It has been two weeks since Dan and Runo were now a couple as they were still loving the comfort of each other's company. The next day was something better for Runo as business was running slow again while she began giving them their orders. The customers were looking at her strangely as they noticed about several things about her: hair, clothing, and she never once yelled at anyone who made a mistake and spilled something. It must be a dream for them, but Runo was in her world and began to place the order by the booth.

"Here you go, sir! One order of the special platter with a diet soda. Anything else?" Runo said politely.

"Um, no thanks; I'm good. But thanks for asking." the man said kindly. "And for a generous offer, here's a tip for the good service."

"Wow, thanks!" Runo said happily as she accepted the tip and picked up the glass cup. But as she was heading to the kitchen, the front door opened and Runo quickly turned to greet the customer. As she then looked, the customer was none other than… "Dan!"

It was indeed her loving teen boyfriend who was coming by to see what Runo was doing. And it looks like she is doing great by working now. He was about to ask Runo if they could talk, but he noticed that Runo is about to slip on a huge spill.

"Runo, watch out!" he warned her as Runo was wondering why, but it was too late as Runo slipped and was about to fall down.

"AHH!" screamed Runo as she then began feel the floor. But as she did, nothing happened but a shattered glass. Runo wondered what happened and then felt like she was caught by a pair of arms. She then looked up and saw Dan who quickly made it on time to catch her. Everybody gasped and whispered of witnessing that heroic act that Dan did and Runo started to blush a little on her cheeks. "D-Dan, you s-saved me…"

"Hey, I didn't want you to get hurt. But I'm glad you're safe." he assured.

"Thank you." Runo replied and noticed she was still carried by her boyfriend. "Um, can I get down now?"

"Okay," Dan answered as he placed her on her feet. "don't need to make too much of a scene."

"RUNO! Are you okay? I heard some noises!" That was the sound of Runo's mom coming down quickly to see what happened. But as she came down, she noticed her daughter was alright and not injured; but got a confused look by Dan.

"Um, Runo? Who is she?" Dan asked.

Runo giggled a bit and forget to tell Dan that her mom was getting fit more and lost some pounds in her system. She actually looks great and really hot with a slim body and was wearing a velvet dress that reached an inch closer to her knees. "Dan, this is my mom: a new and improved Mrs. Misaki.

Dan gasped shockingly as he couldn't believe that she changed more and looked like Runo. "Wow!"

Runo's mom blush a little and giggled. "Well, don't stare! This is a big change for me. Anyway, what happened down here?"

"Well, Runo saw me and she accidentally slipped on some spilled mess. I then caught her, before she fell on the ground, but didn't notice the glass would break. Sorry." Dan said apologetically.

"Is this true, Runo?" she said as her daughter nodded. "Well, at least you're okay. Thank you, Dan."

Dan rubbed his nose and smiled. "Gee, you're welcome. I will always protect Runo."

"Is that so?" Ms. Misaki said curiously. Secretly, she was hoping those two teens would finally be together. At least she got what her wish was. "All right. Runo, it's time to close the place early. Why? Because I'm going out for a while after picking your father up from the airport. While I'm away, have a great time and be safe on your day off, dear."

Runo nodded as she grabbed on to Dan's arm. "I will, mom!"

"Okay then!" Ms. Misaki answered back and whispered something to Runo's ear that caused her daughter to blush bright red. Runo's mom just smiled and quickly left the place.

Dan was wondering what was that all about, so he started to unfreeze her from her stance. "Yo, Runo! What's wrong? What did your mom say?"

Runo quickly shook her head and faced Dan. "Oh! Um, n-n-nothing!"

"Well, if it's nothing, I'm okay." Dan smiled as Runo did the same.

The place was closed early and the customers were satisfied from their orders. The place was locked and leaving Runo and Dan by themselves and enjoying some iced coffee with some sandwiches. They were just eating and didn't say a word much to each other after a minute or two. But one of them had to say something as Dan broke the silence.

"So, how is everything for you?" he asked.

"Same as always." Runo replied. "And by the look of things, I dig the new 'Linkin Park' shirt you have on. It looks great!" she complimented.

"Oh, this thing?" Dan looked at his shirt. "I just bought it today for the right price."

"It does fit you well." Runo said nicely.

"Gee, thanks! I didn't know you were a fan." Dan wondered.

"I have all their albums and stuff. They rock!" Runo giggled.

"Well, at least you told me." Dan said as he bit a piece of his sandwich and tasted it with delight. "Wow! You really did great making these!"

Runo blush a little and loved having his generosity of her cooking. As if her feelings were enough, she was wondering if one of them ever said those special words to each other. But she didn't care and don't want to pressure Dan to say it. But what Runo was looking at is her boyfriend got a little crumb on his mouth.

"Um, Dan? You got something on your lips." Runo confirmed as she grabbed a cloth. "Move your head here and let me clean it."

Dan did so and Runo got up and bent over the table to wipe his mouth up. As she was finished, Dan decided to tell her something. "Hey, something's on your lips too."

"Like what?" asked Runo.

"Like this…" Dan was now closer to her and then kissed her lightly on the lips. He quickly pulled away and saw Runo blushing madly and dropping her cloth. Dan just chuckled and was waiting for an answer. "A little something for today. Do you want to go on a date with me?"

Runo then moved her lips and turned it to a small smile as her blush was now pink. "Well, I don't know. Let me go to my room and check my schedule.."

Runo got up and headed to her room quickly to 'check' something. Dan was curious to what she meant by that, but he'll wait and enjoy his drink. After a few minutes, Runo came down the stairs and was calling out Dan. "Ohh, Daaaannn…"

"Yeah, Ru-" Dan was now utterly speechless and now couldn't believe what he's seeing: Runo was now wearing a dress that was similar to her other dress. But this one was red and black with black heels. And with a strange style, she has red streak lines and black fingerless gloves. Runo looks hot and very beautiful to even be described. While Dan was stunned from her beauty, Runo giggled and blushed to his expression.

"So Dan, do you think I'm a pretty girl?" she asked.

"No," Runo was shocked to hear him say that. Her face had crestfallen, but Dan said more, "I think you're a beautiful princess."

This made Runo have her eyes widened and started to tear up. Those sweet words made her heart go faster and she quickly ran to Dan and hugged him. "Dan, that was very sweet for what you've said!"

Dan then lifted her head with his hand, by the chin, to face his eyes. "You're welcome. And I really meant every last word of it, because I don't deserve to have someone beautiful as you." Dan said as he lightly gave her a feather kiss on the lips.

"I'll take that chance…" Runo replied as she smiled. "So, where are we going?"

Dan smiled and thought of it. "Anywhere you want to go."

Dan and Runo headed out and enjoy the day by heading to the movies and watch a comedy/romance flick. It was a good thing that Runo got the tip from a customer, because it wouldn't be easy to get exactly the right amount. They made it in time and start enjoying the movie. After some few minutes, they were getting to the part about one guy went mad and threw fish at everyone for getting the wrong order. Both of the teens laughed and couldn't wait to see more. Then, Runo was crying a little to know about the woman lost her husband from a huge wave. And it was almost the ending of the movie as the wife now reunited with her husband and were married under the starry night. Runo was crying so happily for the two and for a hope of reality, it should happen to her one day. Dan was really glad to be there; that and his hand were grabbed by his girlfriend through the whole movie.

The two couples headed out the theater and were walking through the park to get some fresh air.

"Man, I almost feel bad about the fish from the movie!" Dan said.

"Yeah, but at least the man calmed down for a bit." Runo giggled.

Dan sighed as he turned to Runo. "Thanks for going out with me."

"It was no problem! And besides, it could finally be quiet for a while and no interruptions." Runo said as she wrapped her arms more on Dan's arm.

"So, what else do you want to do?" Dan suggested.

"Well…" Runo stopped to hear the cell phone ringing from her purse. "Hey! It may be one of our friends! It was kind of quiet to not hear from them."

"So, who is it?" Dan asked kindly.

Runo checked her phone and was surprised who it was. "Alice! How are you?"

"Great! What about you?" Alice replied through the phone.

"It's nice. I'm just outside to the park with Dan. Nothing much happened." Runo told Alice.

"I see! I can't believe you guys are a couple. I'm hoping for you two the best!" Alice said.

"Gee, thanks!" Runo giggled. "So, everyone got the news?"

"Let see: Julie was talking more and more about it yesterday, Shun congratulated you two, and Marucho was glad; including his new friend from New York, Haley, was glad also." Alice listed.

"Awesome! Well, I'll call you later and thanks for the news."

"Okay! Bye, Runo!" Alice said.

"Later, Alice!" Runo replied as she closed the phone.

"Wow! Look like everyone knows." Dan complied.

Runo then giggled and kissed Dan on the cheek. "Can't let them know by themselves."

"All right." Dan nodded as the two began to walk again. "Oh, I forgot to tell you something: my parents left the house today so they could enjoy a weekend cruise without me. It looks like I'm in my house all by myself."

"Won't you get lonely?" Runo worried.

"Nah, I'll be fine. In fact, I was wondering if you would like to come over to sleep in tonight?" Dan offered.

Runo gasped at this and was hearing this correctly: Dan wants her to sleep with him at his house? "Are you sure?"

Dan chuckled at her statement. "Of course! After all, I slept with you at your place. I thought it would be fair if you want to come over. What do you say?"

Runo then thought about it. And she DID insist on him to stay. So, she smiled and nodded. "All right! Just let me get my stuff first, ok?"

"Want me to walk you home?" Dan asked kindly.

"It's alright! I'll come to your place, so get everything set for you and me." Runo assured him.

"Deal!" Dan hugged her and she was on her way home to get everything for tonight.

Few hours later...

"Hey, Dan!" The door was opened and by the door was Runo. It was now getting late as Dan let her in and noticed she was carrying some heavy stuff. He helped her and led her to the room. She finally reached Dan's room and stopped when she heard her boyfriend.

"Okay, I'll be in the kitchen for something to eat for both of us. You can go ahead and change up while I'm gone." Dan suggested.

"Thanks! I'm gonna take a shower first." Runo said as she headed inside the room.

'I was hoping you would say that.' thought Dan as he smirked and head downstairs.

Runo was inside the bathroom and was taking a shower. She mostly enjoyed the warm water and everything for the last few minutes. Still, Runo was just in her world when all of a sudden, the door opened.

"Dan? Is that you?" she said as she peeked out the curtains and was if Dan was there.

But the only thing she found was a rectangle-shaped blue box. She was curious to why it was placed there and thought it was a gift to her. Runo turned off the water and grabbed a nearby towel for her to dry herself with. She came out the shower and checked the box out that also came with a note. Runo was curious and unfold the paper. It reads:

Dear Runo,

Today has been great today. But now, I'm giving you something that will show how much I feel about you. You're very sweet and kind, plus I've always loved how you were always nice as an angel. Anyway, when you open the box, hope you like it.

Dan K.

Runo was not taking a second thought of it and open the box. As she opened it, her eyes widened and was short out of breath when she saw a beautiful cascade necklace. It was actually real and it must've been worth everything. She started to cry happily and was thinking it was a dream. But it wasn't and Runo placed the necklace around her neck to see how it looks. She looks very pretty and never felt this happier before.

Runo came out the bathroom and went to thank Dan for the gift. She was wearing a white nightshirt and pink underwear underneath. Runo was now heading towards Dan's bedroom, but then stopped to hear something. For what she heard, it was inside and it sounds like a guitar playing. But the other thing she also heard was someone singing. Could it be that Dan, her caring boyfriend, is singing? This was hard to believe! She decided to check it herself as she opened the door a little. She spotted him and Runo was right Dan was sitting by the window and playing his guitar. And what spotted her the most was his handsome singing.

I close both locks below the windows
I close both blinds and turn away

Sometimes solutions aren't so simple
Sometimes good bye's the only way

And the sun will set for you
The sun will set for you
And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you

Runo never believed he could sing, or play, this way. She wanted to hear more as she quietly sneaked up to him.

In cards and flowers on your window
Your friends all plead for you to stay

And when Dan was about to get to the next part, he was hearing someone else singing for him.

Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple
Sometimes good bye's the only way

And the sun will set for you
The sun will set for you

And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you

Dan didn't know that Runo could sing that well. She was smiling so sweetly that he was feeling a little lightheaded. But they continued singing until it was the end.

And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you

And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you

They finished playing as Dan placed the guitar down and looked at Runo.

"Say! I didn't know you could sing!" Dan exclaimed as Runo blushed bright red.

"Well, I was too shy to sing in front of everybody." she answered.

"Is that all? Why didn't you tell?" he asked.

"Like I said: too shy!" Runo giggled.

"I think it's beautiful." Dan complimented as he was rewarded a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you. Oh, and I love the necklace!" she pointed out to him. "But still, why would you do this for me?"

"Well, you might want to sit down for this." Dan said as Runo climb up the windowsill and sat by him. She could get a closer look at the stars. "You see, I've really have fun with for the past 2 weeks. You were always there for me when Drago and I were in the Doom Dimension and Vestroia. I loved the fact that you've changed over some time now. I always think of you as a strong, beautiful, talented girl I've ever dated. Gee, I'm not good with this 'confession' thing, but I hope you can-"

Dan was soon paused when he saw his girlfriend still smiling, but her eyes were filling with so many tears. Dan was frightened that he must have said to hurt her. But he then felt her warm hands touching his.

"Dan, don't be afraid. I'm happy; happy that you are saying the most sweetest thing you've ever said to me. And for what I have to say to is that I care about you, too. You're a sweet and handsome guy to be around with. Every time you leave to another world, I've felt my heart being crushed that something might happen to you. And when you're not with me, I feel alone. I have feelings for you, Dan. It's something I'm saying from my heart. Because I really want to be with you always."

Runo was crying so much that it became so much to confess to Dan. But Dan, on the other hand, understood what she means. After all: he wished that Runo should've been by his side instead of leaving for no reason. Now, he would make all the corrections for his absences. Only to say the three special words to her: "I love you..."

Runo stopped crying and gasped softly. Did she just hear Dan Kuso said 'I love you' to her? She needed to hear those words again. Runo looked up and saw teas coming out of Dan's eyes. "What…did you…say?"

"I love you, Runo Misaki. And I will never stop loving you no matter what." Dan said in an honest tone.

Runo couldn't believe it! Dan has said those three words that meant everything to her heart. Runo's cheeks were red, her tears went down faster, and she hugged Dan with so much passion. She sobbed all the way when she buried her face underneath his chest. Dan was happy and sniffed a little after having Runo accepting his confession. He really loves her so much than anything. He then felt Runo's head moving up and now looked at each in the eyes.

"Dan Kuso, I love you too!" Runo said it honestly and she kissed him on the lips passionately. Dan was shocked, but he took no second chance of kissing her back. After a long-year friendship, both Dan and Runo were together at last. Dan felt so much warmth of Runo's lips and she craved more of his. But soon, their kiss lasted for almost a minute as they parted. Dan looked at Runo and saw her going down to his chest. She was very tired and sleepy. He also felt like sleeping as he decided to head for bed. Slowly, he picked his girlfriend up in a bridal style and carried her to bed with him. Dan placed her gently onto bed and he did the same. Now they both have now slept with each other in another's embrace and drifted to sleep. Knowing that their love is just the beginning...


That's the end of the DanXRuno fanfic!

Dan: See ya! Oh, and thank Linkin Park for the song!
Runo: Remember to comment!