Damn, son. This chapter was so hard for me to get started. Sorry for the delay our internet company disconnected us, it's a long and boring story so I'm not going into it. Though the time it gave me to write this chapter and plot out the next 5 chapters was worth it.

I even got a new idea for another fanfic AND an idea for a sequel to this one. So hurray for that.

. . .

Review Answers:

"Cindy M 19: This story is very funny XD I was thinking she have a tribe right? So why she is alone?"

Thank you for finding my story entertaining. ;w;

Iya does have a tribe but for the last few years she has been living by herself. They have moved away from the bank of the river par due to their nomadic lifestyle, Iya just prefers life alone. Plus if she had stayed with her tribe, she would've been wedded off at an early age AND she wouldn't be around for the hunky alien.

"Taranodongirl1: Great story so far, can you please make the Predators have a little "encounter" with piranas
...and live."

While I can't promise that situation would happen in this story, it could have a place in the sequel. Who knows? uwu

. . .

Also, Trigger Warning: Blood. Human deaths. Major Character death.

And like every writer on this site pretty much, I do not own Aliens vs. Predators.

I'm just a huge dork that likes to write fanfiction...

. . .

The youngest of the trio had found the he'd covered over seven hundred yards since he'd set out this morning. Putting as much distance as he could from his dreadful sire and older sibling. Mostly to leave a wide area between the camp and where he planned to hunt, he had soon settled into stalking a small group of oomans. Presently finding their way through the dense jungle flora, unbeknownst of the behemoth hunting them in the shadows. Nan'ku's thick claws held him to the trees above them while the heavy leaves and thundering clouds blocked any sign of his movements.

His blood was still boiling from the insults he'd received the previous night and he had a need to blow off some steam.

He'd found this group just a little while ago and had been following their trail since then. Nan'ku climbed a few feet higher into the tree and jumped from branch to branch to get ahead of them for the moment. Flicking through his vision fields he got a little information on them.

The ooman party consisted of three pups, old enough to walk on their own but staying close to their mothers' sides. Two adult males and two adult females, all four of them appeared unarmed. Though you could never tell with oomans. They kept the children on the inside of their little group, safe from outward attacks.

Or so they would have thought.

In a swift motion, Nan'ku dropped down behind the male taking up the back. Who turned at the soft thud of the heavy Yautja, only to be met by the sharp pain of the large hunter's twin wrist blades plunging into his chest cavity. The ooman could only gurgle in shock as blood seeping into his lungs, efficiently suffocating any other noise he could have made. Blood slipped down his lips as his dark brown eyes rolled back into his head, and his life ended.

One of the females had turned at the noise as well though she was able to let out a loud shriek—alerting the other couple and the pups of the emanate danger.

Removing the blades from the already dead male Nan'ku turned his attention to the startled female, who was too shocked to draw a weapon, if she had any on her person, or to protect any of the three children. Tensing and flexing his wrist to switch the blades' position and sweeping it in a back-handed motion, quite easily slicing through her sickly thin torso. Splattering the nearest pup in it's mother's own crimson vital fluids. Horror painting its face as it huddled back with the other two, sobs ripping from their tiny mouths. The second female dashed forward, hands clinched in small fists with a howl reverberating from her mouth in an attempt to scare him off.

She became his third trophy—catching her by the throat and lifting her off the ground while she pounded at his chest with her dirt crusted feet. He crushed her neck as if it where nothing and her dying breath left her lungs in a pitiful squeak as he dropped her next to the first female. Stepping over the two lifeless bodies and past the three whimpering pups towards the fleeing male. Nan'ku fired off small netgun from his wrist gauntlet, which trapped him down to the forest floor and began to constrict into the pins. Cutting into the soft flesh with ease as he approached the downed prey. The last ooman was in a panic, screaming and begging in a foreign language that Nan'ku wasn't paying attention too. Clicking in amusement as the ooman struggled for freedom, already happy with how much blood he was spilling and the sounds of agony that fell from his chapped lips. Nan'ku raised his wrist blades, flexing lightly to turn them in the proper direction before driving them home into his stomach. Turning his wrist and blades in unison before ripping them out, taking the net with him. The male quickly died from the massive laceration wounds left behind. Shaking off the excess blood and removing the net from his blades Nan'ku stood to glance at his work.

Four adult oomans downed in mere minutes. He hadn't even worked up a sweat but at least he felt a little better. Overjoyed with the blood shed.

Glancing over to the huddled group of sucklings, Nan'ku contemplated killing them as well. He slowly made his way over to the three survivors but before he could claim any of the tiny skulls for his own, a huge body collided with his. Sending him into the nearest tree stump with a loud and painful crash; before he could collect his thoughts as his sire decloaked. Guan-Thwei's body blocking the view of the little oomans, shielding them from anymore of Nan'ku's wrath. His shoulders were high, exhaling through his mask in short angry snorts and his arms wide at his side before he started spouting curses at his own pup.

"You coward!" He roared at Nan'ku who instinctively lowered his head and eyes in an act of penance. "I thought you would have been trained better than this! I thought you would have KNOWN better than this!" Guan-Thwei's dreadlocks high around his head in malevolence, towering over the slain bodies of the oomans and his son. The older warrior's scarred body shaking from rage that burned in his veins, fists clenched and unclenched rhythmically with the time of his breathing as he tried to rein in his temper. "I thought I had taught you better than to slaughter those who were unarmed... ESPECIALLY while they were protecting PUPS!" Guan-Thwei's voice wavering just a bit.

The younger hunter sat there. Dazed for the moment, taking the verbal reprimand much easier than he thought he would. He didn't feel awful, as he normally did when he was getting chewed out. Nan'ku just felt a new numbness inside.

"Nan'ku, you are no longer a Blooded Warrior. You are no longer a clan member. You are no longer my son." His voice slowly rising with venom again as he delivered the last of his sentence. "You are nothing but a murderous, abomination of a bad-blood." He growled lowly, with as much spite and derision as he could muster for the young hunter.

Guan-Thwei turned from his offspring to look over the sniveling ooman sucklings and let out a soft, rumbling purr. Extending an open hand towards them in hopes to calm their terrified cries. They reminded him so much of Nan'ku when he learned in his puerility about why he had no mother to care for him and why he was normally passed along to the other females until they tired of his rowdy temper tantrums. They were so young to be without parents and it made his heart ache for them, as it had for Nan'ku before he'd turned into the monster he was now.

Unfortunately, these would be his last thoughts. Nan'ku had stood up from the broken stump and charged the kneeling male. Knocking him off kilter and into the blood soaked leaves, the young hunter raised up his twin wrist blades and drove them home into his sire's unprotected stomach.

A terrible vocalization kept leaving Nan'ku's mouth as he repetitively stabbed the elder.

Immense amounts of bioluminescent green blood coated the blades and both hunters. The older huntsman had managed to grab a hold of Nan'ku's left arm, worn claws digging into his flesh there only to slowly be loosened and fall limply to the ground. Blood was already oozing out from under the bio-mask, and with that, the great Guan-Thwei died.

No final words, no parting wisdom, and no chance to fight back. Now Nan'ku was the one who was shaking, adrenalin still coursing through his system as he began to realize what he had just done. A light and airy feeling that he'd never felt before became apparent to him now.

He was a murderer.

A criminal.

An outlaw.

A bad-blood and it felt good… no… it felt great!

"I am... done with taking your shit." Nan'ku hissed slowly to the dead body of his sire.

Standing and turning, Nan'ku glanced back at the pups. Shaking some of his sire's blood from the wrist blades before walking over to their little sobbing huddle. They didn't even try to fight back as he made them his sixth, seventh and eighth victims of the day.

. . .

Iya stared up at the monolithic form that sat across from her, keeping the burned out fire pit and another two feet between them both. She'd kept her eye on him since she'd spotted him in the tree just twenty minutes ago and nary let him leave her sight once he entered her camp. He dwarfed her stature without even trying, with him standing over seven feet and weighing in at about three hundred and fifty pounds it wasn't hard. The two of them now at a stare off, sizing the other up and taking interest in their differing appearances.

All the while the camping area grew slightly colder by a just few degrees as the temperature dropped from the storm intensifying above the canopies. The roaring winds being the only thing breaking their very awkward silent stare down.

The huntsman who sat crossways from her was faceless for the most part, with only large slanted eyes and a shiny silver countenance with no give to it whatsoever. With what looked like thick rope cords that crowned the back and sides of his head. Along with that he was completely a ripple with muscles upon muscles and could probably punch his way through a tree. Over his gigantic chest was a strange burnished silver plate of metal that covered his pectoral muscles and up his right shoulder, which was an extremely rare sight in these parts. From that metal plate came thick crises-crossed wires that covered every inch of exposed skin. Now his skin looked odd and smooth like the scales of a snake, the palette a color of deep shining black with a speckle of dark forest green which bubbled from under the chest plate and danced down his exposed stomach, arms and thighs. Feeling her eyes had wandered a bit farther than they should she glanced back up to his face.

Though Iya was becoming aware that this may not even be his face, as Sky Demons were crafty makers of illusions.

He'd already shown that he could disappear from sight thanks to his fancy magic and his anonymous appearance was probably just another ruse. Her dark, brown-black eyes taking note that he was also staring back at her.

Though her soft dark skin was covered in mud nothing escaped the existence of his bio-mask. She was just as healthy as he'd read earlier though she was far lankier than his sensors stated and Dez'Mos found that they may need some calibration when he returned to his camp later that day. Though he still of course eclipsed her five foot, five frame with his with ease. Her hair was ratty and strangely clipped, though she probably only had the aid of herself when it came to trimming it. She breathed through her wide nose, barely parting her full lips. How different they were just by the face yet they still had similar eyes, even if he saw in infra-red and she saw the world in a spectrum that was foreign to him.

Iya shifted softly under his gaze now, breaking his eye contact for the first time to move to the food she'd prepared only moments ago. Murmuring something to herself before she looked back at his unblinking mask, picking up the largest of the three fish and handing it out to him.

Dez'Mos was once again taken aback for the third time today. Holding his hands out in front of him and shaking his head in a negative motion. Even though he was hungry and wished for the chance to dine with the ooman he was on zazin and it was forbidden from eating until the week was done and over with. Along with that he didn't wish to frighten her off since he'd have to take off his bio-mask and he wouldn't know how she'd take in so much variation at once.

Her face contorted in a sense of dissatisfaction but also to some relief she didn't press him further with the matter. The little female moved again, this time to put the fish back down to her side.

She returned to her task for the time being under his gaze, fidgeting somewhat. This might have been a bad idea.

What if she'd just offended him?

He didn't seem offended.

Still Iya's thoughts competed for her attention, warring in her brain as she tried to set to another chore. That was until he, slowly, held out his large hand across the burned out pit and gave her a soft purr to get her attentions solely on him.

A thin, circular ring lay against his green and dark brown speckled palm. Now Iya was the one taken aback, her mouth opened slightly then closed again. Her eyes shooting from the neck brace in his hand to his emotionless mask before she shyly reached out to take it. Softly grazing his fingers with her own before drawing the idea back to her. Her palms some what shaky and unsure of the gift. Turning it over in her muddied hands as she looked back at him, quite confused of its purpose. That was until he carefully pointed to his own neck then back to the brace then to his neck again, giving her a small nod and a bubbling click from his throat. Iya's eyes widened before she smiled and nodded back to him, bowing her head in a diminutive manner in a silent thanks.

Cautiously placing the open brace around her thin neck and then clipping it into place, smoothing the cool metal under her fingers. Then getting up from her spot to walk over to the river. Perplexed, Dez'Mos followed after her a few minutes afterwards. Watching her carefully as she gazed down at her reflection in the dirty water, a quaint smile on her mud-ridden face from what he saw.

Still he wondered if the translator embedded in the device would work as well as he'd hoped and now he'd have a moment to test it. That was until his gantlet beeped insistent for his attention, this ended up spooking the ooman as she broke her gaze from the water to his wrist in bewilderment.

Dez'Mos chuffed a laugh lightly at her and she made an impolite face at him before she left him at the bank to return to her spot by the pit. He didn't chase after her, instead he turned his glare to the wrist gauntlet. Flicking the pad open to take in the information, his brows tightened slowly.

One of the beacons, either his father's or brother's, had gone out.

A small sliver of panic struck him, those signals only went offline when the person was deceased or the signal was deliberately terminated by the beacon holder. If some one had died he'd have to contact the mother ship with a report and then go to find the body, if either Guan-Thwei or Nan'ku hadn't already, to dispose of it and any other sentient species that could find and steal the weaponry.

He glanced over to the ooman, not wanting to leave her just yet but with the possibility of a downed hunter this would cut the trip off prematurely for burial rites. Weighing the options he started to contact the home ship with a report and to request information if someone was slay. Nan'ku was probably just pulling everyone's leg again and turned off his signal to do more solo hunting or just didn't wished to be tracked for the moment, it was a worrisome but normal occurrence and no one was really harmed in the matter.

Though it was annoying.

Dez'Mos eyes fell to the neck brace in thought. While the translator would only take the vibration of her vocal cords and process it into his own language and it would more than likely come out piss poor and a bit more garbled than a what a child would speak. This was still an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

Learning about oomans from an actual ooman would be the greatest prospect any hunter worth his honor could get. Not to mention it would open up a whole other means in how they were viewed in the Yautja society.

. . .

Unbeknownst, that miles away, Nan'ku had already linked to the home ship. Breathlessly spouting lie after lie that his brother, Dez'Mos, had murderer their father.

Pleading that they would send Arbitrator Zawa'k after his 'crazed' half-brother as Nan'ku was in fear for his very life. Since Zawa'k not only had a personal relationship with his late sire but was also a high-grade prestigious arbitrator that always got his quarry.

They would, of course, as an unlawful murder of another Yautja was a violation of the code, punishable by immediate public execution. After the communication was ended, Nan'ku turned back to his slaughtered trophies. A grin on his mandibles as he sported three new tiny skulls on his belt and his sire's ceremonial dagger on his right shin. Replacing his own bio-mask before he headed deeper into the woodland area and leaving the eight headless corpses to hang from the trees.

Completely giddy with the gore he left in his wake.

. . .

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Also I'd like to give a big hand to Khalthar who gave me a lot of great ideas on how to start this one. Plus, hurray for a new character coming in the next chapter!

See you lovelies later.