I should have asked Beetee if his project even worked. I should have asked Beetee how to get back. Most importantly, I should have asked Beetee what year it was set on. Because now I, Katniss Everdeen, am in the year 2012, along with my friend Peeta; and we have no way of getting back.

I am seventeen years old. I have a boyfriend whose name is Peeta Mellark. I live in Panem, in District 13. My best friend is Gale. The mastermind to me still being alive, sort of, is Beetee. Beetee is the smartest person I know, probably the smartest person anyone knows. He's an inventor, and he invented the reason why I'm here, in 2012.

See, Beetee is always coming up with little 'projects'. He likes to call them his babies, I like to call them things-I-don't-understand. Anyway, Project 120 is a time machine. He was out today, or maybe it was yesterday, I'm not sure which...and Peeta and I snuck into his lab. We messed with the weapons for a while before finally deciding to check out his latest Project. A button push here and a button push there, and all of a sudden we're being sucked into what looks like the sun.

Finally, we ended up here.

I don't know where I am, and neither does Peeta. We assume it's North America, sometime before the revolution, before the wars.

The only people we've met are a couple of brothers, Sam and Dean. They believe our story about coming from the future. Now all we have to do is get back to Panem, back to District 13...back to the future.