AN:Hey guys! Hope that y'all are doing well. This fic will be wrapping up soon after 5 awesome years of multiple interruptions (sorry for the pun; couldn't resist). Thank you guys for sticking with me from the beginning of this fic. I appreciate it and hope that you'd enjoy my other adventures outside of this fic.
Now on with the story ….
"Wow …."
"Even bigger wow …"
"I didn't know that Taiki could …"
"… And that Mizuno-san was into …."
"And I thought that you had it bad …. Sheesh, Taiki! A butt plug, really?!"
The brunette gave a roll of her eyes at her shortest companion's boisterous exclamation. Moving over to their TV, she ejected her video and stated, "That was quite education if you ask me."
Yaten made a gagging sound, giving her sister a dirty look. "'Education'? More like appalling! We didn't need to know that you of all people enjoyed BDSM with Mizuno-san of all people! It was just wrong on all levels!" she whined and made it a point to make a face of disgust over the matter.
With another eye roll, Taiki sat back down and retorted back, "Well, nobody wanted to know that you and Aino-san enjoyed role playing or how she's a screamer either, but you don't see Seiya and myself complaining about it."
Seiya covered her face with her hands and groaned, "Please, don't remind me of that. I could still feel my lunch trying to come back up after seeing all of that. I could've died happily without knowing any of those things about either of you."
"Oh please!" scoffed the silver-haired musician, now giving her youngest sister a dirty look, "We know all sorts of things about you too, Seiya, that we'd much rather not know but we do! Especially after how we had to sit through your … your …" She looks over to Taiki for assistance on the matter.
"Your libidinous rendezvouses that we had the utmost 'pleasure' to experience with how you and your sexual partner would share with us every single night when we were teenagers, if you don't mind us reminding you of your licentious …"
"… slutty ways that you were so fond of before you met Usagi-san, " parroted Yaten, her eyes rolling as she resumed snacking on some peanuts.
Giving her friend a scolding look, the amazon continued, "Now you know how we felt when we had to experience all of that years ago."
Seiya protested, "But that was years ago!"
"And it still obviously haunts us, so shut up!"
"No way am I going to shut up when you're whining about my sex life!"
"Which you lack nowadays since you and your precious Odango can't even find time to fuck somewhere, not even in a shower!"
"That's because of you always getting in the way of our love making, you sawed off piece of shit!" snapped the bluenette, glaring at her shorter friend – who continued eating her snack as if they weren't arguing back and forth about their sex lives.
"Maybe you guys should just lock the door."
"We've tried that and at least one of you idiots end up interrupting us anyway."
"Maybe you two aren't meant to have sex then. Maybe you're destined to be celibate for once in your life."
Seiya made a face to show how appalled she was. "As if, Shrimp. She and I will have sex sooner or later – just you wait!"
Some mild gagging was heard from the bassist. "I'd rather not have that image in my head."
"Too bad because I'm going to make sweet love to my Odango and you nor anybody else are going to get in the way of that, you got that?" declared Seiya, determination crackling off of her as she eyed both of her sisters evenly.
Yaten rolled her eyes again and waved her hand in dismissal. "Whatever, I really don't care as long as you don't do it on our furniture or my bed. Screw away …" she snorted and took out her cell phone.
Taiki smiled softly. "I wish you both well and hope that you succeed the fulfillment that you both have been seeking out, " she breathed and gave a nod.
Seiya returned her smile, moving away from her perch against the couch to hug her oldest friend. "Thanks, Taiki …"
"Anytime, Seiya. Now go and enjoy your time with Tsukino-san. I'll keep an eye on this troublemaker right here, " she reassured her, giving Yaten a sharp look.
The silver-haired continued fiddling with her phone, not even acknowledging her sisters.
Seiya snorted, "Love you too, shrimp. Thanks for the support." Grabbing her jacket, she left their personal hangout with a wave to her friends and took out her own phone as soon as she made it outside.
"Hello? I'd like to make a few arrangements …" she started on her phone, making her way to her destination.
"Do you really think she'll get in Usagi-san's pants?" asked Yaten, not even looking up from her phone as she typed away on it.
Giving a shrug, the brunette sat down and stirred her tea. "I don't know, but I applaud her for still trying …"
"More like she's just a horny, dumb fool, " scoffed the empath, smirking when her sister giggled at the accurate description of their youngest sister.
"She may be a fool, but she isn't called Fighter for nothing, " Taiki continued on, still giggling and took a sip of her tea.
"Umm hmm … whatever you say …. She's most likely not going to succeed, then she'll cry …."
"How much you want to bet on that?" challenged the amethyst-eyed genius, catching the other woman's attention with her statement.
After a brief pause, the feline-eyed woman hummed with a Cheshire cat smile on her face, "It depends – do you plan on taking Mizuno-san anywhere any time soon?"
"I don't know. It all depends on whether or not I win our bet, my dear friend."
"Well then, 565,442.50 yen says that Seiya can't get it done, " exclaimed Yaten, reaching her manicured hand over to her tall companion.
A wicked grin spread across Taiki's face as she countered back, "And I say that she will with 1, 074,397.75 yen."
"Oh my, you really do have faith in her seduction skills I see, " jeered Yaten, laughing.
Taiki shrugged, "I just know that she will succeed. You will see for yourself."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Taiki-mama, but just know that you'll be paying for Minako's next shopping spree and it's not going to be cheap at all."