"Where do I even fit in all of this?" Will asked, waving his arms around in frustration. He'd toured the area, 'met' the people, saw the bots, and gotten a very detailed description of what was going on. And yet, every time he brought up his own part in everything, the Allspark seemed to dance around the subject. "What about Prime? You haven't shown me him."

"I haven't shown him to you because the first time you do see him here will also be the first time you meet him. The woman you will call your mother knows him well though," the Allspark replied smoothly. The rasp of her voice was even harsher though as she spoke. "I can only keep you here so long. I'm quickly running out of time. I must return you to your true life. We may continue this tonight. A certain Autobot Commander is awake in your time."

That was the only warning Will received. He was suddenly just sitting on his bed. He glanced at the clock which read 2:00 AM. What was Optimus doing up, anyways? He got up as quickly as possible, and found himself running towards the Autobot hangers.

Now, the hangers were off-limits to humans for a reason. The twins had a habit of bickering and fighting in the hallways. And the larger Autobots, such as Optimus and Ironhide, didn't always watch where they stepped when in those hangers.

Towards the area where humans were allowed was the Autobot section of the med bay. The personal quarters lined the hallway, with the last door leading to the firing range. The firing range though, was one area that the humans only had to have an Autobot escort to visit. They could also enter it without going through the Autobot section by just walking around that section. About halfway down the hallway, on the right hand side, was Optimus' office.

A light spilled from the room, alerting Will to exactly where Optimus was. There was little sound coming from there though, which lead Will to believe that the Autobot leader was alone. He approached the door quickly.

"Optimus?" He cursed the fact that his voice sounded timid and frightened.

"William?" Optimus asked, standing to see over the desk clearly. Confusion was etched into his face as he regarded the tiny human standing in the doorway. "What are you doing up? And in the Autobot hallway..."

"I need to talk to you. Alone. Now's a perfect time if you're not busy," Will responded. Optimus' expression didn't change even as he motioned for Will to join him. The door slid closed as soon as Will was inside.

"What is it that you need to talk to me about?" Optimus gently prodded. He flattened a servo out on the ground to allow Will to get on. The soldier did easily, getting off when he was lifted to the desk.

"I... met Primus. And the Allspark in human form. I need to talk to you about it," Will stated. Optimus feel silent, but nodded. "It has a lot to do with you. I mean, it's your future they're showing me. I'm supposed to change it." That was all he managed to say before both males were briefly blinded by a white light. They regained their sight at exactly the same time.

Will found that he stood at the same height as Optimus, whether or not he had grown or Optimus had shrunk was beyond him. The same white room stretched out before them, except for the beautiful flower. Will bit his lip. It would be harder to not want to bring it up than he thought.

"Well come now, children. I shall not hurt you," a very familiar voice called. Will felt Optimus tense beside him in confusion, and he spared a quick reassuring smile for the Autobot. He lead Optimus forward, even taking the same seat at the table as he did the last time he was there.

"Where are we?" Optimus asked; or really, mumbled.

"You are in my realm, Optimus. Do you not remember who I am?" Primus asked. Recognition flashed across Optimus' optics which drew a smile from Primus. "Peace Bringer, I brought you here to explain the danger you are in. It is unfair to force William to do so."

"Peace Bringer? That... that's your title. Danger? My lord, what are you talking about?" Optimus questioned, pained bewilderment tainting his voice.

"My son, be patient. You are the Peace Bringer among the Cybertronians. You will end the war. Megatron will fall at your blade. My title of bringing peace is also yours. Treasure it. But you are in horrible danger. This danger is one that you cannot face. William must face it for you."

"I don't understand," Optimus objected, stressing the last word the most. Primus sighed, which was a first in the brief meetings Will had had with him.

"Young Optimus, you must be willing to accept our father's words before you will be able to understand anything," a rasping young female voice broke in. Optimus jolted badly at the sound, but he quickly regained his composure. "We will not allow you to perish without some defense. You yourself can't do anything to avoid it. You must trust us. You must trust Will."

"'Sparks, be patient with him. It will be difficult for you to fully accept this Optimus, but you are on a path that leads to self-destruction," Primus interrupted. When Optimus tried to speak, Primus did something that worked to frighten both of his guest. "You have to try to listen!"

Primus raised a hand angrily, ripping a gasp from all three of the others in the room. Optimus scrambled backwards, dumping the chair he had been seated on, nearly falling as he did so. All at once, in a matter of seconds, Primus aged Optimus. His armor became the muddy reds and ugly blues that Will had seen in the flower. Rust coated his servos along with the metal of his neck and the side of his face. His left optic became a sick green in color, dimming and brightening randomly. His right servo clutched a cane that had appeared while this was happening. His balance was horribly off, meaning that he would've fallen if the Allspark hadn't moved very quickly to stand behind him. He looked like one fall would turn him into a pile of rust.

"Father!" The Allspark cried out. Primus returned Optimus to his normal state, but both looked like they would collapse at any moment.

"What... did... you do?" Will asked, fear filling his voice to the brim.

"I showed him only part of what could happen if he doesn't heed my warnings. Now, children, you must listen. Optimus, it is your life that this affects, not his. If he fails, you die a horrible pain filled death, alone. If he succeeds, you survive, possibly even recover," Primus responded. His eyes were focused on Optimus. The Autobot leader was struggling to get his intakes under control, along with calming his spark.

"Optimus," Will called gently. The Autobot didn't look up from where he was staring at on the floor. Will shifted his chair over before wrapping an arm around his friend. He just sat there until Optimus was able to look him in the eyes.