Here it is, people, the final (and very short) chapter. All my ramblings are at the bottom, enjoy!

It was early in the morning. The summer was beginning to leave, and though it was still warm, the heat was no longer unbearable. The sky often clouded over, now, and it was only a matter of time before it started to rain and the autumn set in.

Tira ducked out of the way of the oncoming swipe to her face and swung Eiserne effortlessly, aiming for Voldo's chest. He quickly parried the blow, knocking Tira off balance, before pushing her forcefully backwards onto the sand. She brought Eiserne up to block Voldo's attack as he launched himself towards her, throwing him off of her, before standing up and backing away a few paces, ready to strike again.

She ran at him, grinning, and attempted to trip him up, but Voldo seemed to know this was coming and stepped to the side, launching her up into the air with his counter attack. Tira somersaulted quickly, positioning herself into a dive when she came back down, aiming to land on top of him. Though he raised his weapons in defence, she succeeded in knocking him over and seated herself atop his chest, ready to deliver another blow. He knocked her off balance, however, and rolled them over so that he was on top, his katar inches from her throat.

'You win,' she said from underneath him, batting away his weapon. He got up off of her, a smirk playing about his lips.

'You appear to be losing your touch,' he teased.

'Oh, we both know I let you beat me that time,' she replied, getting up and dusting herself off.

'Mm, of course…'

She giggled a little. 'So, are we ready to go?' she asked excitedly, picking sand out of her hair.

'It seems so,' came the reply.

'I did, you know, set the traps correctly and everything, right?'

'Yes, I checked. They were fine.'

Tira nodded, picking up Eiserne.

'It feels kind of… weird, leaving here. I mean, I know we'll be back, but we don't know when that'll be… after being here for over a year, I'm gonna miss it in a way.'

'But perhaps travelling back to mainland Europe will be… refreshing. At the very least, I think… we shall be one step closer to finding Soul Edge.'

Tira looked at him as they walked along the beach towards the ship in the distance.

'Are we going to visit Palermo?' she asked suddenly.

'Perhaps. Why do you ask?'

'Well, you're from there, right? So… I want to see it. I bet it's much nicer than Germany, ugh…'

'Why do you dislike Germany so much?'

'It's boring. Out of all the countries I could have been from, why Germany?!'

'I used to think the same thing years ago. Why Italy… it is strange, is it not? How we are never satisfied with what we have… we all desire more…'

His tone grew softer. 'We never truly appreciate what we have until it is taken from us… if Germany were to no longer exist, you would miss it. I have no doubt about that.'

'But… Palermo is still there, right?'

'It has probably been rebuilt. When the war broke out they left it in ruins. Of course, I was no longer living there at the time, yet still…'

He went quiet, seemingly lost in thought, but Tira said nothing, pondering his words.


'We're moving, aren't we?'

'How does it feel?'

'Weird… I've never steered a ship before.'

Tira kept her eyes focused on the ocean before her, feeling her hair dance in the breeze and Voldo's hands guiding hers on the ship's helm.

'It gives you a sense of… freedom, does it not?'



She had it now, even if it was just for a while. They both did. Tira knew she'd return, yes, but that was to be expected. Birds often returned to the same place, didn't they? But they also spread their wings and saw the world, just as she was doing now.

You know all that stuff I said about you being useless? I didn't really mean it.

I know. But you were right, though, at the time. I did screw things up.

Yeah, but you fixed it. I'm sorry I said you weren't anything without me. All we need is each other, right?

And Voldo.

And Voldo… you've proved yourself, you know. You are a bird, regardless of what I said.

You think so?

I know so.

Tira smiled. For that, she was content.

...yeah, short epilogue is short. But then, it is an epilogue. ^^ Ah, Tira and Voldo off to hunt Soul Edge and kick ass together. I thought it was about time they left the island. :D

What can I say, I'm gonna miss writing this thing. A MASSIVE thank you to all my reviewers and watchers, particularly those who have reviewed every chapter! I couldn't have done this without you all, and you've inspired me to keep writing no matter what. *hugs you all tightly* thank you for being such awesome readers!

(Note: to anyone who's interested in the next fic that I've kept banging on about, there is still loads of planning to do, but hopefully I'll be posting the first chapter by the end of August, or September at the latest. It's called 'Of Sin and Servitude', and the chances are I'll be writing a few more stories at the same time, as OSAS is going to be loooooooong and, at times, probably frustrating to write. XD But anyway, watch this space!)

Once again, thank you all so much, you wonderful people! You've stuck it out for over a year with me and this story and for that I cannot thank you enough. Until next time, people!

~Zoë x