**Disclaimer: I own nothing. I don't own pokemon. I don't own the characters. And, I don't own N… Poor me. I wish I owned N. This story is told from Whitney's, or White's, point of view
-Chapter One-
So, I'd beaten Ghestis, forced most of Team Plasma to disband, and succeeded in making N realize what he'd done. He'd been used, the poor dear. When he left me that day, flying away on Zekrom, his face held such an unfathomable sadness that just thinking about it made me want to go jump off of a cliff. He'd been through much more that I'd ever imagine.
It had been four months since that incident. I'd been living with my mother, and my sixteenth birthday was coming up in a few days. However, I couldn't even bring myself to smile. Something was not right. I didn't feel quite well.
The ringing of my alarm clock sounded unreasonably loud in my left ear. I reached over to hit the snooze button, only finding my mother's hand over the very button I wished to push. Her face, which mine resembled, held an annoyed expression. I pressed the off button so that she could talk. I knew there was something she was itching to tell me.
"Listen, Whitney. You've been sitting around like a knot on a log all morning. It's nearly noon. You need to get up, sweetie." Her brown eyes held a look of worry. "What's wrong with you? You've been acting awful strange lately. Ever since you defeated Ghestis, something's been bugging you. I can tell it."
I cringed at the mention of Ghestis. The man used that innocent boy like a puppet to do his own will. The man that N once called his father.
"See, you're having all these weird express-" I cut her off.
"Nothing's wrong, Mom," I lied, getting out of my bed and over to my closet. I peeled off my pajamas, throwing them in the dirty clothes bin that sat in the far corner of my walk-in closet, and replaced them with my usual attire; a white tank top, denim shorts, a black vest, running shoes, and a pink and white baseball cap.
Nudity didn't even faze my mom, but by the time I was finished dressing, I turned around and she was nowhere to be found in my room. That was exactly what I was aiming for.
Reaching into the drawer that my pokeballs were hidden in, I pulled all of them out, and released Serperior into my room, the laser beam giving way to the form of my snake-like pokemon. He let out a sort of hissing noise when he saw me in front of him as he slithered over to me. He wedged his nose in the crook of my neck, nuzzling me. Ever since N had left, I'd picked up the ability to speak to pokemon, also.
White…. What's wrong? Though I could hear his voice loud and clear, all that others would be able to hear would be different hissing noises.
"Why don't we go somewhere, Serperior? You, me, and Reshiram." I placed my left hand under his chin and stroked from his forehead down to his nose with my right. He stilled at my touch.
Where to?
"I don't know. Let's just get up and go." I kissed his nose affectionately before putting all of my pokeballs onto the belt that they belonged on. I slipped the belt around my waist, grabbed my bag that held my potions, spare pokeballs, and other things, and left.
Where you lead, I'll follow.
I turned to find Serperior effortlessly gliding along the grassy ground behind me. For the first time in months, I smiled, but it was a forced one. Though Serperior knew that my smile wasn't sincere, he pretended not to notice for my sake. How I loved my pokemon. They were always the best friends I could ever ask for.
I released Reshiram once I got far enough away from all of the trainers that wished to battle me, and Serperior and I climbed onto his snowy white back.
Where do you wish to go, Whitney? Reshiram's voice was more regal than my other pokemons' voices. Just him saying my name immediately reminded me of velvet; something soft; something found in the houses of royalty.
"Surprise me, Reshiram." I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes. Anywhere would be fine. I just needed a change of scenery for a couple hours.
Reshiram broke out a knowing smile before taking off.
On our short flight, I went through the thoughts in my head. Why was I feeling like this? What was wrong with me? Why wasn't I acting like myself? Every answer evaded me. I hadn't even noticed that we landed until people were staring at me. Well, not me, but Reshiram.
"Wow, Mommy! Look at the bit white dragon pokemon!" A young kid pointed wildly at Reshiram, who tried his best to ignore the burning stares from the locals of….
Why on earth was I in Accumula town. Did Reshiram really want to jog bad memories? I turned to him, a look of anger so evident on my face that it was a wonder that he didn't burst up in flames. I pulled out his pokeball, and the laser beam pulled him back into the red and white sphere. I ran a hand through my brown hair, which I had forgotten to put up in a ponytail. Luckily, my hat made my hair look a bit more cooperative than it actually was.
Serperior slithered up to me. Before he could even ask, I looked him straight in the eye and said, "Yes, we're going to stay at the pokemon center overnight. I am not riding on Reshiram again."
Though Reshiram was a good pokemon, he sometimes got a bit too wild for his own good, pushing me to see how much slack I would give him. After this incident, he would get no more slack.
"We'll walk back to Nuvema town tomorrow." I made my way to the pokemon center, where Serperior, Reshiram, and I would be spending the night.
**Alrighty~ I'm so happy that this ended up being so well, and, for all of you that are wondering where N will come in, you're about to find out. ;D