Earning Your Love

Chapter Nine: Protecting What You Love

"I'm sorry to visit at such short notice." Lenalee said as she, Allen and Kanda were seated in the couple's living room.

Allen offered the young woman a cup of tea before sitting next to Kanda. "It's alright Lenalee; you know that you're always welcomed here. You sounded really serious over the phone when you called; is everything alright?"

"Unfortunately no; Lavi and I were walking to the parking lot after work, and you would not believe who we saw there."

"Who?" Kanda asked.

"I'll give you a hint, it's someone who hurt our friend and had the gall to try and justify what he did." the Chinese woman explained in a disgruntled tone.

The white haired male realized immediately who she was referring to and said in disbelief, "You have got to be kidding me! The one time you don't want the guy around, he appears; that annoying pest!"

"He's like a virus you can't get rid of." Kanda added in an irritable tone.

"Exactly what happened, Lenalee?" the silver eyed male asked.

"Well, he was just saying how he and Lavi should talk about what happened; he basically wants Lavi to forgive him."

"And what did the usagi say?"

"He said he didn't want anything to do with Neil, and he should stay away from him and the people he cares about."

"Way to go Lavi; I would've loved to see the look on that creep's face." Allen grinned in amusement.

"Well, he wasn't thrilled I can tell you that, but there's one thing that bothers me."

"What's that?" the navy haired male asked.

"I have this funny feeling Neil is going to come back in a way we'll least expect it." Lenalee replied in a worried tone.

"Not if he knows what's coming to him if he does." the white haired male said cracking his knuckles.

"I second that." Kanda added.

"I just hope it's my nerves talking." the green haired female said, "I just don't want Lavi to suffer again, not after he finally has some stability in his life."

"Don't worry Lenalee; we'll make sure that doesn't happen." Allen said as Lenalee nodded her head in agreement.

Just then, the house phone rang as its sound echoed throughout the house. "I'll go get that." Kanda said as he got up to go answer the phone.

Lenalee and Allen got up as well and the Chinese girl said to her friend, "I hope I'm worrying over nothing, but I just wanted to let you guys know what happened."

"It's okay Lenalee; I'm glad you did. Lavi's finally content with his life and we'll do everything in our power to make sure nothing ruins that." Allen said to her.

As Lenalee was about to head out, the two friends heard Kanda rush into the room looking frantic and concerned. "Yuu-kun, what's wrong?" the silver eyed male asked wondering about why his lover was looking so worried.

"Yeah, why do you look so panicked; who was on the phone?" Lenalee asked.

"That was Tyki; he's at the usagi's house worried out of his mind."

"Well why; I thought he and Lavi were doing something tonight?"

"They were until he goes to the usagi's place to see he wasn't there and it's because he was kidnapped."

Allen and Lenalee stared at the other with worried, widened eyes as the green haired woman cried, "Kidnapped?!"

"Yuu-kun, please tell this is some kind of sick joke!"

"I wish I could, Moyashi, but it's true and that's not the worst part."

"I hate to ask, but what's the worst part?" Lenalee asked.

"While Tyki was looking for the usagi, he got a call from the usagi's phone but it wasn't him."

"Then who was i…" At that moment, a horrible realization came to Allen that he didn't want to even want to say, but he did. "Yuu-kun, that jerk, Neil has something to do with this does he?"

"That can't be true!" Lenalee said hoping it wasn't the case."

"Yeah; the bastard took the usagi and called Tyki with his phone to prove a point."

"I was afraid of that." Allen said.

"Oh no, this is terrible; we have to do something!" Lenalee said.

"We're heading over there now; Lenalee, you can ride with us. Let get going!" Kanda said as he grabbed his keys and headed out the door with Allen and Lenalee following after him.

Hazy emerald eyes opened slowly as Lavi tried to move. As he did, he realized he was lying on what felt like a bed and as he tried to move, he couldn't. Once his sight was more focused, he turned to see one of his wrists tied to the bed post. He frantically turned his head to see his other wrist tied to the other bedpost. When the redhead tried to move his legs, he saw both of his ankles were tired to the bed posts at the front of it. He wriggled furiously to get free but it was all in vain, "What's going on; where am I?!" he cried at the top of his lungs in fear.

"Relax Lavi; nothings gonna happen to you." Emerald eyes widened instantly at the voice. Lavi hoped with all his heart it wasn't who he thought it was, but the minute he saw the voice's owner, his hopes were dashed. "I was wondering when you were going to wake up, now we can finish our business without any interruptions."

At that moment, the panicked look on the redhead's face turned into an angry one, "Neil?! What the hell have you done to me?!"

"Lavi, you didn't give me much of a choice." the blond replied unfazed by Lavi's anger, "You wouldn't let me explain myself, so this was the only way to get you to stay and talk to me."

"So kidnapping me is your means of getting us to talk; are you out of your mind?! What part of I don't want anything to do with you didn't you understand?!"

"Oh Lavi, after all the times we've spent together, you should know how stubborn I can be."

"Oh I'm sorry, I guess I forgot about that, now that I know you're crazy on top of being a being a two timing jerk."

Neil gave an irritated groan as he said bluntly, "You know, you can really hold a grudge."

"Does it look like I care what you think about me, just let me go right now! Unlike you, I actually have a life!" Lavi yelled out in anger struggling to get free but to no avail.

"You wanna get back to Mr. Rich Boy; I honestly don't understand what you see in him. He's probably going to end up dumping you the minute he gets bored, or buy him another date. Rich guys like him are always looking for new eye candy to keep on their arm."

After those words were spoken, Lavi ceased with the struggling before giving Neil a heated glare, "Don't you ever talk about him that way! There's no comparison between you and Tyki. He's more of a man than you will ever be and unlike you, he loves me and I love him with all my heart. He's treated me the way I should be treated, with respect and love; two things you wouldn't know anything about. So I would appreciate it if you would watch your mouth and stop talking like you know anything about him!"

Even though he and Lavi broke up, the blond couldn't help, but feel a little ticked off at how much his ex went on and on about Tyki. "So you really think Mr. Hot Shot is so special, huh?" We'll see how far he is willing to go to get you back." Neil said before walking off.

"W-Wait a minute, you're just going to leave me tied up like this?!"

"That's right, so just stay there and look pretty…" Neil gave a small chuckle in amusement as he said, "Not like I'm giving you much of a choice."

After Neil left the room, Lavi could hear the clicking sound of the door being locked. The redhead tried to break free of his restraints, but the knots just wouldn't come loose. With no luck of getting free, the redhead sighed before staring up at the bare white ceiling above him. "Why did this have to happen just when my life was getting better?" Just then images of Tyki started playing in his mind, The date they had at his house, their first night as a couple, the gifts he gave him and that charming, loving smile that made Lavi feel so safe and loved. Warm, salty tears come to the brim of his eyes, before cascading down each of his cheeks, 'Tyki, help me please…I need you, Tyki!'

(At Lavi's house…)

"Okay Mr. Mikk, thank you for all the information. If I hear anything about Mr. Bookman's whereabouts, I'll let you know, but if you should hear from the perpetrator again, contact me as soon as possible." the private investigator said to the Portuguese male as he put his note pad in his trench coat pocket.

"Thank you John and I will." Tyki replied.

"Don't worry, we'll find him. In the meantime, just remain calm and don't do anything reckless."

"I'll try." Tyki said as he and his investigator shook hands before he got into his vehicle.

Once the detective's car left the driveway and sped off, another care pulled in. Once it was in park and the headlights turned off. At that moment, three doors opened in unison revealing Allen, Kanda and Lenalee. The white haired male ran up to Tyki looking worried, "Tyki, please tell me you've heard something about Lavi?"

The said male regrettably shook his head, "No, I haven't, I'm sorry."

"Oh no." Allen said in fright and worry as Kanda rubbed his shoulders to console him, "Have you talked to the police yet?"

"Actually, I enlisted the help of my family's private investigator, but I feel so helpless just waiting around." Tyki admitted.

"I know, I feel the same way." Allen added.

"Wait until I get my hands on that bastard; he'll pay for what he did to the usagi." Kanda vowed in anger.

"I just hope Lavi is okay; wherever he is." Lenalee added.

Tyki happened to noticed the Chinese female and said to her, "Oh I'm sorry, I don't think we've been introduced. My name is Tyki Mikk."

"Yes I've heard all about you, and I'm Lavi's coworker, Lenalee Lee. He's told me a lot about you. I've always wanted to meet you, but not like this." the green haired female said.

"I understand, but despite the circumstances, it's nice to meet you as well."

"So what do we do now; wait to hear from your private investigator?" Allen asked.

"Probably, but just waiting around isn't sitting well with me. Lavi is out there somewhere with that bastard and if something happens to him…"

"Don't talk like that, Tyki, we've got to keep the faith for Lavi's sake." the white haired male said trying to snap Tyki out of his self pity, "I'm worried about Lavi too, but we won't get anywhere if we're being down on ourselves."

The Portuguese male signed before giving the other a small smile. Allen was right; what was more important was finding his lover and getting him home safely. "You're right, I'm sorry."

"But what do we do; any ideas?" the twin tailed female asked.

"I'm not a religious man, but if I were ever hoping for a sign, it would be now." Kanda said.

The minute those words left the navy haired male's mouth, a loud ring echoed from Tyki's back pocket. Allen gave his lover a surprised look, "Yuu-kun, how did you do that?"

"Don't ask me."

As Tyki was reaching for his cell phone, Lenalee asked him hopefully, "Is that your private investigator with news on Lavi?"

"No," Indigo eyes narrowed at the name across his caller id, "it's Lavi's number."

Everyone flinched before Allen said, "Give me that phone; I gotta bone to pick with that guy!"

"No, Moyashi!" Kanda said holding his lover back.

"Yuu-kun, what are you doing?"

"Kanda's right, Allen; he may hang up if any of you answer the phone. Let me handle this; you all just keep quiet." Tyki politely said as the others obeyed. The Portuguese male flipped his phone open and brought the receiver to his ear. "Hello?" he answered trying to hold back his anger.

"I was wondering if you were ever going to pick up, Rich boy. Here I thought I scared you away."

"Cut the crap, Neil!"

"O-o-o-o hostile, better be careful rich boy; you don't want anything to happen to your precious Lavi do you?"

"Enough of the games Neil; where is he?"

"Relax, I'll tell you, but there's one exception."

"And that is?"

"I'll tell you where he is, but you will come alone. I have a feeling Lavi's friends are with you, listening in to this conversation. If I see any of them or any police, well you're are smart successful businessman, I'm sure you can figure out where I'm going with this."

"Even if I go along with your demands, you better swear not one hair on Lavi's head will be hurt."

"Relax will ya; I know you're not used to bowing down to others, but if you do what I want, you get what you want. So, do we have a deal or not?"

Tyki clenched his teeth in anger before giving a very deep sigh. He hated doing what the blond wanted, but Lavi's safety was more important to him. "You have a deal, Neil."

The Portuguese male could hear the other snickering in amusement which made his blood boil. "I knew you would see things my way. Now, meet me at the old apartment building at the corner of Spade Avenue and Jordan street and I better not see any uninvited guests, or else."

After the words were spoken, Tyki could hear the call end. The indigo eyed male slammed his phone shut. "Damn him!" he grumbled in anger.

"What did that jerk say, Tyki?" Allen said desperately wanting to know about his friend's well being.

"He told me where he's keeping Lavi."

"He did?!" Kanda asked.

"Yes he did."

"Well what are we waiting for; let's go!" the white haired said ready to teach the kidnapper a very painful lesson.

"No," Tyki began, "only I'm going; you three stay here."

"What are you saying?" Lenalee asked.

"Yeah, if you're going to help Lavi, we're coming too." Allen chimed in.

Tyki shook his head, "It'll just be me going to get him; you three are going to stay here until I get back."

As the Portuguese male was heading to his car, Allen yelled out to him, "Tyki, you can't go alone! We don't have any idea what that creep's planning; you could be walking into a trap and…!" The silver eyed male was interrupted by his lover pulling him back by the arm, "Yuu-kun, what are you doing?!"

"Just let me go, Moyashi."

"But Yuu-kun…?!"

"This is something Tyki has to do on his own. I have this feeling that's what that bastard wants. Besides what matters now is getting the usagi back in one piece and we can't do anything to jeopardize that."

"I hate to say it, but I think Kanda is right, Allen." Lenalee added.

The white haired male sighed, "I know, but I hate feeling so…so useless. Our friend is out there somewhere probably helpless and scared."

"I'll get him back." Allen, Kanda and Lenalee turned to Tyki who had the door to the driver's side of his car opened, "You all have my word that I will."

"Do whatever you need to do, Tyki." Kanda said to him.

"You and Lavi stay safe." Lenalee added.

"Will do." the tanned male replied.

As Tyki was getting into his car, Allen called out to him, "Tyki!"

The said male turned the other, giving him a small smile, "I promise you Allen, we'll be back soon, safe and sound." Then he got into his car and closed the door. He cranked the car up and turned on his headlights, before driving off into the dead of night.

Kanda wrapped his arm around Allen's shoulders pulling his body closer to his. "Don't worry, Moyashi; I'm sure Tyki will bring him back."

"Kanda's right," Lenalee began, "for now we just have to keep the faith."

Allen gave a small sigh as he said, "I know you two are right, but I just can't help but worry, you know?"

"Yeah I know what you mean, but for Lavi's sake we have to stay positive." the Chinese female replied consoling her worried friend despite feeling the same anxiety herself.

"Come on you two, let's go inside before we all catch cold." Kanda suggested as Allen and Lenalee eagerly agreed before heading into Lavi's home, anxiously awaiting their friends' safe return while trying to stay hopeful.

On the way to his destination, Tyki had called his family's private investigator to inform him of the latest news and discussing their plan of action. After speaking with him, Tyki hung up the phone and continued on his way. He was firmly gripping his steering wheel with all his might, while going over the speed limit. The Portuguese male saw the speed limit sign, but he was in too much of a hurry to care. At that moment, an image of Lavi smiling entered his mind. 'Don't worry Lovely, I will get you back no matter what it takes. Just hold on a little longer until I get there. I will make sure that bastard Neil pays for what he's put you through if it's the last thing I do!'

To Be Continued…

A/N: Greetings to all my fellow readers; it's Spirit here! I am so sorry for the long wait for this new chapter! I was racking my brain over how I wanted it to go plus being busy with work, but I appreciate your patience while I was getting it done. I assure you all, I have not forgotten about this story or any of my other unfinished works. I will update them I soon as I am able to and again I appreciate your patience and all the great reviews you have left me! I want to let you all know that this story will be ending soon in a few more chapters so stay tuned for the next few updates and let me know what you all think of them! Well, until the next update, I'll catch you all later!