Just something I was thinking about while watching the new episode.
Standard disclaimers apply.
"Hey Baywatch, you borrowed my protractor, like, a week ago, and I need it back," Artemis called out as she pushed the door to the speedster's room open and looked inside.
"It should be in the top right drawer of my desk." Came the reply from the bathroom on the other side of the room.
Artemis made her way over to the desk, stepping over a few articles of clothing on the floor of an otherwise clean room. Pulling open the drawer, she rifled through it finding a calculator, some pencils, and some graphing paper, but no protractor. "It's not in here."
"Huh, it should be. Check the other drawers," Wally said as he stepped out of the bathroom in a pair of sweatpants, toweling dry his hair.
Artemis quickly turned back to the desk to hide the light blush that had bloomed on her face at the sight of Wally shirtless. She pulled open the next drawer and stared at what was inside.
Wally pulled on a shirt he found and tossed his towel onto his bed. "Did you find it?"
"Wally, what is this? You have more pills in here than a pharmacy," Artemis said looking down at the drawer, which was indeed filled with bags of pills of various colors. "Are you doing drugs?"
"What? No! Those are my vitamins."
"Yeah." At her skeptical look he sighed and began to elaborate, "My body burns through most of the food I eat before it can properly absorb all the nutrients in the food. What your looking at are highly concentrated forms of your basic vitamins and minerals. Bats makes them for me and the Flash. We have to take them twice a day. Which reminds me…" He reaches around her and pulls several different pills from the drawer before closing it. Spotting a bottle of water on his nightstand, he picks it up and takes a drink to wash down his vitamins.
He noticed Artemis staring at him. "What?"
"I just never really thought about it before, but your powers must be really hard on you and the Flash."
"Yeah, but feeling the world rush by when you run, knowing you can help people and do things others can't usually makes up for it."
"Usually. Sometimes it's hard to slow down for everyone else and sometimes you wish you could just be normal, you know?"
"Yeah, I get it. Well the second part at least."
They stared at each other for a while before Wally dropped his gaze to put his water back on the nightstand. "Oh hey, found your protractor. It was on the nightstand all along." He picked it up and handed it to her.
"Yo, KF! Where are you? You were supposed to be in the living room like ten minutes ago." Robin said as he walked into the room. "Oh, hey Artemis. I'm not interrupting something am I?" Robin said glancing between the two of them significantly.
"No, I was just leaving. Um, thanks Baywatch." Artemis waved the protractor and turned to leave.
"No problem Beautiful."
Artemis hurried out of the room, but was still able to hear Robin tease, "Beautiful, huh?"
"Shut up, let's just go so I can crush you in Black Ops."
"Ha! I'd like to see you try."
"Bring it!"
Artemis continued down the hall, smiling to herself. Moments like that between her and Wally were few and far between, but, if she were being honest, she kind of enjoyed them…
Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think?
Love always,