Hello Everyone! Hita-Chan here! I apologize but this isn't a chapter, like I know you all were probably hoping for. I'm sorry for not posting an update in an entire year. But to be honest, I have lost inspiration and excitement for this story. I don't want to write something I'm not enjoying because it won't be enjoyable and I have a lot of other stories I enjoy writing and am working on. I do love this story and I hate to see it be discontinued but as of now that's what is happening. I'm sorry if I have disappointed anyone entirely.
However, I am going to be putting this story up for adoption. So if anyone is interested and writing and taking over this story, please PM me! :) Don't just take the story though, please notify me so I know. I also would like to read and see where you take it! I've seen this done with others where they ask people to fill out forms and such but since I had no future plans really except for it to be KyoyaXHaruhi, I don't need that. I would just like a PM with the name and a slight synopsis of where you're going to continue it and such. I'll lay out the few rules/guidelines below to make it more clear.
For anyone interested in adopting the "The Independent Black Jaguar" here are the Guideline I will have with the process:
1) Leave a comment saying you're interested.
2) PM me as soon as possible with what you're going to title the story and a small synopsis of your version.
4) The story must stay KyoyaxHaruhi.
5) I ask you give me credit for the parts you take word for word as this was originally my story.
6) Please keep it a crossover and equally incorporate both sides of the crossover.
Alright! That's all I have for this story! I apologize once again and I hope someone(s) will take this story into their kind writing pads :) Thanks for reading the small bits I was able to post! I appreciate all of you!