Po asked before he left the stove and ran over to Tigress, very concerned about her crying.

"Yes I am fine love, I just never thought this would happen to me," Tigress stated in a sad tone confusing the others on what she meant by that.

"What do you mean Tigress?" Viper asked slowly slithering over to her.

"I mean having a happy family like this, having such beautiful and sweet children, having a husband who is sweet and kind to me, and being surrounded by people who love me," Tigress stated making the others smile widely.

"Well you deserve all of it Tigress, and even more," Po stated sweetly, slowly wrapping his arm around her and kissing her with tenderness. And even the cubs wanted to prove it to, as both Yue and Kun reached up for their mother. As Tigress brought Yue up to her face and Monkey brought Kun to his mother's face, both cubs gave their mother a lick on both cheeks and pattered her face.

"Thank you, everyone," Tigress said as she gave Yue and Kun little head rubs while purring making everyone in the room go "Awwwwwwww."

The time then went by and before everybody knew it, it was finally time to eat. As Po had set out plates, chopsticks, and cups along with his famous dumplings and secret ingredient soup.

"Oh man, this looks so freaking amazing Po," Mantis stated with watery lips. (A/N he cleaned himself off of course before dinner)

"You can say that again Mantis," Crane said with a happy tone, trying to take in all the delicious smells and food before him.

"Thanks guys, I hope you enjoy," Po said as he took his seat next to Tigress, to which Monkey handed over Kun to his father, so that he could be fed along with his sister. Po than grabbed the two clean bottles which were both full of warm milk off the table and handed one of them over to his wife.

"Okay my little Yue, open wide for the train," Tigress said as she looked down at Yue before slowly descending the bottle to her daughters lips who when felt the teat of the bottle at her lips, slowly opened her lips and clamped onto it with her mouth. She then brought her paws and grabbed the bottle as she began to drink the delicious milk.

"Now it's your turn son, open wide for the super delicious awesomeness," Po said in a childish tone, as he slowly brought the bottle down to his son who automatically grabbed it when it was in reach and stuck the teat into his mouth, already drinking the milk down.

"Looks like somebody was hungry," Tigress said before she giggled and rubbed her son's cheek softly making Po chuckle.

"What can I say, he's got my appetite," Po said making the others laugh.

"No argument there, I mean look he's already drank half the milk," Monkey stated after slurping some noodles into his mouth. Causing the others to look down and sure enough see that Kun was actually almost done with his milk while Yue almost still had a full bottle.

"Like father like son they always say," Tigress said as she looked at Po with a smile.

"Yeah and daughter like mother," Po shot back making Tigress shake her head and give Po a quick lick on the cheek making him blush a deep red and for the cubs to show a little smile.

Everyone continued eating their meals until there were both empty plates and empty bottles. Once everyone was done, they all put their plates in the sink and headed off to bed, though before everyone entered their rooms. They said goodnight to both Yue and Kun which the cubs loved very much, it was then Po and Tigress entered their own room and closed the door behind them, as they began to get their children ready for bed.

"Hey Po, can you please get me some pajamas out of the dresser," Tigress said as she and Po put both cubs gently on the bed and began to get them out of their clothes.

"Sure thing honey," Po said, as he walked over to the dresser and opened one of its drawers, grabbing two sets of pajamas. One was pure red while the other one was a light ocean blue color. He then headed back over to Tigress and handed her the red set of pajamas.

"Thank you Po." Tigress said, as she took the pajamas and dressed Kun in them while Po dressed Yue in the blue set of pajamas. After both cubs were dressed for bed, Po and Tigress picked them up and walked over to the crib.

Once Po and Tigress got to the crib, both little cubs stretched out their arms and legs while even letting out cute yawns signaling how tired they were, as they could barely keep their eyes open.

"They look so cute when they are tired," Tigress stated while looking over at Po.

"I know right, if they keep showing this much cuteness I just might die from it," Po stated letting a chuckle out as did Tigress.

"Then let's get them to bed, and make sure they get a goodnight's sleep," Tigress said before she gently lowered Yue into the crib as did Po with Kun. And once both Cubs were in the crib side by side, Yue stretched her little arms out and wrapped them around her brother, wanting to snuggle and stay close to him. Such a sight made their parents hearts melt with warmness.

"Hm, goodnight my little ones, we hope you have sweet dreams." Po and Tigress said in unison as they each gave their children a kiss on the cheek and covered them up with a small white blanket. Once they knew that both Yue and Kun were warm and comfy, they too headed off to bed, with goodnight kisses and loving words.

Waiting for a new morning to come and so they could have another awesome day with their little precious gifts.

Well everybody after the freaking longest time I finally get one of my stories updated XD I apologize I was just out of motivation and stuff so I apologize if this was sucky and bad but I hoped you liked it and if you want to leave a review that would be cool.