A/N: First off, I'm going to explain my absence. I got really busy with other stuff over the weekend last weekend, so couldn't actually find time to write and it progressed into last week. And then I developed severe headache problems and landed in the ER. Thankfully, I apparently only have acute headaches. But due to that, I decided to take a few days off the computer because staring at it would only increase the headaches and not help at all. During that time, I started writing this, which had to go down because I couldn't get it out of my head. So, I'm going to gradually start returning to the computer and probably limit the time I spend on it to avoid irritating my head too much. I just want you to know that I haven't abandoned my other work and it will get done, just slowly. I'm going to ask my readers though which story you want updated next. :) There are some that are going on the back burner for a while so I can concentrate on others. But enough of my rambling. Enjoy this, which is probably going to be my most realistic chapter story as everything else has some element that could never really be possible. Shutting up now.

Disclaimer: We all know I don't own Glee. If I did, I'd be a rich bitch and totally rule with the Klaine story lines! And be real close with Darren Criss and Chris Colfer.

Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson were inseparable. They were also both madly in love with the other but neither of them seemed to realize that fact, regardless of how exceedingly obvious it was. Everyone could see it, except for Kurt and Blaine. But still, they were inseparable. They did everything together. They got coffee every morning together. They studied together. They sat together in Warblers' practice. Blaine even sometimes went back to Lima with Kurt when the latter went home for the weekend. And to say that they were overjoyed that Kurt became Blaine's roommate at Dalton when he transferred would be an understatement.

So to say that the Warblers weren't completely lost when they entered practice one afternoon to find Klaine – their couple name for the boys – sitting on opposite sides of the room, would be a complete lie. Both boys were sitting just alike, backs to each other, scowls on their faces, and arms folded. Wesley Montgomery, head of the Warblers council and close friend of Blaine, pulled his best friend David Thompson aside, immediately.

"What's going on with them David?" the Asian boy whispered. The black boy, usually seeming to know everything about anything, merely shrugged in response.

"Not a clue Wes," he replied, shaking his head. Wes was not amused. He walked to the table where the council sat and picked up his beloved gavel. This was enough motion alone to cause the entire room to settle in. The only two people who did not have their eyes on Wes were Kurt and Blaine, who still refused to look anywhere but their respective corners.

Wes banged the gavel, causing both boys to jump and throw glares toward him. "Warbler Blaine and Warbler Kurt, both of you approach the table immediately!" It was all Wes could do to keep from shouting. Kurt and Blaine stared daggers at each other before standing and approaching the table and coming to a stop, placing at least a foot between themselves. For a moment, Wes was stunned. The two boys normally couldn't stand any greater distance between them than the space provided by holding hands. David nudged him. "Right," Wes finally said. "Explain yourselves."

Kurt raised one delicate eyebrow before boldly fixing Wes with his famous bitch glare. "Forgive me Wesley, but what is going on between Mr. Anderson and I," he stopped, punctuating his statement with an icy glare shot in Blaine's direction, before returning his steely gaze to Wes. "Is none of your business."

"The hell it isn't!" Wes roared, losing his temper and banging the gavel several times in rapid succession, causing everyone in the room to jump. "As long as there is sour tension in this room between you two, I have a right to know why!" Everyone stared at him in shock. David put a hand on his arm.

"Wes," he said warningly. Wes frowned and sighed heavily. But the damage was already done. Kurt had surged forward and slammed both hands palm flat on the table. This gesture was very effective in scaring everyone, including Wes.

"Fine! You want to know Wesley?" he said, his voice dripping with ice-cold venom. "Blaine has a boyfriend and apparently he hates me!"

This was Blaine's cue to react. His words were feisty and biting. "Mr. Hummel is over-exaggerating Wes. I have a date, not a boyfriend and unless my memory is extremely bad he said he hated me first!"

Both boys looked ready to jump each other's throats now. Wes banged his gavel again but this time, it was ineffective. Kurt flipped a lid.

"A date? I don't call Jeremiah a date! You deserve that hate Mr. Anderson! Did you ever think about my feelings in all this?"

"Jeremiah?" the rest of the Warblers all shouted in surprise at the same time. Blaine and Kurt both ignored them, glaring daggers at each other.

Blaine put his hands on his hips and leaned forward. "Your feelings? Why the hell do you care?" That shout was enough to shut the whole room up. They were clearly anticipating Kurt's answer to that question. When Kurt replied his voice was stone cold but tinged with hurt.

"Gee Blaine, I don't know! Maybe because I love you!" With that Kurt retrieved his bag and stormed out of the room. Blaine and the rest of the Warblers were left staring after him with Blaine looking dumbfounded.

If Blaine had thought that maybe he and Kurt could sort things out now that Kurt had confessed his love to him, he was mistaken. So, it was probably a good thing he didn't think that. See, Blaine hadn't actually admitted to himself that he was in love with Kurt yet. That didn't keep him from being surprised when he entered his dorm later to find all Kurt's things gone and David relaxing on the other bed.

"Good evening Blaine," David said, not looking up from his homework.

"Um…not that I really care David, but why are you here instead of Kurt?" David finally looked up and gave him what he hoped was an apologetic look. He sat up and indicated for Blaine to sit down. The curly-haired boy did, dropping into his desk chair.

David sighed. "Kurt requested a room change. The dean agreed to grant him one if he could find someone who was willing to switch. So, here I am." Blaine literally felt his heart breaking at the news. Kurt didn't want to be his roommate anymore? Well, whatever. He was not going to let David see that it was bothering him. He folded his arms across his chest and huffed.

"Well good. I don't care if I ever even speak to him again!" David gave him a doubtful look. It was clear that he didn't believe him but luckily for Blaine, he chose not to acknowledge it.

Silence fell over the both of them as Blaine started preparing for his date with Jeremiah. He was oblivious to the fact that David was staring at him in disbelief. But still, the black boy didn't say anything.

It didn't help much that when Blaine left his room about an hour later, he ran into Kurt who was on his way out, a suitcase in his hand. Blaine had forgotten it was Friday. Kurt was going home for the weekend.

"Heading home Hummel?" Blaine spat sharply.

"What do you care Anderson?" Kurt replied, just as sharply. "Go on your date and leave me the hell alone!" Blaine watched him turn and start walking away. His heart broke.

"Kurt!" he called out to him. It worked. Kurt froze but the look in his eyes when he turned around was so cold Blaine was pretty sure he'd be dead if looks could kill. He swallowed hard and blinked his eyes, hoping that he was seeing things. But when he opened his eyes, Kurt was marching toward him.

The next thing Blaine knew, his ex-best friend was jabbing a finger hard into his chest. "Don't ever call me by my first name again Blaine," he said and Blaine cringed at the emphasis Kurt used when he said his name. "You lost that privilege. Stay out of my life!"

Blaine would be lying if he said that he didn't just stand there in stunned silence until Kurt was out of sight. Fixing this was going to be the hardest thing he'd ever done! That was assuming that it was even fixable.

Kurt tried to calm himself as he shoved the key in the ignition and slammed the door to his Navigator shut. But he found that remaining calm was easier said than done. Anger was dissolving to tears and before he knew it Kurt found himself slumped over the steering wheel, eyes wet and cheeks stiff. The sobs poured out of him, causing Kurt's body to shake and heave.

"Damn you Blaine Anderson," Kurt choked out. "I hate you! But I love you so much!" A frustrated growl left his throat and Kurt let go of the steering wheel only to slam his hands down on the dashboard instead. Fire lit the anger as the sobs dried, turning into renewed rage. But this rage was more directed at Jeremiah. This was all his fault. Well damn Jeremiah to hell.

Kurt straightened up, put the car in reverse, and slammed his foot down on the gas pedal, ripping out of his parking spot so sharply, his wheels squealed on the pavement. He didn't notice Blaine running out of the dorm building.

Still squealing the tires in anger, Kurt swiveled around, shifted into drive and peeled out of the parking lot. Tire tracks imprinted the ground as he sped off.

They boy's eyes were hardened over like glass. The anger was clearly visible. He swung onto the freeway merger, ignoring the honk from a driver behind him as he cut them off.

Kurt had never been so careless before when driving. He had never been so angry before either. He sped up, going several miles over the speed limit, not the smartest thing when you're driving on the freeway in rush hour traffic. But Kurt wasn't thinking, another thing that was out of the norm for one Kurt Hummel. He didn't frankly care.

Traffic was piling up and Kurt was not having it. He kept honking his horn and swerving in and out of lanes, desperate to keep moving. It was a dangerous way of driving but right than, he didn't particularly care. He wanted to get as far away from Blaine and the love of his life as fast as possible. The farther he was from them, the better.

He couldn't understand this. Why was Blaine still so blind? Jeremiah had turned Blaine down and now they had a date? What the hell? Something just didn't add up. A thought crossed his mind then that would have had Kurt slamming on his brakes if he hadn't remembered he was on the freeway.

It was a set up. What the hell? Blaine and Jeremiah had plotted the whole thing. Acting was a bitch sometimes. Blaine must have decided that he didn't want the rest of the Warblers to know that he and Jeremiah, were an item. Damn! This new revelation increased Kurt's anger ten-fold.

A scream of rage ripped from his throat and Kurt's eyes became blinded with anger. He slammed the steering wheel hard over, swerving into the open space of the next lane without checking to see that no one else was trying to switch from the other side. As a result, he failed to see the big rig attempting to make the switch at the same time.

There was a loud crash of metal on metal, the sound of squealing tires, and the impending feeling of being crushed. And then, everything went black.

"You shouldn't have said you were meeting me Blaine. Kurt automatically assumed it was a date." Jeremiah was pacing his living room. Blaine was sitting on the couch, his head in his hands. He bit his lip.

"Well no, not exactly," he said. Jeremiah stopped pacing and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "I kind of told him it was a date." Jeremiah looked at him like he was crazy. "I know! I know I shouldn't have done that! I wasn't thinking!"

Jeremiah ran a hand over his face. "Why are you here Blaine?"

"What?" Blaine was confused.

"Why are you here?"

"To get your help finding the perfect way to romance Kurt." Blaine stared at the floor. "You know that."

"No," Jeremiah replied. Blaine looked up at him, still confused. "I meant, why are you here right now?" Blaine still didn't say anything. The older man sighed. "You should have canceled when the fur started to fly and I'm guessing you didn't correct yourself either. If you had done that, this whole mess could've been avoided."

Blaine didn't say anything. Jeremiah was right. He could have avoided everything if he had done that. But did he? No, he didn't. He just let Kurt believe it was true. How could he be so stupid?

It was quiet for a few moments. Jeremiah resumed his pacing and Blaine just let his head spin with the thoughts that passed through it. He'd really screwed up. Kurt hated him now. He had told him to stay out of his life. How the hell was Blaine supposed to do that? Sure, Kurt had requested a room change and all but Wes' room wasn't that far from Blaine's. It was only like two doors down on the other side of the corridor. What else could provide that distance?

Suddenly, a horrible thought crossed his mind. What if Kurt decided to transfer back to McKinley? Was it possible that Blaine had screwed up enough to make Kurt even want to brave Karofsky just to get away from him? Surely not! Kurt wasn't that desperate right?

Just as he was starting to feel himself hyperventilating, his phone buzzed in his pocket. For a moment, he thought he ought to ignore it. But something clenched his gut and told him he'd better answer it.

"Hello?" he said into the phone as he pulled it out and tapped the screen. He didn't bother to even look at the caller ID.

"Blaine, turn on the news quick!" came Wes' voice. Blaine was confused. He looked up at Jeremiah and grabbed the remote off the coffee table. The older man stared at him, wondering what was so important about television right at that moment. Blaine's thumb shakily found the power button and the screen switched on. What he saw there nearly made him drop the phone.

On the screen was a terrible sight. It showed the freeway, leading out of Westerville. A big rig was skewed across the lanes and a black car was crushed under it. Helicopters flew through the air. Ambulances and fire trucks and police cars all surrounded the scene. A lone car had spun out of control and nearly crashed into the guardrail. A cop was speaking to the driver who looked shaken but okay otherwise. She seemed to be giving a statement to the cop who was taking notes. The whole scene was barricaded and Blaine was quite sure that they had taken measures to shut the freeway down, keeping cars from coming on to it.

"Blaine, you still there?" Wes' voice said from the other side of the phone. Blaine was so busy staring at the accident displayed on the screen that he'd forgotten Wes had called. His hand was clutching the phone so tightly. What about the driver of the big rig? Or worse, what about the driver of the crushed car beneath it? Wait, why had Wes told him to turn on the news?

"Yeah, I'm here…" he said quietly. His voice was shaking. Why was this accident having him so scared? Jeremiah grabbed the remote from Blaine's other hand and turned the volume up on the TV.

"Miraculously, it appears the driver of the vehicle that was crushed by the big rig is at the very least, still alive. We've just received word that rescuers are attempting to extract him from the totaled car now. Police say the victim is a teenage boy and a witness, the woman driving the other car that nearly hit the guardrail has said that both the big rig and the teenager's vehicle were attempting to change lanes at the same time. Let's go to Robert who is on the scene for more information. Robert?"

"Thank you Erica. I'm here now on the scene of the accident. This is Officer Ryan Bradley. Officer Bradley, what can you tell us about this accident?" The reporter held out a microphone for the officer, who was standing with his hands on his hips.

"Well apparently, the woman of the other car, who was following the teenager's vehicle said that the boy had been swerving between lanes but she doesn't think that he was drinking. At one point she managed to pass him and said the look on his face read anger. She's not sure on that though. She said she fell back behind him because he kept changing lanes and went around her again at one point," the cop said.

Blaine stared at the screen and tuned out what they were saying for a moment. The driver was angry? Why the hell did that scare him so bad? Wes wasn't saying anything, which was good for him. He shook his head off and tuned back into the TV.

"Any word yet on the boy's condition?" Robert was now saying. The cop tipped his hat and adjusted it.

"All we can say at this time is that he is alive and lucky to be so. He's being airlifted to Lima Medical Center as we speak," he said.

"Do you have any identification for the boy?" the reporter asked.

Again, the cop tipped his hat. "We found a wallet in the back pocket with an ID card in it. We're not releasing the boy's name at this time though in order to give privacy to the family. But he was wearing a school uniform, indicating that he probably attends a private school and might have been on his way home for the weekend."

Those words from the cop seemed to shift all of Blaine's bad feelings right into place. His phone dropped from his hand and as he stared at the crumpled wreck of the black vehicle beneath the big rig, he knew. That wasn't just any black vehicle. It was Kurt's Navigator. The victim…was Kurt.

"Blaine?" It took the curly-haired boy several minutes to register that Jeremiah had spoken. His complexion had paled considerably. All the blood had run right out of his face. He was no longer paying attention to the TV and he could just barely pick out Wes' voice panicking through the speaker but he ignored it. Slowly, his head turned and he looked up at Jeremiah.

"Oh my God," he whispered in a very shaky voice. Jeremiah just stared at him. "This is all my fault." And finally, Blaine broke down in tears.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the first chappie! Let me know what you think! Reviews save Kurt's live because Merlin knows those injuries could probably kill him. Good thing he's still alive yes? This is pre-Klaine at the moment but there will be Klaine, I promise. Leave a review please, they make me smile. I'm going to write the next chapter now because I'm begging for more. Bye guys!