Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Reserved Parking Space

The interview went well and, soon, Mary-Lynnette found herself in the position of Ash's secretary. And possible lover (insert blush).

Maybe, Mary-Lynnette thought as she turned towards the direction of the usually-crowded-building, I'm just overthinking things. She tends to do that . . . a lot. The brunette pushed the thoughts away as she pulled in a vacant space, trying not to squirm because she was going to see her boss again. Mary-Lynnette sees him daily now (and he never fails to give her flirtatious looks too) . . . but she's just not used to seeing such a handsome man. Every damn day.

Anyway, Mary-Lynnette rushed up to the building, squeezing herself through the people blocking her way and slipped in the elevator. It was then that she realized that she wasn't supposed to go to the building. She was supposed to go somewhere else because there was a meeting Ash needed to attend.

And she realized this when her phone rang.

"Mary-Lynnette Carter," she greeted in a murmur. Deep inside, the young lady was becoming frantic. What if this is Ash she's talking to?


Apparently, the fates didn't care about her feelings at the moment.

"A- Mr. Redfern, what's the problem?" she asked, watching as a two people filed out of the elevator. There were five left now- excluding her. She's going to have one heck of an elevator ride.

"I'm probably going to be late because of traffic right now," he said lazily. "Could you tell them to go ahead and start the meeting without me? And could you take some notes about some shit they're talking about?" he asked.

"You don't have to ask, sir," she said, already used to his choice of words.

"And you don't have to call me all that fancy nicknames. I'm Ash. God, woman," he said. Mary-Lynnette could practically feel him rolling his eyes. They were probably a different shade of color right now . . .

At this, Mary-Lynnette wondered whether or not she should tell her boss that she's not at the right building yet. That she went inside the wrong building, thinking it was a normal day.

Thank God the destination was near. Just a mile or so from here. She decided not to tell him.

"Right, whatever you say . . . Ash," she said slowly. Uncertainly. Mary-Lynnette watched four of the people in the elevator step out on the fifth floor.

"Alright, M'lin," he said, a smile evident in his voice, "I think I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"Ah," she murmured, waiting for the lady in the tight pencil skirt to get off the next floor. Mary-Lynnette hoped that the elevator would move faster. "I'll see you there then."

"You don't have to wait up, sweetheart," he said, chuckling. He didn't even let her reply and simply said, "See ya."

That idiot, she thought as the lady moved off the elevator. Mary-Lynnette pressed the G button, for the elevator to take her to the ground floor.

Nearly ten minutes later, Mary-Lynnette was walking down the parking lot to drive her truck to that stupid building. How could she have forgotten to go there? In her mind, she knew that Ash was the reason she forgot to go there. He was her distraction. In fact, he's probably the only one who could distract her from star-gazing at night . . .

The brunette quickly pulled out of the parking space and drove her truck out of the parking lot. Five minutes later, Mary-Lynnette drove in another parking lot and muttered a few words under her breath, seeing as the place is fucking crowded and she was already running late. Again.

Finally, she saw a spot and quickly took the spot, ignoring the car who was already (slowly, in her opinion) moving towards it.

She jumped out of her truck, fixed her half-inch heels and straightened before a honk stopped her from behind. Well, actually, it was a voice who stopped her from behind.

"Who knew you'd take my spot again?" Ash asked, almost laughing at the irony of it.

"I- I-" Mary-Lynnette turned around and blushed, biting her lip to stop the small smile.

Indeed, she did take his parking space again.

"Next time," he said as he smiled at her, "We should just use one car." With that, he winked and found another parking spot.

A/N: This is dedicated to Eve~ ;) Advanced happy birthday cousin! *hearts*

I hope ya'll liked that. I know, I know. NO KISSES? Yeah, well. If I was making a multi-chapter about them, about THIS, then they'd kiss . . . in the future chapters. xD

Thanks so much guys! For the reviews and everything! One last thing . . . review?