[Conny]: Hi there! I just recently stumbled upon an idea and decided to write this. I'm pretty sure it will be a long story, so please follow along. I know Hetalia doesn't have a lot of heterosexual pairings and half the time they are crack pairings, but maybe I can make it more realistic and enjoyable?
disclaimer: me no own hetalia. Clear?
Prussia and Liechtenstein
"You idiot! Stop binge drinking," the young woman said, flailing around her frying pan. Her green dress and white apron flew around her feet, as she chased after the albino man. Hungary's face was stained red, while her hair was soaked in alcohol. Now… just who on earth would dump their beer on her?
"Kesesese, like hell I'd do that," Prussia laughed out, stumbling as he ran. "What's wrong, Hungary? You don't like booze?" he slurred out, but then tripped over his own feet. After the first thud to the ground came multiple whacks, all inflicted by a stainless steel skillet. "Ow, stop it! That hurts!"
"Well, you should stop being such a perv!" She just wouldn't let up, making sure that even his vital regions were attacked. "How dare you strip Austria and I! You deserve this!" Unfortunately for Hungary, Prussia had blacked out from the pain…
"Bruder, are you ready for your trip?" the girl asked, while holding the suitcase her brother had packed the previous night. The much larger traveling bag was what Switzerland was busy checking through.
"I believe so," the Swiss said, after checking over his attire. Tie was straight, shoelaces knotted neatly, and his hair as it usually was. There wasn't a single wrinkle in his dress shirt, nor in his pants. "You remember my rules, right?"
"Stay within the property of the house. Don't let anyone inside-"
"And if worse comes to worst?" Liechtenstein restrained a sigh, still showing her brother a slight smile. He honestly can be quite protective…
"Use that gun you trained me to use." Just shot close to the person, not at them, she thought, remembering the needed practice with guns. It had been so long since her brother had to leave her alone, but this time…its safer to be home alone, rather than out in a desert full of revolts.
"Good." He took his suitcases and headed for the door, mentally preparing himself for the irritation that would lie ahead. "Bye, Liechtenstein. Stay safe."
"Wait, bruder!" She hugged him, that was the only way she could stop him. She stuttered for a moment, then got him to turn around. Out from under his shirt, she pulled out his necklace and held the cross to her forehead. "Please be careful." Letting go of the necklace, Liechtenstein offered him a smile.
"Of course." With that, Switzerland was off. Liechtenstein trotted to her room, grabbing all the things she could possibly need. There was a cake she had just baked, that was definitely coming with her. Then there was her iPod touch that she needed to bring, along with the yarn and crochet needle. Maybe that would be enough, oh, no! There's also that blanket she wanted to bring out, so that her dress wouldn't get any grass stains.
Staying within the property, Liechtenstein set up her picnic under the shade. The sun was shining and the wind carried the scent of the edelweiss through the rolling hills. The young girl had her music playing, and was busy with her crocheting. She had some hope that she would finish with her current project before her brother would return, but this was a hobby she just started.
Her hands grew tired of the constant motion, so they got their break. Not to over-indulge, Liechtenstein took small nibbles of her cake and sips of her cool glass of water. Everything was so peaceful, it was so hard to believe that the Swiss boy assumed trouble would come forward.
"Oh, how long was he supposed to be gone?" It was a trip that he had to take down south, to help the nation that was having troubles with his sibling, right? Oh, if only she had paid more attention to international news.
"That stupid witch! I'll show her who's the awesome-est person is," some man shouted to the sky, most of words were so slurred to truly understand. The girl looked away from her cake, seeing the man hunched over and limping towards her. She started to panic, so she moved all of her things out of his way…forgetting to move herself.
The man just collapsed, his head landing on her lap. He turned over, smiling wide. "Hi, angel," he garbled, obviously far too drunk to understand anything.
"S-sir… y-you…" Wasn't this supposed to be the moment where a gun was pulled out and pointed in his direction? Where did the- Liechtenstein inwardly sighed. She obviously forgot about the magnum.
"You're so cute… must really be in heaven…" He dozed off, blissfully unaware that he hadn't died and gone to heaven, but rather… went to probably the worst possible place in the world. The unfathomably hostile neutral zone.
"Germany, Germany! I can't find him anywhere," Italy said, still hyped up on pasta and gelato. "But don't worry, he probably didn't get far." Italy, wide-eyed and excessively happy, continued looking high and low for his best friend's brother. On the other hand, Germany was trying to keep himself calm by munching on some wurst. His sharp eyes persistently scanned the scenery, hoping his brother wasn't laying dead somewhere.
"Italy, go ask Austria if he's seen bruder." The Italian pulled out his fancy phone and tapped in the number of their musical friend.
"Austria, hi! Do you know where Germany's brother is? You know, Pruss- … oh, um, okay. We'll ask her. Thank you, see you soon!" Italy shoved his phone back in his pocket and clung to his friend. "We have to see Hungary."
"Thank you, Italy." Germany pushed his friend off, but then their arms linked together. "Why won't you just let go of me?"
"But Germany is tipsy, I don't want you to get hurt." A slight smile showed, and a drunken blush covered his face.
"I am not tipsy!" He would not accept being called a drunk, especially by this pasta-loving man.
"Oh, really? Not ten minutes ago, you called me Little Italy and asked why I wasn't wearing a dress."
"Italy! I've missed you so much," Hungary said, pulling him into a tight hug. "You're as cute as ever." Germany glared at the young woman, as she cuddled his friend.
"Could you just tell us where my idiot bruder went?" the blond asked, getting rather aggravated. It was not play time, nor was it cuddle time. There was an albino nation running around, or probably laying on the street…mugged and dying. Really, many irrational thoughts flooded Germany's mind.
"Oh, Prussia? Well, I chased him west of here, so…" Germany swam through his clouded thoughts, trying to muster up a mental map. West... Well, north northwest would lead to Slovakia. Straight west would lead to Austria. Clear across Austria is...
"Switzerland..." Everything went quiet. "My brother...is in Swiss territory!" Italy started shivering, remembering the time he was crossing through Switzerland's yard to get to Germany's house...gun shots and angry outbursts. Germany remembered it well because Swiss yelled at him about his little Italian friend...
"Ouch...um, maybe he made into Italy's house? Maybe France's?" Hungary was starting to worry, just a little, but believed the man would sober up fast enough to save his behind. Seriously, a molester sounds better than the former mercenary...
"Come on, Germany! Maybe Prussia went to see big brother France," Italy said, then said thank you to Hungary. They were off again...in hopes that they would be the first to find Prussia.
[Conny]: I'm sorry that the first chapter is so short. I may update sooner if people make reviews and ask for it? All I need is a "please" and a "thank you." Really, that's all! Is it truly that hard? I hope you enjoyed this!