Chapter 1: Graduation Night

(Quick Author's Note: In this story, the kiss at the end of Season 2 did not happen and Mick came back to celebrate graduation with them.)

Disclaimer: I do not own House of Anubis

The day was over, but the night is yet to come. The Anubis gang graduated. Surprisingly, even Jerome and Alfie. We were all sitting in a circle outside the school eating dinner that Trudy made.

"I'm going to miss this place so much!" Amber said.

"We are all going to miss it Ambs." Alfie said rubbing her back.

Who knew that Amber and Alfie would stay together this long? They are kind of perfect together. Same goes for Mara and Jerome. They are so cute together though! I mean despite all the differences, they were meant to be. Everyone knew that Eddie and Patricia were perfect together from the start. They are also still going strong. That was it for the couples in Anubis house. Everyone else was single. By that, I mean Joy, Fabian and I.

Amber has tried to get me and Fabian together, but ever since I say Fabian and Joy kiss, it had never been the same between us. Amber even made more scrapbooks of Fabian and me, even though we weren't together. We still talk occasionally, but he talks to Joy more than he does me. They aren't dating or anything, but just really good friends. Joy and I became really good friends too! Ever since we found the mask and got rid of Senkhara, House of Anubis has been really boring. I'm seriously going to miss-

"Nina!" Amber yelled at me interrupting my thoughts.

"What?" I asked. I looked around for a moment and seeing every single person staring at me.

"We were talking about what we would miss most about Anubis House and I asked you what you would miss most except you didn't reply. You were staring off into space. We have been yelling your name for like the past two minutes!" she exclaimed.

"Oh, sorry Amber, I was thinking." I replied looking down.

"What were you thinking about?" Joy asked.

I didn't want to tell them that I was really thinking about me and Fabian.

I looked up and said "I was just thinking about when I found out I was the chosen one."

Once I realized what came out of my mouth, I threw my hand over it. Mara and Mick never found out about it. It was still only Sibuna plus Joy, Jerome and Eddie. Even though they knew it a lot about it, we never really considered them into Sibuna.

"Chosen what?" Mick asked.

No one replied. I sat there to think of an excuse when I thought 'We are leaving Anubis House, what's the harm in telling them?'

"Why don't we just tell them?" I asked.

Everyone looked at me like I was insane. Well, everyone except Mara and Mick who were just confused.

"Why would you even say that!" Amber yelled.

"What's the harm in telling them? We are leaving Anubis House, the cup is hidden in a place no one would find and if they did, they would need me to open the door." I said holding up my locket.

Even after all of these years, I still keep it on.

"I guess, but in order for you to tell them, you have to answer my question first." She said with a mischievous smile on her face.

"What's your question?" I asked.

"Why did you and Fabian break up? Even after all these years, you two have never told us how or why you broke up." Amber said. Sometimes I wish I could talk to her without bringing up Fabian and I.

I didn't know how to respond, because honestly I don't know why we broke up. I looked over at Fabian, who looked down.

"Well, are you going to answer the question?" Amber asked.

I took a deep breath and said "Honestly? I don't know why we broke up in the first place."

Amber was the only one talking; everyone else was just sitting there staring at the three of us.

"Fabian? Do you have any input on this conversation?" she asked.

"Who knew Amber could sound so sophisticated!" Jerome snickered.

Amber gave him a death glare and said "Shut up." She turned to look at Fabian and asked "Now Fabian, got anything to say? Why did you too break up?"

"I don't know, ask Nina." He said quietly.

Wait, ask Nina? Why would anyone need to ask me why we broke up? He broke up with me!

"Hold on, why does she need to ask me? You broke up with me!" I said.

His head shot up.

"I didn't break up with you! Well, on a technicality I did, but I knew you were going to break up with me you just couldn't spit it out!" he said with his voice getting a little louder.

"I was never going to break up with you! I was just going to say how Alfie ruined our date! I never really knew the reason why you broke up with me, but when I saw you spending so much with Joy I thought it was because since she was back, you wanted to get back together with her!" I yelled.

"Back together? Joy and I never went out!"

I was about to yell something back when Amber came to me and put her hands on my shoulders.

"Neens, calm down. It was just a misunderstanding." She said.

I took a deep breath and sat back in my chair. Amber was right, just a misunderstanding.

"You should give Fabina another go! You two are meant to be together! Like in a fairy-tale." Amber squealed. I looked at her with a you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me look.

"Think about it. You two never really wanted to break up! Think about all of the memories you two have." She said sitting back down.

"Yeah! I think you two should give it another go! Remember when Fabian was always trying to ask you to go to prom, but got interrupted? When he finally got the courage, he asked me to leave the table and shut the door behind me. Sorry to say, but I was easdropping. Anyways, he said it so fast because he was afraid of getting interrupted again!" Patricia said smiling.

A smile crept up on my face. I let out a tiny laugh before saying "Yeah, I remember that."

I looked over at Fabian. He was smiling too. Mabey we should give Fabina another shot. Shouldn't we?

Author's Note: Okay, so this is chapter one. This is going to be 3 chapters. This is for FabinaxJara-SibuNa's challenge! Please Review!