"Kanji! Buy me a Topsicle!" Teddie whined.

Kanji sighed. He had been dragged out of his air-condition home because Teddie wanted to hang out. "I don't have any money."

"Liar! I saw your mom give you 500 yen."

Kanji cursed under his breath. It was true, his mother had given him money to spend. He thought Teddie was in the bathroom when that happened, so he planned to hide it from the blond until he got home. At first Kanji didn't want to accept the money, but his mother insisted since 'he had been a good boy.' He could feel the cash in his pocket. He wanted to spend it on topsicles like Teddie—due to the extreme heat wave—but when he thought about how hard his mother worked to earn that money, he couldn't do it.

"Sorry Teddie, but no-"

"That's ok," Teddie said, cutting him off. "I found some money."

"Huh?" Kanji turned around to face Teddie, but he was gone. "Teddie?" He looked to his left and saw Teddie at the shop where they sold Topsicles.

"Two Topsicles." He heard Teddie say. Kanji went over to where he was and stood next to him.
"Where did you find some money?" He asked.

Teddie smiled at Kanji as he handed him a red Topsicle. "Somewhere near by." He began to eat his orange topsicle.

Kanji raised his eyebrow in confusion, but said nothing. Instead he shrugged and took a lick of his Topsicle. It tasted like cherry-his favorite.

Once they were done, they checked to see if they were a winner: No. They threw their sticks away and headed back to Kanji's house. They walked in silence for awhile before Kanji spoke. "Thanks for buying."

"No," Teddie said. "Thank you for buying."

Kanji stopped in his tracks. "What are you talking about?"

Teddie also stopped in his tracks, and turned to face Kanji. He had a smirk placed on his face. "Remember how I said I found it near by?"


Teddie said nothing. Instead he took a step back from Kanji. Kanji looked at him for a minute before he finally understood. He checked his pocket- where he kept the money- and saw it was empty. So empty he thought a moth would fly out any time. He looked back at Teddie and saw he was half way down the street.

"Teddie!" Kanji screamed and chased after him.

"Help!" Teddie screamed. "Kanji's trying to steal my fuzzy fur!"

"You won't have any when I'm done with you!"
