Dorian Gray Dinner with Lord Henry Wotton tonight ;)
2 minutes ago – Like –Comment
Lord Henry Wotton likes this.
Basil Hallward: Question: Where is the dislike button on facebook?
Adrian Singleton: Sadly, it doesn't exist. T_T
Sibyl Vane: Um, what about my play tonight….?
Dorian Gray: Who are you again?
Sibyl Vane: O.O
Adrian Singleton: BURN!
James Vane: -death glare- You want to pick a fight?
Adrian Singleton has logged out.
Sibyl Vane: -sobs-
James Vane: Don't worry sis, I've got this.
Dorian Gray: Again, who are you people…..!
Dorian Gray Just got home from having some fun :D
50 seconds ago – Like –Comment
Lord Henry Wotton likes this.
Lord Henry Wotton: Well done. The best way to resist to temptation is to yield to it. Never let life get in the way of pleasure.
Basil Hallward: Don't listen to him! He's a bad influence. You should be praying Dorian, PRAY!
Sibyl Vane: Dorian….don't….-sobs more-
Dorian Gray: Seriously, I need to unfriend you….
Alan Campbell: I'm sure you have TONS of fun WITH HARRY….
Lord Henry Wotton: You can bet on that.. ;)
Basil Hallward: FML
Alan Campbell: Seriously, get a grip on your life, you infamous creature.
The Picture of Dorian Gray: I agree. Look what you've done to me! I'm hideous!
Dorian Gray: O.o WTF! You're supposed to be….wtf!
Sibyl Vane I feel like killing myself….
6 minutes ago –Like –Comment
Dorian Gray and Lord Henry Wotton like this.
Lord Henry Wotton: Are you dead yet?
Dorian Gray: Who is this emo girl on my page?
Basil Hallward: That's horrible! Don't say that! Love is more beautiful than art.
James Vane: No sis! I'll never forgive whoever caused this on to her!
Alan Campbell: ^^^^Dorian Gray
Dorian Gray: Hey, I have nothing to do with this. I told you, I don't know this girl.
The Picture of Dorian Gray: There goes my beautiful hand…..
Adrian Singleton I need some "stuff"
30 seconds ago –Like –Comment
Dorian Gray and Lord Henry Wotton like this.
Dorian Gray: Right there with you, man.
Adrian Singleton: Then bring me some….out of money T_T
Dorian Gray: Get George to cover it. All you need is to "pay him back."
Dorian Gray: Or you could pay me back….
Alan Campbell: Now I remember why we broke up…..
Dorian Gray: Because you were a jealous b****?
Alan Campbell: F You Dorian Gray!
The Picture of Dorian Gray: Ouch, that hurts, right in the soul.
Basil Hallward Painting…..
8 minutes ago – Like – Comment
Dorian Gray, Lord Henry Wotton, and Lord Cawdor like this.
Lord Henry Wotton: We all know who you are painting…..
Victoria Wotton: Could it be the subject of your 27 photos..?
Dorian Gray: -blush- (everyone likes me…)
Alan Campbell: Ya, not really.
Lord Cawdor likes this.
Lord Cawdor: Dorian Gray You're seriously an infamous, despicable man with no shame. Basil Hallward Try to move on! You can do better!
Sibyl Vane: Hey don't you dare talk about my Dori-woei that way!
Lord Henry Wotton: O.o I thought you were dead.
Sibyl Vane: Nah…I was going to suicide but I accidently drank that thing Juliet drank so it was only temporary.
Dorian Gray: Dislike.
Lord Henry Wotton: Dislike.
Basil Hallward: Dislike.
Adrian Singleton: Dislike.
Alan Campbell: Dislike.
Lord Cawdor: Dislike.
Victoria Wotton: Dislike.
James Vane: ….
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