A/N: this is my first MLP story; positive constructive criticism is always welcome

Disclaimer: I don't own any MLP characters, my little pony belongs to its respective owners

Wings of steel: prologue


My name is princess celestia, high ruler of the beautiful land of equestria, and regent of the sun.

I am here to tell you the story of a young Pegasus, who lost everything in the great fire.

The great fire was a dark day in ponyville's history, even in the darkness of night that I strived very hard to create; I could still see the large, black plume of smoke in the horizon. , and I instantly knew that something terrible had happened.

It wasn't until the next day that the captain of my guards informed me that in the early hours of the night a small fire sparked in one of the houses and in time quickly spread to other neighboring homes and shops. Very few were counted dead but many more were injured or missing.

Two days later the funerals were held for those who died in the roaring blaze, and I being princess attended the funerals, and I personally gave my condolences to those who lost family members.

What I didn't know was that the great fire, or as some had come to know it as the pony Ville incident, was just the key to unlocking a much more deadlier and disastrous chain of events that would unfold in the years to come.