A/N: Hey you guys! Here's my third Lucky fic for all of you! Here are the characters and their ages in this story; other characters will be added throughout the story. I do not own these characters or D Gray Man! Read and enjoy; let me know what you guys think!

Lavi Bookman: 21 years old

Allen Walker: 20 years old

Yuu Kanda: 21 years old

Tyki Mikk: 22 years old

Earning Your Love

Chapter One: Meeting You

One fine autumn Saturday, Lavi heard a loud knock at his front door which woke him up from his sleep. He groaned as he got off his sofa and headed towards the door. The loud knocking continued which pounded his head like crazy, "Alright, I'm coming!"

When he opened it, he saw a white haired male with silver eyes standing on his porch with a bright smile on his face. "Good afternoon, Lavi!" he greeted in a cheery tone.

"Hey Allen." the red head replied with a tired yet sad voice, letting his friend in.

"Um Lavi, its two o'clock in the afternoon, why are you still in your pajamas?" Allen asked as he shut the door and followed after the other to the living room.

"I was sleeping till your loud knocking woke me up."

"But it's such a beautiful fall day outside; aren't you usually at the park at this time, reading a book in your favorite spot?"

"I'm not in the mood; there are too many happy couples walking around there." the emerald eyed man said as he plopped down on the sofa.

"Oh now I understand." The white haired man joined his friend on the couch and sighed, "Look Lavi, I know you're upset over what happened, but don't you think it's about time that you move on; it's been two weeks."

"Allen, how would you feel if you caught someone you trusted and loved for nearly a year cheating on you?" the red head asked the other with a serious, saddened look on his face.

"Okay I'll admit if I was in your shoes I would be depressed too, but…"

"Oh, and did I mention that wasn't the first time that bastard has cheated on me?"

Silver eyes widened in shock, "What?"

"Oh yeah, he told me the night that I caught him, that he was going out with that girl while he was dating me. I was too distraught from what I saw, that I forgot to mention it."

"Why that dirty, backstabbing, lying jackass!"

"Exactly, now you see that I have every right to be depressed."

"Lavi listen to me, this is your friend talking," Allen placed his hand on the other's shoulder, "the way to get back at someone who has done you wrong like that is to…"

"Beat the hell out of him and celebrate?"

"No, Kanda and I took care of that…well actually I did nearly beat him to death and Kanda stopped me before I nearly killed him." Allen answered bluntly as Lavi furrowed his eyebrow at him, "But no; the way you get back at him is to move on with your life. Doing that shows that he didn't deserve you.

"I understand what you're saying Allen, but it still hurts. I just can't believe how stupid I was not to see it coming." Lavi said with angry tears coming to his eyes.

The white haired male placed his arm around his friend, trying to comfort him, "There there Lavi; don't belittle yourself over that jerk. He's not even worth your tears. You can't keep blaming yourself over what happened; he was at fault for deceiving you like that. You know what, why don't Yuu-kun and I take you to your favorite ethnic restaurant tonight?"

"Oh I dunno…"

"It'll be our treat; c'mon, you know you like free food!"

"Um Allen, you like free food." Lavi said bluntly.

"True that, but so do you; so what do you say?"

"Well…okay sure, why not." the green eyed male said with a small smile.

"Alright; the bookman is back!" Allen said hugging his friend with glee as he and Lavi laughed wholeheartedly.

(At 7pm that night…)

Allen, Kanda, and Lavi arrived at an Ethnic restaurant downtown. When they walked in, the waiter greeted and walked them to their table. Allen and Kanda sat on the left side of the table and Lavi sat on the right. Once they were settled, the waiter handed them their menus then pulled out his order pad and pencil, "Now, what you gentlemen like to drink tonight?"

"I'll have some lemonade, please." Lavi answered.

"Water for me." Kanda added.

"And I'll have a coke please." Allen ordered.

"Alright then," the waiter said while writing down the drink orders, "would you all like to order now or would you like a couple more minutes to decide?"

"I'll go on ahead and order." the red head replied, "I would like the shrimp scampi pasta with a baked potato, and a salad from the salad bar."

"Okay," the waiter recorded the order then turned his attention back to the others, "What would you two like?"

"I would like to order of soba noodles." the dark haired man replied.

Once the waiter wrote down the order, turned his attention to Allen who said, "And I would like some chicken stir fry, fried dumplings, shrimp alfredo pasta, chicken wings, some spaghetti, a taco platter with everything on them, a ham and turkey club sandwich, and…"

"Moyashi," Kanda interrupted him, "this is a one entrée type of restaurant, not a buffet."

"Fine, I'll just have some chicken stir fry with a side of dumplings, and a salad from the bar." the white haired male decided as the waiter awoke from his blank stupor and wrote it down the order. "But I'm getting as much as I want from the salad bar."

Kanda che'ed as Lavi chuckled before the waiter said, "Alright, your food will be ready soon and you'll find plates at the salad bar. I'll be right back with your drinks and silverware."

Once the waiter left, Allen rose from his seat, "I'm going to get some salad."

The long haired bluenette rose from his seat as well and followed after his lover, "I better go with you and make sure that you don't clean the bar again."

"Since when have I ever cleaned the salad bar?" the white haired male asked the taller as they headed towards the salad bar.

"I'm sorry, I can't even count that high."


Lavi shook his head with a smile at his friends as they walked towards the salad bar. A couple of minutes later, the waiter came back with their drinks and silverware. The red head thanked him before he left again. He sighed feeling glad that he was hanging out with his friends again, but a little envious of how in tuned Kanda and Allen were with each other. He began to wonder if he'll ever find someone who will truly love and care about him that is, if he ever lets someone in his life again. At that moment, he heard a rich, sultry voice interrupt his thoughts, "Why, hello there."

Green eyes peered upward and saw a tall man with slightly tanned skin, indigo eyes, short curly black hair, wearing a cream colored shirt with sleeves that went to his forearm, black form fitting jeans, and black shoes. Lavi peered around him before turning back to the other, "Um, are you talking to me?"

"Indeed I am, Lovely." the mystery man replied with an adoring smile.

"Look, I don't make it a habit of talking to people that I don't know."

"Hmm, that's odd; I thought everyone knew who I was." the ebony haired man began, "Well anyway, my name is Tyki Mikk and it is a pleasure to meet you."

Lavi's emerald eyes widened in shock, "Tyki Mikk; as in the head of the Mikk Division at Millennium Industries, that Tyki Mikk?"

"The very one;" the indigo eyed man answered before taking the red head's hand in his, giving a charming smile, "Now what might your name be, Lovely?"

Lavi was taken back by the nickname, but immediately regained composure. "Okay, I see where this going." the emerald eyed male gently pulled his hand away from the taller, "Look, I'm flattered that the famous Tyki Mikk is quite the charmer, but I'm not interested in a relationship at the moment."

"How come, Lovely?" the curious man asked.

"Not to be rude, but Lovely isn't my name and don't you have somewhere else you need to be right now?"

"Actually, I'm here with my brother and niece for dinner."

"Then why are you here, wasting your time talking to me?"

"I wouldn't say that I'm wasting time; actually I'm…"

"You're what?" Lavi asked in a slightly irritated tone.

"It appears that I'm quite smitten with you." Tyki said with that adoring smile.

Lavi stared at the man with a shocked expression on his face. He couldn't believe what was coming out of this guy's mouth. "…Stop clowning around; how can you already like me? I mean, you just met me ten minutes ago!"

"Haven't you ever heard of love at first sight?"

The red head gently slapped his forehead with his hand, 'You have got to be kidding me.'

"So…" he heard Tyki's voice interrupt his thoughts.


"Could you tell me your name?"

"You're quite a persistent guy aren't you?"

The black haired man grinned, "Call it a weakness."

"Again I say that you're just wasting your time because I'm not…"

"Hey Lavi, who's your friend?" a voice interrupted him. The pair turned and saw Allen and Kanda return to the table from the salad bar. The white haired male was holding three clear plates, each piled high with salad and its toppings.

The red head groaned heavily, 'Geez Allen; read the atmosphere will ya?'

"Well hello, my name is Allen Walker." Allen introduced himself to Tyki with a smile, "and this is my boyfriend Yuu Kanda."

"Nice to meet you." the Japanese male added.

"Pleasure to meet you both; I'm Tyki Mikk." the black haired man replied.

"Wait, wait, wait, you're Tyki Mikk?" Allen asked the other with anticipation.

"Guilty as charged."

"Wow, we have a celebrity in our midst tonight huh, Kanda?"

"Indeed we do," Kanda turned to Lavi, "Usagi, you didn't tell us that you knew Tyki Mikk."

"I don't; I just met the guy a while ago." Lavi replied.

"That he did," Tyki's eyes fell upon the plate in Allen's hands, "it's nice that you got everyone salads, Allen."

"Oh no, these plates are for me," Allen narrowed his eyes at his lover, "since Yuu-kun wouldn't buy me the entrees that I wanted."

"Moyashi, we've been through this. If I bought you all of that food, you'd clean my wallet dry."

Allen shrugged his shoulders, "So what; I'm worth it."

Tyki turned to Kanda with a blank look as he replied, "He has a big appetite."

"Oh I see and yet you never gain a pound."

"He has a really high metabolism." the navy haired male replied as the black haired male nodded.

"So Tyki, would you like to join us for dinner; we have room for one more next to Lavi." the silver eyed male offered.

"NO!" the three men turned to Lavi with surprised looks as he stammered, "Uh…I mean…uh…!"

Tyki gave a small chuckle, not affected at all by the outburst. "Well as much I would love to stay and get to know you two," he smirked lovingly at the redhead, "and Lavi a little better, I have to decline your offer. I'm actually here with my family for dinner tonight."

Allen and Kanda noticed how Tyki was looking at Lavi. They exchanged looks and grins as they said silently in unison, "Mm-hm."

Lavi stood up from his seat, "Well, I'm going to go get some salad and hopefully Allen left some."

"Hey I left some; I'm not that greedy."

"Yeah, like a quarter of it." Kanda muttered as Allen elbowed him in the side.

"It'll do," Lavi headed towards the salad bar, "I'll be back you guys."

"Lavi, shouldn't you say good-bye to Tyki?" the white haired male called after him.

"I'd rather not." the red head replied.

Once the red head was gone, Allen placed his plates on the table then turned back to Tyki, "You'll have to excuse him."

"It's quite alright."

Allen leaned in close to Tyki with a big grin on his face, "So Tyki, something tells me that you have a thing for my best friend."

Tyki grinned at the smaller, "Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Kanda answered.

"I better give you heads up Tyki," the silver eyed man began, "Lavi can be a bit stubborn and considering what he's been though, he's going to be a tough nut to crack."

"Oh I could tell when I was talking with him, but I do like a challenge." Then Tyki pulled out his card with his contact information on it and handed it to the two men, "Would you mind giving him this for me; I have to get back to my family."

"So," Allen began as he took the card from the taller, "you still after Lavi even though he's being stubborn and refuses to give you the time of day?"

"Sure am."

"Well in that case, lemme see your phone." the white haired male told the other as he handed him his cell phone.

Kanda furrowed his eyebrow in curiosity at his lover flipped the phone opened and began punching the buttons with his right thumb. When Allen was finished, he handed the phone back to Tyki. "I put in Lavi's cell and home phone numbers for you."

"I'm grateful, but don't you think Lavi will be mad with you for this?"

"Yeah, but considering how it help him in the end, I'll get over it." Allen replied.

"…Okay then, well I better be on my way. I hope to see you all again; good bye." Tyki said before departing.

"Have a nice night and it was nice meeting you!" Allen called after him before sitting down to eat his salad.

Kanda sat down next to his lover, eyeing him suspiciously, "Moyashi, what was that all about?"

"Why whatever do you mean, Yuu-kun?" the silver eyed male asked feigning innocence.

"You just gave a guy that Lavi just met his number and accepted Tyki's number for him."

"That I did."

"And why did you do that?"

"It's elementary my dear Yuu-kun." Allen began as his lover stared blankly at him, "Tyki is the perfect guy for Lavi and he's our friend's ticket for getting that good for nothing heart breaker out of his mind once and for all."

"And you're willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that happens aren't you?"

"You got that right."

Kanda sighed, "Look Moyashi, I know you mean well, but I don't think that this is a good idea."

"Aw, come on Yuu-kun!" the white haired male whined, pouting cutely, "Please; this will be good for Lavi and I really need your support in this."


"Think about it Yuu-kun, the more that Lavi gets to know Tyki, the more 'we' time we'll have." Allen said in a seductive tone with a loving grin.

Kanda pondered on the thought for a brief second before answering. "So this plan of yours…?" he asked receiving a thankful kiss on the cheek and a big hug.

To Be Continued...