Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and a few characters. if i did own glee Naya Rivera would be half naked all the time ;)
A/N: Hey guys. I'm back with another story yay! :) So this is another G!P story and is mostly this is just the prologue and chapter one will be coming soon. So i hope you guys like this so here goes nothing.
Quinn considered herself a lucky woman. She had a great job, great friends, a loving girlfriend and just an all around good life. She's only 22 and is positive her life can only get better.
At this very moment Quinn is on her way home from work to see her girlfriend she absolutely adores. Quinn and Santana have been together for almost four years. They both grew up in Lima, Ohio and went to High school together but didn't get together until their freshmen year at college in New York.
Their anniversary is next week and Quinn is so excited. She's decided she wants to pop the question and ask Santana to marry her. She's so in love with Santana that she just can't see herself with anyone else.
Quinn walked into her apartment she shared with Santana and immediately noticed something off. There were shoes left at the door and…clothes on the floor. Then Quinn noticed Santana's bag in the kitchen on the island and someone else's
Quinn's heart started to race and she suspected the worse. She quietly closed the door and followed the trail of clothes. With each step she got more and more upset. How could Santana do this to her? She thought.
Quinn gets closer and closer to the bedroom and starts to feel the sting of tears filling her eyes. She starts to hear little sounds she can't make out but she is sure are moans. Quinn gets closer to the bedroom and looks in through the crack in the door. She looks in and sees Santana naked, on the edge of the bed with a girl between her legs.
"Oh god that feels so good baby." Santana moans and fists her hands in the girls hair
"Oh god…" Quinn whispers. Santana lifts her head and looks at the door and sees Quinn. She quickly moves the girl and gets up
"Shit! Quinn!" she says and quickly moves toward the door. Quinn stood there in shock of what she just witnessed but when she noticed Santana get up she had the strength to move. She briskly turned on her heels and speed walks through the hall towards the front door
"Quinn!" she hears from behind her but she keeps moving.
"Quinn! I can explain! Stop!" Santana says. She finally catches up to Quinn and grabs her arm. Quinn snatches her arm back and swings around to face Santana
"Don't you fucking touch me!" she screams through her tears at Santana
"Quinn I can explain!"
"Explain? How do you explain that Santana? I just saw you getting your dick sucked by another woman! In our bed! In our home! How could you do this?" she screams
"I…I'm sorry Quinn. Can we just talk about this? Please." Santana says, pleading for Quinn to stay. Quinn shakes her head with disgust at Santana. Her heart is shattered into a million pieces by the woman standing in front of her
"NO! I can't even fucking look at you right now! Why don't you go fuck your little whore! I'm done!" she screams and turns to leave. She ignores Santana's pleas and leaves the apartment.
Santana was left standing near the door with a comforter around her body. She felt horrible. She doesn't even know why she did it. Quinn is the perfect girlfriend. She's everything anyone could ask for and more. It's not like they had any major issues in their relationship. Of course they had their issues but it was more like take out the trash or pick up your clothes off the floor. It was never an issue of trust.
Santana never thought she'd do something like this. She loves Quinn with every fiber of her being and she wants to spend the rest of her life with her and start a family with her.
When Santana invited her co-worker, Miranda, to come over she didn't expect for what happened to happen. She thought Miranda was a nice girl and a friend and she wanted to introduce her to Quinn. But things took a turn for the worse. Miranda started coming on to Santana and she pushed her away but with a few drinks in her system, temptation got the better of her and she made the biggest mistake her of her life.
As much as Santana loves Quinn she would be lying if she didn't say being with Quinn didn't scare her at times. Their relationship is so serious and they are so young that Santana subconsciously feared they wouldn't make it.
Things didn't get better and as much as Santana tried she couldn't convince Quinn to stay. Quinn wouldn't even talk to Santana anymore. She felt so betrayed and disgusted with Santana, she knew that she wouldn't be able to trust Santana again. So Quinn moved out and found herself alone on the day she planned to propose to her girlfriend, well now ex-girlfriend.
Quinn moved in with her best friend Rachel and tried her best not to think about Santana. She didn't want to think about how much she missed her. She didn't want to think about why this happened. What did she do? Was she not pleasing Santana? If Santana asked her to do that for her she would have. She's done it plenty of times.
Does Santana not find her attractive anymore? Quinn ran through all the possible reasons Santana may have done this and couldn't help but blame herself. It had to have been something she'd done.
She thought their relationship was perfect. She thought it was an honest, loving, commited relationship. They had the sort of relationship people envied. She never imagined Santana could even be capable of doing something like this. She never thought Santana would ever break her heart.
Quinn fell into a depression. She needed Santana and honestly Santana wasn't doing any better. After a week of Quinn not returning her calls Santana started to pop up. She'd go to Rachel's place but Rachel would never let her see Quinn and she'd always get a lecture about how she hurt Quinn and her infidelity.
Santana wanted to be mad at Rachel. She wanted to snap her in two and go talk to Quinn. I mean it isn't like she couldn't take her. She'd totally kick Rachel's ass if she wanted to. But she knows Rachel is only being a good friend. So Santana decided to try to see Quinn at her job.
She decided she'd wait outside of Quinn's building around the time she took her lunch break. She saw Quinn walking out of the building laughing and talking with a few co-workers and she approached the group.
Quinn's heart sank the moment she saw Santana. She felt so many different emotions running through her. She was angry. She wanted to smack Santana but she was also sad. She felt devastated Santana could hurt her that way. She wanted to burst into tears. She wanted to run in the other direction but when Santana approached her she stood her ground.
"I…um. Hey Quinn." Santana says. The whole group stops and looks at Santana
"Hi Santana."
"So, um how've you been?" Santana asks while nervously rubbing the back of her neck.
"Fine. How have you been?"
"I've been alright I guess. Um do you…can I maybe talk to you…in private?" Santana asks
Quinn sits and contemplates this before saying
"I'm kind of busy right now Santana..."
"Okay... It was nice seeing you again Santana." Quinn says and walks off with her co-workers, leaving behind a teary eyed Santana.
Weeks went by and Santana still wouldn't give up. She'd send Quinn flowers and little things she knows Quinn likes. Or she'd send her things to remind her of the good times they had together.
This only depressed Quinn more. She wanted to take Santana back, she really did, but she was afraid. She doesn't want to get hurt again and she doesn't know if she'll ever be able to forgive Santana for what she's done.
More time passes and Quinn and Santana still haven't spoken. Quinn can't bring herself to even say her name. Since the break up Quinn hasn't been feeling quite right. She's been nauseous and has noticed she's gained some weight. She missed a period but thought it was do to the stress of leaving Santana. But she eventually suspects she may be pregnant and goes to the doctor. Her suspicions are confirmed when the doctor tells her she's 7 weeks.
"What are you going to do about her?" her best friend Rachel asks and Quinn sighs
"I don't know…I don't want to see her. I don't want to talk to her. I don't want anything to do with her. This is my child and she doesn't deserve to be a part of his or her's life. She obviously doesn't care about me so why would she give a shit about this baby?"
"Quinn… I know you're upset and I know she hurt you but do you honestly believe she doesn't deserve to know? She deserves to know that she'll have a child on this earth and she does deserve a chance to be a parent. And don't you think that your child may want to know their other parent?"
"No, Rachel she doesn't deserve anything! I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and she shattered my heart Rachel! I never want to see her again! I don't want to deal with her and letting her know about this baby means I won't have a choice but deal with her. I can raise this child on my own Rachel and that's exactly what I'm going to do."
"But Quinn you don't think this is a little extreme? I mean there is a child involved. You could at least see if Santana wants to be involved." Kurt, her gay male best friend, says
"Look you guys, my mind is made up…I just can't handle Santana right now. This is for the best…for all of us." Quinn tells them
Quinn knew she had to do it. It wasn't intentionally to hurt Santana, she just knew she couldn't deal with Santana now and to her this was the best decision. Quinn decided to move. She didn't leave New York but she didn't want to chance running into Santana during her pregnancy. So she moved and transferred to another building of her law firm that was closer to her home.
Santana was at a loss. It had been two months since the break up and she hadn't spoken to or seen Quinn once. She couldn't call because Quinn changed her number and she didn't live with Rachel anymore and no one would tell her where Quinn went. She even tried Quinn's job but a receptionist told her she transferred to a different building but she couldn't say where. She ruined the best thing she'd ever had and she had no chance of fixing it.
A/N: okay so there's the prologue. Review and let me know if you guys liked it and let me know what you thought of it. So i hope you guys enjoyed it now i'm out of here. Thanks for reading :)