You all probably hate me for taking so long to update this long awaited chapter but life happens lol. My fanfics are always on my mind but sometimes I can't help it and NOT write. But I finally got it done. That's the thing with me, it may take a while but it will ALWAYS get done.

I love VicTORIous but I guess I have to get over the fact that it's over. And had a good run.

I know some of y'all won't like it and many others will. Oh, well, everyone's a critic.

And I'm sorry for this long chapter, but you all wanted it so here we go. (Also makes up for the long time I took to update)

Disclaimers: My name is not Dan. If I owned Victorious, it would still be going on.

Chapter 23: The Worst Couple, pt 2


I glance at Beck who glanced at me. He smiled. So I smiled.

"Ignore Jade." He murmured, low enough for me to hear.

"Easy for you to say." I sighed back.

"Trust in me." Beck started to say, bringing back the memory of that old R&B song Winston got me hooked on.

I finished the verse, "In all you do."

We both snickered at each other and it was like all of the drama faded away and it was just us. Just Beck and Nikki, cramped in a booth-thingy set up in the playroom of Northridge, waiting for our "Sinjin"often earning his own categoryto start his shot at stardom with his gameshow, Queries for Couples.

Beck's lips curved into a grin as he flashed his phone at me to show that it was silencedmeaning their mean texts sent back and forth to each other, would not disrupt the gaming process.

This is what I liked about us.

Jade may have been glaring the hell out of us, but it didn't seem to matter. All I could do is stare into his dark eyes and he gaze back into my caramel ones.

Beck Oliver was my fucking best friend.

And if it was okay for him to volunteer to help Sinjin receive a good review to get his game show passed on and put on a famous website for the world to see, then it was okay for me to do the same.

"Let's do this." I held up my hand for him to give me a mini high-five.

"Of course." He chirped back, before Sinjin cleared his throat to the two of us.

We both stopped looking at each other, realizing that everyone was watching us and straightened up a bit.

The blue eyed, skinny boy motioned to the cameras that started rolling and then to the first couple-contestant.

"Okay! Let's take a look at our first query for Couple Number One." thus the game show rehearsal officially started.

Nikki's POV

"Beck, your girlfriend Nikki is sick with a bad cold. Do you, A: take her to the doctor, B: make her special soup to get better or C: tell her she'll be fine and to get over it?" Sinjin finished reading off the first question for Beck and then gestured to me, further explaining, "Nikki, you can use the cable cord to punch in your answer on what you think Beck should do."

I could laugh at how similar this seemed to a previous situation encountered between me and Beck before... the time when he was sick with a bad cold and I made him a batch of my family's famous chicken soup.

Of course this was done behind Jade's back... but it was all for a good cause! Yeah a good cause that could be considered the first milestone for you and him... Milestone?! And if it was for a good cause, you would've let Jade know what you did... Whatever.

Snapping myself out of my guilt-tripping subconscious mind, I nudge Beck gently with my elbow, unable to keep the innuendo laced out of my tone, "Well, this seems familiar..."

"Very familiar," Beck playfully rolled his eyes and nodded his head once. Cue ignoring the suspicious glances coming from everyone and the constant narrow eyed glares from Jade.

Grabbing the cable cord labeled with the corresponding alphabet letters, I press the obvious choice and answer that any good and normal girlfriend would do.

Sinjin looked over my answer that popped up on the outside of the booth-thingy and spoke to my 'boyfriend', "Alright Beck, Nikki has chosen. What are you going to do about that bad cold?"

I shouldn't have felt butterflies in my stomach when his hand laced with mine and he squeezed it gently before answering teasingly more to me than Sinjin, "Judging as my girlfriend would definitely do the same for me, I'm going to go with B: make her special soup to get better."

He gazed at me with those deep, dark brown eyes and I playfully stuck my tongue out at him. Beck knew what he was doing.

But before our answers could even be confirmed correct, a strained and equally annoying voice yelled out, "That is wrong!"

I could just drop kick her right now...

"Trina, the answer is correct." The curly haired "host" sighed exasperatedly before widening his eyes and yelling back, "And you're not supposed to talk!"

Trina Vega, annoying assistant to Sinjin Vancleef whined, "Well I should be able to-l—"

"Well, I should be able to nen-nen-nen-ne-neh!" I mock out loud, smiling in satisfaction when our host chose to move on to the next "couple".

"Couple Number Two!" He pointed excitedly to the cheekboned-brunette and Robbie. "Tori, your boyfriend Robbie," he was interrupted with Tori announcing to the crowd,

"NOT really my boyfriend..."

"Your boyfriend Robbie," Sinjin continued through gritted teeth, "has just been arrested. What are you going to do about it? A: Break him out of jail, B: Get him a lawyer and see what the lawyer can do, or C: Do something to get yourself into jail so that you can be with him?"

"I know what my muffin would do!" Robbie chimed in a sing-song tone as he reached for her hand to hold it.

Slapping his hand away from hers, Tori scolds, "No touching!"

He's a little disappointed but is nevertheless still confident in his answer. "... Being as the Tori Vega is my girlfriend, We have both chosen, C!"

Sinjin slapped his forehead at the boy saying the answer out loud but kept his composure, facing the Northridge crowd.

"Okay! Robbie has gone with C: Do something to get yourself in jail so that you can be with him!" He turned back tothem, "Tori has chosen... B: Get him a lawyer and see what the lawyer can do!."

"What?!" Robbie gasped. "You'd let me sit and rot in jail?!"

The brunette eyed him wildly before crossing her arms over her chest, snapping back, "Well, I am sure not going to break you out or get myself in! What do you think this is, Robbie?!"

"A nice-loving, supporting relationship!" He countered, face turning red.

"Robbie, this is not—we are not..." she couldn't even get out the right words.

"Ahem!" Sinjin cleared his throat. "Save it for the Queries For Couples After Show..."

Beck and I snickered while Tori rolled her eyes and Robbie sniffled to himself. If this rehearsal was really being videotaped live... well, it would be hilarious to come back and watch another day.

"Now, to our last couple contestant of this round: André and Cat!" He pointed enthusiastically to my good friend André and his adorable, never-stop-smiling "girlfriend" Cat.

"Hi!" The bubbly red head chimed, giggling and waving continuously to Sinjin and his crowd.

"Hello." He greeted with a smile before starting their 'query', "Cat, your boyfriend André has been coming home late at night and you suspect that he's cheating."

Cat gasped, big brown eyes starting to water as she gazed at André in shock. With furrowed eyebrows, he reassures her, "I'm not cheating."

"He's been seen many times with your next door neighbor, foreign exchange go-go girl named Nazz." Sinjin continued reading from the query board. "Do you, A: confront him and fight her, B: trust him and do nothing because he's your boyfriend and he wouldn't do such a thing or C: move on to his brother?"

"Uh..." she mumbled before tapping André and whispering to him, which we all heard because Cat didn't know how to whisper correctly, "What should I do?"

André gave her a look then nonchalantly glanced toward the crowd, shrugging his shoulders once as he cupped hands over her ear and whispered back.

I held my breath.

A tinkling laugher came from the red head before she chirped with raised hands, "Okay, B!"

The crowd was silent.

Beck and I both tried to hold in our laughter, settling for side-eyes to each other and quick snickers.

Cat laced her fingers through her hair, twirling and playing with the red strands. Somebody coughed over the silence. She blinked her eyes twice.


"... Cat..." Sinjin trailed off. "Did he tell you the answer?"

André shook his head, casually telling the boy, "Nah, I told her..." he paused for a moment. "Uh... you look good in blue."

I think this was where I lost it. My mouth open slightly and the most ugliest laugh was probably gonna' come sneaking it's way out but saved by the Beck. As hard as this was for the both of us to try and keep our composure at how silly this whole entire thing was, he was a master at it. The laughs I wanted to let loose was gone the moment his hand found mine again and he squeezed once more.

And this time, he didn't let it go.

I could tell Sinjin was thrown off by the compliment because I mean it isn't every day he gets one, let alone from someone as cool as André.

"Oh... well... thanks." He genuinely says, lips unable to stop the big smile that was forming. He cleared his throat again and cheered to the "couple", then the crowd, "Ladies and Gentlemen, that answer is correct!"

One by one, our dead crowd started to clap their hands into a slow applause that was then silenced once Cat blurted out suddenly, "Haha! Who wants to hear a riddle?"

We all gave her a look. Sinjin was practically glaring.

"Cat, baby, not now." André tried to talk her down but she waved him off with the beckon of her tiny hand.

"No, no it's a good one!" The red head began laughing every once and a while, "Bob fell over 30 feet, haha but there was not a scratch teehee, bruise, or broken bone! He did not get hurt at all, haha! How is that possible?"

"I don't know, Cat. How is it possible?" Jade's piercing voice shouted out from the stands, making Sinjin twitch a little...

"He fell over 30 people's feet at the movie theaters!" She exclaimed, jumping up from her seat with her arms raised, hands and fingers wiggling—jazz hands!

"You weren't supposed to answer that!" Sinjin suddenly shouted, making her drop to her seat and squeak, trying to hide herself up under Andrè.

"Hey! Now, there ain't no need for you to yell at her like that, you know." He says, wrapping an arm around Cat's shoulders to comfort her.

I swear if they weren't such good friends and we weren't all how we are... well, they'd make a bizarre yet cute couple. I think to myself.

Beck was probably thinking the same thing from the way his bushy yet perfectly arched eyebrows raised and his lips curved into a sort of smug looking grin. Which I wanted to smack off. Oh, wait, I can't because he's still holding my hand.

Seriously, if it wasn't for him being right next to me I might just die from the way Jade was looking at us. A perpetual frown was engraved in her pale face and there's a fire blazing in her icy blue eyes. Whether the death glare is for me or her boyfriend and my BEST FRIEND... I can't tell.

"Nikki, this next query, is for you."

"Ask away." I was going to be more cooperative and not blow this opportunity for Sinjin. He at least deserved one decent fake "couple".

Smiling, he began to read off of the board, "Your boyfriend Beck—"

"Alright, you know what?!" He cut off by Jade pushing her way past the Northridge crowd, down the steps and onto the stage.

Poor Sinjin. "What now?!"

The goth made her way over to the booth where Beck and I sat. Immediately I unlatched my hand from his, ignoring the look here gave me as he sighed out to his actual girlfriend, "Jade, what are you doing?"

She didn't answer him but kept her eyes trained on me. "Move."

She was crazy. I knew that. But right now? Batshit crazy. Everyone was watching us like this was about to be a Jerry Springer Show. I couldn't help my eyes giving a glance to the rolling camera and to the pale-faced, sweating Sinjin.

I calmly try to reiterate the reality we had going on at the moment to her. "We're in the middle of a rehearsal... being taped. Online."

"We're in the middle of a rehearsal!" She childishly mocked in that 70s actress voice she was so good at.


"I know that's you and Tori's thing... but I do not sound like that."

"Look, I don't give a shit! I can't stand watching you up here pretending to be my boyfriend's girlfriend! It's making me sick!"

Rolling his eyes, Beck was first to speak, "You didn't even want to help Sinjin or be apart this rehearsal, Jade! Now you're mad because we're good at pretending we're a couple?!" He shook his head. "Go back and sit down. You're embarrassing yourself and you're embarrassing me."

She ignored the gasp from our friends and some people in the crowd. "I don't care! Just move!" She yelled, hands on her hips, "I am your real girlfriend and I will finish this stupid rehearsal with you, not her, so again Nikki, move."

I looked at Jade. Really looked at her and the way she looked down at me with her head held high and her nose pointed up like I was gum she stepped on and walked all over with her combat boots.

Truth be told, I didn't even want to do this rehearsal and was guilted into it. Granted Beck and I were a little touchy the first round and we did hold hands but as he said... it's just pretend. We were just that damn good at pretending like we're a couple.

I said to myself and established I wasn't going to get involved or meddle in their relationship and I was going to rid myself of the feelings I figured I had for my friend.

She just had to fucking fight with him nonstop for the past few weeks, pushing him to pay more attention to me! I huff in my head, narrowing my eyes. But even so, it was the second round, she was interrupting the game show rehearsal and was making a fool out of herself, all of us and most of all Sinjin. Looking like he wanted to faint.

. . . . .

With a heavy sigh and the pinching of the bridge of my nose, I say as kindly as possible, "No."

"Excuse me?"

*insert record scratching here*

I repeat myself. "I said no."

*insert everyone looking at me like I had grown two heads*

"Yeah you said it but I didn't exactly hear you correctly."

*insert Cat ducking, Tori crouching, Sinjin hiding behind the camera and Beck/André leaving their booths to stand between me and Jade*

"Then let me rephrase that for you." I smile sheepishly and say slowly, "My answer is no. Now sit down and enjoy the show."

. . . . .

That's how it should've went but it didn't.

1. Jade was my friend-ish friend and she is his girlfriend.

2. The last thing Sinjin needed was a fight.

3. Beck and I are just friends. Or so I've managed to convince him and myself.

4. I have class.

5. Pretty girls do not fight. Unless necessary. And this was not.

"Hey, Nikki... are you okay?"

Must've zoned out on that last part playing out in my head. I give a short nod to Beck, snapping out of my reprieve. "Oh... yeah, I'm fine."

His bossy girlfriend snaps her fingers. "Okay! She's fine, now move."

I find myself suddenly angry and yelling as I rise from my seat, "I heard you the first time Jade, damn!"

Her face is one of pure shock that quickly morphs into one of aloofness.

I didn't mean to yell at her or even cuss but God, she got on my nerves sometimes with the attitude.

Yes, I was doing this show with her actual boyfriend but as said so many times before... Beck is just my friend. We were... helping Sinjin. The little looks, hand-holding and comfortability with him was for show. Just so it actually looked like we are a real couple.

This is a rehearsal.

"Okay..." Sinjin mumbled into the mike, waiting as I took my seat on the stands and Jade settled in the booth next to her frowning boyfriend. "Sorry about that... there's been a ... slight couple change but... have no fear! The query for the next couple is here!"

He pointed to the screen that displayed the question and faced Couple Number Three. "Moving on."

"André, Cat has bad breath."

"It's just pretend." André reassured the red head when she covered her mouth and gasped.

"Do you, A: Tell her she has bad breath; B: ignore it because you love her; Or C: dump her?"

Sinjin spoke to Cat, "Cat, go ahead and use your corded remote to secretly choose what you think André's answer should be."

"Okay!" She giggled before shouting, "B!"

"Cat, you don't say it out loud." Jade sighed as Sinjin narrowed his eyes. Believe me, no one wanted to face his wrath... not even Jade.

However, once again he kept his composure. "That's okay. This is just a rehearsal." His eyebrows raise. "André, your answer?"

The mess that just happened with Jade and made me angry for a moment is forgotten because even from the sidelines this was funny. The look on André's face was priceless.

I whipped out my pear phone, zooming in on his face to snap a picture so that I could use it as a meme when relevant.

He crossed his arms, saying, "I'm gonna' go with B."

Cat immediately wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a rather warm embrace. "Yay!"

"Easy, now." André squirmed himself out of her grasp. "Don't start something you can't finish."

My eyes flicker to my miserable-looking Canadian friend with his stiff at his side for a brief moment then focus back on the game show at hand. Speak on that.

"Our next query is for Tori and Robbie." Trina wiggled a manicured hand at her sister and "boyfriend" before being startled by Sinjin's strained voice.

"I say that!" He yelled.

"Well, I should get to say something!" She grumbled to herself, frowning once he yelled again.


"Now, let's look at our query for Tori and Robbie." Sinjin bellowed into the mike. "Tori, Robbie has a pimple on his back that he can't reach."

"That has happened to me." Robbie beamed.

In response, Tori announced to the crowd for a second time, "Again, not really my boyfriend!"

"Do you, A: take him to the doctor, B: wait for the pimple to explode on its own, Or C: pop it for him?" Read Sinjin into the mike. He gestured to the dark haired pouting because Tori slapped his hand away from him again. "Robbie, lock in the answer you think Tori will choose."

He pushed one of the three alphabet buttons on the cores remote.

"So Tori, what are we gonna do about that back zit?"

Gently tapping his hand, Tori answers, "Well, I think that I would choose A: take him to a doctor."

"And Robbie predicted you'd say... C: pop it for him."

"Gross," the brunette grimaced at her "boyfriend", thin lips forming a frown.

He pouted. "My mom does it for me..."

"Well, maybe that's why she screams in her sleep!" Tori countered back to Robbie, gesturing to Sinjin to continue on.

"And now for our final couple, Beck and Jade." Sinjin was about to walk over to them to start their query before a screech emitted from Tori's botched phone and a voice was heard on the speaker.

"Hello? Tori?"

It sounded like her mom. I watched as the brunette tried to discreetly place the phone to her ear but her mom kept calling her name and it was on speaker.

Jade leaned forward, "You're taking a phone call now?"

"I didn't even press answer!" Tori tried to hang up her phone but it didn't work. As she tapped the 'end' button repeatedly on the touchscreen she apologized to the crowd, "I'm sorry, my phone is very broken...

She began talking in a hushed tone, "Mom, I can't talk now! Can you hear me?"

Robbie swiped the phone from her, "Hi, Mrs. Vega!"

"Mom, just hang up!" She yelled into the speaker but I guess her mom couldn't hear her. Tori tried hanging up the call again but instead sat on her phone when her mom said, "I'm at the drugstore. Do you want me to buy you some more ointment for"

With her free hand, the brunette mutters, "Can you please read the next query?"

With a nod of his big head, Sinjin began to read off of the screen, "Beck and Jade, your query is that you're stranded on a boat in the ocean..."

"I don't go in the ocean." Jade interjects.

"Just let him finish the question."

"I don't like the ocean." She snapped at Beck, crossing her arms over her chest.

He argued back, "We are trying to help our friend with his game show." Then crossed his arms, too.

Yikes. I couldn't help but squirm in my seat at the way things began to heat up all with the mention of boats and oceans. It was one thing to be in the middle of their arguing yet it's another thing to actually see it build up and happen right in front of me.

"You know what happened to me when I was in third grade!" Jade angrily huffed.

"The dolphin was just being friendly!" Beck remarked, the tone of his voice hard. Cynical.

Before things could get worse Cat chirped out, "I love dolphins! They eat fish and do tricks, and I saw one in a movie that solves crime."

"Oh, yeah. What was the name of that movie?" Robbie asked.

"Detective Blowhole," André laughed as they all started imitating dolphin noises. Believe me, I was tempted to join in but couldn't due to the fact that Sinjin looked like he was about to explode.

And explode he did.

He tightly held the mike. "I'm trying to ask Beck and Jade a query!"

Said goth remarked back, "Dolphins creep me out, so I will not go in the ocean!"

"Just say A, B or C!" Sinjin snapped.

"B!" Jade screamed.

"Maybe it was A!" Beck shouted back.

"I don't care!" Jade yelled.

"I'm not happy with our relationship!"


No one was expecting that to be yelled out. No one was expecting Beck to be so blunt and blatant. I didn't expect him to basically confess to the world that he wasn't happy with Jade...

"We'll be right back with more of Queries For Couples." Sinjin awkwardly stammered, cueing the camera to stop rolling.


. .


"How could you say that in front of everyone?!"

"It's how I feel, Jade! These past few weeks have been nonstop arguing and I'm sick of it!"

"It's your fault!" She yelled in his face.

"My fault?!"

"Yeah, it's your fault—you started it!"

"No, you started it!" Beck shouted right back, narrowing his eyes.

They both stared heatedly at each other for a moment, dark brown into icy blue and I half expected them to finally forgive each other, making up and then making out but that never happened.

They both turned their heads away from each other defiantly and said not a word.

Maybe I should just catch a ride with Andrè... I was waiting for him and Robbie to come out outside the building because they stopped at the bathrooms to take a leak. They were probably flirting with some of the Northridge girls or one of them was taking a shit. What? It didn't take that long to pee.

Tori and Cat holding Rex waited safely across the parking lot where his car was parked.

I didn't care if Rex had to sit on my lap or we had to squish in his car, I did not want to ride with Beck and Jade.

Anyone could already guess how the show rehearsal ended with Jade stepping up to interrupt, them arguing and Beck admitting he wasn't happy with their relationship. They were voted Worse Couple at the end and if you could see the looks on their face... well, you'd be dead.

Beck's eyes had met briefly with mine for a moment and I could tell he was wishing I had never switched with Jade. It would've saved their relationship deteriorating more than it already had in the past few weeks with them text-fighting and arguing, plus would've kept him from blurting out how he felt.

"You're such a dramatic asshole, you just had to go let the whole world know about our relationship!" The goth suddenly screeched over their angered silence.

"Oh, yeah?" Beck challenged. "You're such a jealous bit—"

"Look guys, it's a school night and I kind of have a midnight curfew. Can we please hit the road?" I knew where this was going and I knew he was going to bust out the b-word. It hurts being called one by your significant other. I would know. Jason called me that. Jade made me so mad tonight with what she did but even I wouldn't let her go through that pain. It's why I had to interrupt and stop him from finishing that insult.

It's kind of different to read because he's called her "bitchy" in their little text arguments and she's said even meaner things but hearing it, face-to-face was on a whole other level.

Jade shot me down with another glare while Beck let out a heavy puff of air, wiping his face. He calmed himself down. Good.

"This isn't about you, Nikki!" Jade turned away from me and resumed pushing the argument further than what it had to be.

At least they were no longer insulting each other...

The sound of double doors opening and closing alerted my attention away from the couple. Thinking it was André and Robbie finally coming from that long bathroom break, I grumble to myself when instead it's the curly haired, glasses-wearing, blue suit Queries For Couples host.

He sprinted his long legs over to where I stood with the bickering couple.

"Hey, Jade! I just wanted to present you and Beck with your trophy for being voted Worst Couple—"

I grabbed his arm, stopping him from approaching the goth. She was getting into her car with the still arguing Beck... and they were my ride home. "Sinjin, I don't think that's such a good idea."

"Nonsense, Nikki! I mean look at it." He held it up for me to see, smiling widely. "It is a nice trophy."

Had to admit. He wasn't lying. The trophy looked like a random thing you'd have in your room for no apparent reason other than for decoration and because it looks cool. It was decked out with those cute little barbie dolls that's you'd get in a kids meal at a fast food joint and he even had time to get it engraved.

Dedicated to The "Worst Couple Ever"

Queries for Couples

"Yeah, but don't you think it could wait until school or something?" I was trying to reason with him but he's as stubborn as they come.

"Come on, what's the worst that can happen?" He laughed, walking up the her car.

Should I?... I won't.

If I was going to get a ride it wouldn't be with them again. Not as they fought back and forth and their whole relationship was on the line.

I let Sinjin take the leap of faith, took a glance back at Jade cranking up her car and Beck watching me with a frown from the passenger seat, then walked across the parking lot to where Tori, Cat and Rex waited for André and Robbie.

Right on time, too.

I sigh at the sympathetic smile I get from Tori but give her and Cat a hug. She let me take the front seat with André, settling for sitting in the back with Cat, Robbie and Rex, this time in his lap.

None of us looked back as we hightailed it out the parking lot, leaving the other two behind.

The Next Day, Hollywood Arts

"Thanks for the ride, 'Dré," I thank my other male best friend with a kiss on the cheek.

He flashes me a toothy grin, laughing to himself and licking his lips. "Well, thanks for the suga', Nik."

"Keep it G-rated, you two!" Tori giggles, playfully getting in between us.

"Come on, Tori." André nudges her with his elbow. "You know you're my first and only girl."

Her lips curve into a smile as she nudges him back. "Be careful, 'Dre, Nikki's watching." She teased and shot me a dirty wink.

All I did was laugh at the antics we kept up on this fine, peaceful morning.

"I don't want him, anyways." I nonchalantly remark, shrugging my shoulders. "Besides, he's not my mans. He belongs to the little red head named Cat."

"Well, dang!" André smirked, shaking his head. "How y'all gonna' do me like that and try to tie me down?"

Both Tori and I playfully punch the "playa" on his arms and we all share a hearty laugh.

Why was it such a peaceful morning?

Well, it sucked to say, but there was no arguing from Beck and Jade that disturbed the peace.

After we all got dropped home, Tori and I made plans to wake up early enough to grab breakfast with André at a local IHOP or cafe close to Hollywood Arts and ride together to school.

We laughed, joked and talked like how we used to without having to silently watch our two other friends fight like they were in the next World War. Plus, we ate great. IHOP's signature pancakes, eggs, bacon and hash-browns really did hit the spot!

I felt good, looked good and ate good. Then again, I also felt bad...

I ignored Beck's texts last night and this morning. He was usually the one to give me rides to school and last time I got a ride from André instead of him, it caused our friendship problems. I don't want to say he was jealous, per se because him and André are best friends, but... he had to be jealous. Why else would he react the way he did?

My mind was just now thinking about it as that rather than believing he was just mad because I distanced myself from him on the ridiculous notion that we acted "couple-y".

We stopped in front of Tori's locker, waiting for the bell to ring which would in less than fifteen minutes.

"What's up, girlfriend?" Tori turned at the sound of Robbie's eager voice. "Andrè, Nikki." He greeted.

Somehow, Robbie got the idea that he dated Tori now after the rehearsal...

With much emphasis on the word 'stop', she huffed heavily, "Stop pretending we're couple. The game show is over."

It didn't phase him though. He only grinned, smugly retorting, "I don't know if you wanna' get snippy with your pretended boyfriend, who fixed your pear phone's charging source to work without an extension cord."

Tori perked up, pulling her very-broken phone from her jean's pocket. "You fixed it?"

"Yup!" He exclaimed, turning away from us. Robbie heaved, pulling some type of monstrosity over to the brunette. "Your mobile phone is once again... mobile."

Tori was shocked. We all are.

"Wh—wh—what is this?"

"Car batteries." He chimed, explaining slightly further. "From a Volvo."

Her brown eyes raked over the giant car batteries stacked high on the two-wheeled dolly. "So you expect me to move around with these giant car batteries to power my phone?!"

"Or you could just buy a new pear phone GX to replace that one." Robbie suggested before she yelled out,


I stepped forward, reiterating to our curly haired friend Tori's personal statement/monologue about buying a new phone, "If she buys another GX, she guarantees you the new XT will gonna come out the next day, and then she'll be the dumb hoe with a GX."

"While everybody else has the cool new XT!" She added on top of that.

"Hey, Tori, Nikki, André." Robbie cleared his throat. "And Robbie."

"Hey, Sinji—" I immediately paused.

"Sinjin, what happened to you?!" Tori shrieked once she got a good look at the tall Sinjin hunched over to lean on his crutches. One of his long legs was in a plastic body cast.

With a sigh, he uneasily told us, "Well... after the show last night when I went to the parking lot to give Beck and Jade their trophy for being voted Worst Couple, and you guys left... Jade ran me over."

I blinked my caramel eyes twice and scratched my blue hair, not straightened or pressed for once, in its naturally wavy/curly state piled on top of head into a messy bun. Then I rubbed my hands over my ears. I don't think I heard him right.

"She ran you over?!" Robbie questioned, eyes widened.

Sinjin jerked his head down. "Just my legs."

In his hands held the infamous Worst Couple trophy I told him not to give to her.

He held it out to me. "Will you give this to Beck or Jade?"

"Sure." I mumble, not wanting to think about what would happen to me if I tried to give it to them. Shit, if she ran Sinjin's legs over, what the hell would she do to me?!

I glanced uneasily at the trophy while André asked him the status on the show.

"So is that Gooberstein guy gonna' put your game show on his website?"

"I'm not sure." Sinjin shrugged.

"Well, what'd he say?"

"Nothing... he just spit in my apple juice."

"That's not a good sign," André shook his head, light brown twists following suit.

"Hard to say." Sinjin shrugged again.

"Well, there's Beck and Jade." I pointed out, the grumpy couple immediately catching my eyes the moment they walked in. Arguing.

"No, not Jade!" Sinjin tried to retreat away like he usually does but his one good leg stopped him and he fell to the floor, commanding, "Robbie, come drag me away!"

He nodded his head swiftly, grabbing the boy by the hand to drag him down the hallway, away from us and them.

"You know Tori, maybe you get another pear phone GX." André said over the silence.

She whined back, "I am waiting for the XT!" Leading the way for him to walk her to the first class of the day, leaving me with prying ears and a Worst Couple trophy to deliver.

"I'm done talking about it." Jade muttered.

"No, we're not." I could hear Beck say before he reached for her hand and dragged her towards the janitor closet.

The goth tried squirming out of his grasp but he wouldn't let her go. "He's kidnapping me!" She shouted in the hallway to all of the students waiting for the bell to ring. "You all see it! Kidnapper! Kidnapper! Let go!"

"Kidnapper." Jade grumbled to her boyfriend, as he closed the door behind them.

"This is not funny." Beck let out a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"What's funny is you freaking out over a dumb game show." His raven haired girlfriend shot back, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You completely embarrassed Nikki and then we were voted Worst Couple! The other two couples weren't even real couples." He scolded as his eyebrows furrowed at the very thought of the other 'couples', "And one had Robbie in it."

Jade rolled her eyes. The whole argument was about them. The text fighting was about them. Yet he always managed to make it about her.

"That's what I'm talking about. Someway, somehow, you always end up back to her." Jade sneered at him, perfectly arched eyebrows narrowing. "Why do you even care if we were voted worst couple?"

Beck let out another sigh—his hundredth one even though it was still morning. "It's a matter of—"

"Hi, Nikki!" I jumped a bit in surprise at the soprano tone coming from behind me.

It was no one other than Cat... carrying a bunch of spoons. "What are you doing?"

I glanced at the door to the janitor's closet then back to the red head.

A shrug plays on my shoulders. "Nothing."

Lie. "Just... chilling by this door..."

I hated lying to anyone in general, let alone Cat but I had to. I couldn't let her know that I was eavesdropping yet a-motherfucking-gain, the first time being when I woke up from the party.

You're really bad at this, Nikkster. I say in my head. You say you're not going to bud into their business yet here you are yet again. I know!

"Is that Beck and Jade's trophy?" Cat asks with a giggle. "We should give it to them!"

She walked over to the door and grabbed the handle. Before I could even stop her, the door was open and both of us were in. I held the Worse Couple trophy behind my back, sheepishly smiling when the door closed and all four of us stood in this damn closet.

Cat was first to speak over the stagnant silence. "Is this a closet party? Look, I have spoons!"

She held them up for everyone to see. I held my breath.

Neither Beck nor Jade looked my way. I might as well have been invisible.

"Cat, come here." He motioned to the red head. "We need your opinion on something."

She smiled her little dimples, "On global warming? 'Cause I don't think that's really happening."

"Cat..." Beck groaned, but she went on.

"Seriously, I went to the movies the other night, and it was so cold..."

"Cat," Beck called her name again.

She waved. "Hi!"

"We need your opinion on us." He repeated.

Jade snorted. "Why not just ask a monkey?"

"I saw a movie about a monkey." Cat suddenly exclaimed, playing around with the spoons in her hand. "He wore glasses and carried a gun."

My Canadian best friend—nothing more and nothing less—ignored her sidebar, pointing to me.

"You know Nikki and I are just really good friends, right?"

Cat looked at me and nodded. "Sure."

See? Even Cat thought so!

Beck motioned to him and Jade. "And don't you think Jade and I fight a lot?"

"Sure." Cat nodded again.

Jade stepped forward. "Yeah, but all boyfriends and girlfriends fight a lot, don't they?" Then glared at me, seething, "And they are close to each other, too close, right?"

Cat took a puff of air, shrugging her shoulders, "Well, sometimes, but..."

She was silenced by Jade's piercing voice. "Yes or no?!"

It made me shake, rubbing one of my ears and made Cat squeak.

He suddenly shouted at Jade, "Let her talk!"

"You never listen to me talk!" She yelled back, narrowing her eyes even further.

"You're always yelling all the time!" Beck retorted, glowering his dark eyes.

Oh, my. This closet suddenly felt small. I don't know if it was because of Cat's heavy panting or the heat coming from the flaring anger between the two.

Why did I have to be nosy?!

"C-Can... Cat and me go now?" I whisper, about to reach for the handle of the door.

Both of them faced me with a shout at the same damn time, "NO!"

Jade faced her boyfriend. "What's your point here anyway?!"

He was silent for a moment before saying, "I would like to have a girlfriend I can talk to without it turning into a screaming match." His eyes landed on me for a split second.

"Yeah? Well I'd like a boyfriend who other girls don't stare at all the time!" Her eyes flickered to me for a brief moment.

I can be the first to say that I don't stare at Beck. Or do I?


"I thought this was a closet party." Cat murmured, her breathing hitching as they carried on.

"How is it my fault girls stare at me?" Beck asked, incredulity laced in his tone. Seriously, I know I don't stare.

Jade rolled her eyes, snorting, "You could look worse if you wanted to!"

"I'm under my bed, I'm under my bed, I'm under my bed." Cat chanted to herself, closing her eyes.

"I can't believe how jealous you get!" Beck shook his head.

"Oh, oh, so you think I'm ugly?!"

"Wh... ?! Who said... Did I say she was ugly?!" He yelled at me, pointing to her.

I shook my head over and over before Jade turned to the panting red head and I.

"They think we're a perfect couple!"

I was sweating.

Beck didn't ask me, he asked her, "Cat, are Jade and I a perfect couple?!"

"Don't answer that!" She yelled at the poor girl who squeaked again.

"Answer it!" Beck commanded.

Jade snapped her fingers at her. "Say nothing!"

I had to get out of here. It was too intense. Even for me. As they bickered back and forth, I shove the trophy in Beck's hands and force myself out the door, running to the first class of the day. I could only hope that Cat followed behind.

Once I rounded the corner to catch my breath, I turned to see if Cat followed.

Shit, she didn't.


They screamed at each other.

"You c'mon?!"

It was too much pressure and anger for one morning. Cat had panted herself out and collapsed on the floor of the janitor's closet with a loud thud!

Beck shook his head at his girlfriend. "Well, ya' made Cat faint."

The late bell rang.

"I'm late for class." Jade mumbled, stepping over the fainted girl.

"We're gonna have to finish this sooner or later!" Beck called out to her, walking out of the closet to make his way to Maddens' class.


. .


I avoided Beck and Jade for the rest of the day at school.

It was too much on me. It was too much on Tori, Cat, André, Robbie and even Rex! I didn't speak to Beck in any of our classes, I ignored Jade in the hallways, at the Asphalt Café and even when I saw her in the bathroom.

Never have I found myself involved in such drama between a couple.

I was so mad with myself for getting involved that I decided to do something I hadn't done since dating Jason.


That green eyed, muscled-down cheater loved the gym and often got me to do intense workouts with him. We'd stretch, lift, run and repeat the next day. It's part of the reason why I'm so active and part of the reason why my body is as nice as it is, with me being short and all.

After we broke up, I kind of let myself go a little. Still recovering, I managed to eat a whole bunch of junk and get my little belly back, not that it mattered anyways. I still had a nice booty and slim waist... so I dressed in a mesh workout bra, elastic tights and ultracush running shoes.

Running always cleared the mind and that it did.

It was late afternoon turning to night as I finished my jog for the day. I was making my third block around the entire neighborhood, almost about to make it past the Vega's house and towards mine.

I stop to catch my breath for a moment, wiping sweat from my forehead and all around my body, then proceeding to finish up cardio for the day.

Just as I'm passing Tori and Trina's house where I'd join the gang later to play cards, the sound of tires squealing drowns in my ears. My head snaps to the left, eyes widening at the car backing quickly out of the driveway.

I scurry out of the way just in time because whoever was driving was not going to stop.

"What the hell?!" My eyes narrow as I feel my anger building up because I had almost just got hit by the car. The gears shift and maneuver the vehicle to go down the road but I jog up to the driver's side, tapping the window.

My anger slowly dissipates. "Jade?"

She rolls down her window. "Nikki?" She does something weird—sniffles. "What are you—what are you doing?"

My eyebrows furrow. "... cardio."

"Oh." Jade mutters, turning away from me to look ahead.

Scratching the nape of my neck, I shift my weight from leg to the other. "You, uh, you know you almost hit me right?"

She mumbles again. "Right...

I may have suffered from the "runner's high" because she did something weird again. Jade was showing emotions other than anger, mischief and jealousy.

"Jade are you... crying?"

"What?!" She shrieked out, hands furiously wiping her pale face.

I lean my head forward a bit and squint my eyes at the way her face straightened and then crumbled.

"Are you crying?" I ask again, wondering why she was trying to hide regular emotions, let alone was leaving Tori's house.

"Me? No! Crying?!" Jade snorted and waved me off. "I am not crying."

"I may not be the smartest girl in the world and I am awkward sometimes but... you are definitely crying." Jade never was one to cry, in fact I didn't even know she had tears. "What happened? Did Tori hurt your feelings or something?" I laugh at the thought of her being bested by the Vega sister, her sort-of archenemy.

"Beck and I broke up." She said, making me stop.

"... What?"

Jade looked me dead in the eye, saying, "We're done this time for good and the tears are just a natural reaction."

They broke up?

"Jade... you can't be serious." I shook my head. Clearly, this was some kind of practical joke. I peeked over my shoulder waiting for someone to run up on me with a camera, capturing the priceless look on my face but no cameraman ever came.

"I am serious. And it's done. I don't even want him back." Jade cranked up her engine, and sniffled up her last bit of tears, keeping her head held high.

But I couldn't grasp it. I couldn't even believe it. "No way, you two are like..."


The raven haired girl narrowed her eyes, snapping back, "Not anymore. Now move before I hit you for real this time!"

Nikki took a step back to move out of the way, watching as Jade drove off. With a shaky hand, she waved the exhaust from the car away from her face, coughing a bit.

And then she stood there.

She stood there sweating from her run and thinking about what her friend-ish friend Jade had just told her. That her and Brck had broken up.

A tiny little quarter of her soul jumped at the idea of her best friend now back on the market, but the other parts of her felt angered and strangely sad.

It was known that they were fighting so much and toxic to each other at times but to break up in the end? She felt as if that was throwing everything they built for the past two years in the garbage. It reminded her of how Jason threw it all away and now Jade or even Beck was doing the same. She had no idea who was the first one to call it quits or if their breakup was mutual but she wasn't going to just let it be.

Hell no. I have to talk to him about this! Nikki thought to herself, resuming her run towards Tori's front door.

She was so heated and so determined to fix whatever they had broke that she didn't even knock and didn't stop running.

The blue haired girl yanked open Tori's front door, running down the little steps, hopping over the red sofa and leaping onto the table where her startled friends and the infamous Beck looked at her like she was crazy.

Nikki glared at her best friend, looking up at her with amusement burning in his eyes. It fueled her anger at the fact that he didn't show any sadness and that he had the nerve to be playing fucking cards while his ex-girlfriend had just drove off crying.

She whacked his arm, making his hand of cards fall out of his grasp. "Beck, what the hell man!"

"Nikki where did you come from!" Tori questioned, reaching a hand out to touch her moist arm. "And why are you all sweaty?"

"Never mind that!" She waved the brunette off, turning to her friend, "Beck, you and Jade cannot be broken up!"

He didn't say anything but confirm it. "We are."

"Yeah, they are. Now if you don't mind... Beck was in the middle of a poker game and I'm his new girlfriend and good luck charm, that is until you decided to come flying in like some monkey onto the damn table."

Nikki had just come to notice that Trina was sitting next to him, damn there sitting on top of him, with her hands latched on his arm.

"Tori, I like you." Nikki chimed to the girl, all while not taking her eyes off of Trina and her hands on Beck.

Tori's eyebrows furrowed. "I... like you too, Nikki."

She finally broke her state with Trina, smiling at the brunette, "You're a really good friend." The smile soon faded and she snapped, "But you need to be a good sister and tell yours to shut the hell up and bud out of this situation!"

Trina stood from her seat, hands on her hips. "Or what?"

Nikki clenched her fists. "André, Cat, Tori, Robbie, Rex?"

"Yeah?" They all uneasily answered at the same damn time.

Nikki smiled sweetly, "Would you all please unanimously scoot to the other side of the room?"

They did as she asked without hesitation, moving from the playing table, out of the way.

Nikki copied Trina and placed her hands on her hips. "Now, Trina... I'm going to tell you this once." She leaned forward and held up three fingers, "Shut your mouth, leave Beck alone and move."

The oldest Vega sister however did not listen and that's when it happened.

"Waa!" She screamed as Nikki suddenly tackled her over, hitting her repeatedly while seething, "Youaregonnalethimgorightnow!"

It took André, Beck and Robbie to unlatch Nikki from Trina and hold her back. She may have been little but she ain't weak.

"Are you just going to let her do me like that?!" Trina moved her hair out of her face and scrambled away from the blue haired girl that just attacked her. She called Beck's name, "Beck!"

Glancing at her, he faced Nikki, his tone quiet and solemn. "Look, Nikki... I appreciate the concern. But, truth is... I got tired of it."

"Hello?!" Trina yelled at the top of her lungs, trying to get his attention.

"Tired of... Jade?" Nikki questioned with raised eyebrows.

"The jealousy, the arguments, the secrets and the constant attitude." He corrected her with a frown.

"Look, I know those things aren't easy in a relationship but... Beck, you love her. You can't just give up what you had with her because of things that can be easily fixed."

She tried to reason with him but he shook his head.

"You don't understand, with her it won't ever be fixed. I love her... but—"

He was cut off by Trina forcefully grabbing his hand, "He's with me now."

Tori sighed in exasperation to the red head, "Cat... take Trina upstairs, please."

Cat pouted. "Why do I have to do it?"

"Because she might just have a secret stash of bibble..." Tori trailed off, smiling when Cat sprung into action.

"Ooh! Bibble!" She squealed. "I love bibble!"

She yanked Trina's hand from Beck's, using all the strength that no one knew she had to drag the girl towards the staircase.

"Let me go! I want to stay with him!" Trina whined but Cat clamped a hand over her mouth. "Hush up girl! I want me some bibble!"

"But I don't even have—" the door to Trina's room slammed shut.

"We should go... check on them." Tori waved a hand for the boys to follow her. "André? Robbie?"

"But why do we have to go upstairs to Trina's room?" Robbie asked.

"Come on!" Tori walked over to her best friend, attempting to pick him up and throw him over her shoulders like he does to her. Of course he was too heavy and she struggled a lot.

André laughed at the brunette, "You ain't getting anywhere like that, ya' know." He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. "I can, however!"

"André!" Tori laughed, trying to get off of his back.

"Come on, Robbie." He called out to the curly haired boy.

He grabbed Rex from the sofa and sighed out, "Coming..."

That left Beck and Nikki alone to finish their conversation.

"Look, Nikki, I'm sorry, okay. My mind is made up. Jade and I are done this time. We broke up before because of her jealousy and Tori helped us get back together but this time... it can't be helped. Not from you and not from Tori."

"Beck..." she whispered his name but he continued to talk.

"She thinks she has this control over me. She counted to ten. She put our relationship up for grabs by counting to ten, Nikki." He shook his head. "She's jealous. Too jealous. I can't even be around another girl without her freaking out! My parents never liked her, people, potential acting recruits are scared to even go near me because of her."

"I'm sure it's not that bad. And she can be sweet when she wants to be. You know how she is." She tried to remind him.

"I do but I'm tired. With the whole texting fights we've gotten into and her kissing another guy after that party, lying about what really happened, well it was the final straw." Beck took a deep breath then let it out. All of the flaws in their relationship had come to light for him. "We were voted Worst Couple. That really stands out. It made me realize that no matter how much I love her... I can't be with her anymore. She was ready to walk away just that quick when I didn't come outside at her every call, Nikki."

"I just—"

He was interrupted by Nikki. "You said she... kissed another guy?"

"Yes." He nods.

"And lied about it?"

He nods again, elaborating, "I won't say exactly what it is she lied about... but it came to light. They did more than just kissing and while we were text fighting, she'd be talking to him."

The blue haired girl looked at him in shock. "You can't be serious." She knew about the kiss but she didn't know it was more than that.

"I am." He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "But look... we have school tomorrow and I need to get home."

"I'll see you tomorrow." Beck headed outside the door. "Bye."

And Nikki stood there again.

She stood there angry and she stood there thinking.

She ran again to catch up with Beck before he could drive away.

Nikki grabbed his shoulders, stopping him from getting in his car and forced him to turn around and look at her. Her light skinned face was flushed and a scowl formed. "Beck, you are such a hypocrite."

He didn't understand why she would call him that. "What?"

"You fucking heard me!" She yelled, crossing her arms. "You listing her kissing another guy as one of the reasons you can't take it anymore?! That's so low because you know for a fact you did just the same thing."

He suddenly paled. Did she remember? No... she couldn't have. "Wh-What are you talking about?"

"The morning after the party... when I woke up." Nikki stammered out. "I heard you two talking and I heard that she kissed someone at Nozü and you kissed someone after the party."

Beck opened his mouth to speak but she held up a hand. "I don't care who it was. What you do is... none of my business. But I do care that you're just as guilty and blaming everything on her!"

He felt relieved that she didn't remember their kiss but he felt a little sad that she didn't care.

Beck licked his lips that suddenly felt dry, "Nikki, when I tell you who the person that I kissed was... you will care."

"And what makes you so sure of that?" She snorted, rolling her eyes. I don't care if you kissed some girl... she thought. I don't care... we're just friends, like you said. So why would I?

She watched as he took a deep breath before finally saying, "Because the person I kissed after the party was... you."

The annoyance and anger etched on her face morphed into confusion.

He explained it out further, "You were drunk and we got to arguing over right and wrong and we got to talking about how... we cared for each other. How I... cared for you as more than a friend." He thought back to that night, fingers ghosting over his lips for a brief second. "Then I kissed you. We... made out and almost... you know."

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. It sounded like he was speaking a language she didn't understand. Her eyes teared up at what he told her.

She couldn't keep the tears from falling and grit her teeth. "What did we almost do?"

He didn't look her in the eyes as he said it. "I don't want to say what would've or could've happened but I know it would've definitely led to more than just kissing and most likely sex."

"Beck, I can'tI justI mean I don't—why didn't you tell me this?!" She screamed, raising her hand to slap him. But she didn't. She only took a step back and looked him head on, waiting for what he had to say.

"I didn't... know how to. I didn't know how to say what happened." He mumbled, still not meeting her gaze.

"All this time... why!" Nikki questioned, sadness in her tone. "Why did you do it?"

For a while he kept this hidden from her. He didn't tell her what they did or share with her what happened. She felt betrayed, hurt and most of all disgusted. She had kissed Beck while he was dating Jade, making Beck the very thing she hated: a cheater. And to make matters worse, she liked him and had to hide it as well. When she realized she couldn't be with him, she tried to do the right thing by getting rid of the feelings she had for him.

And now it would be even harder for the very fact that they've broken up and he just told her that they almost had sex.

Beck grabbed her arm, snapping her out of her thoughts. "I told you Nikki... I care for you."

"As a friend." She said, trying to wiggle out of his grasp.

He wouldn't let her go. "More than you know. More than a friend."

She didn't want to hear it though. As tears poured from her eyes, Beck didn't stop talking.

"Nikki... I haven't known you as long as the others. But you've been at Hollywood Arts for half the year already." She stopped struggling and listened. "In that span of time... you've been there for me. You've been such a cool person. So nice. So kind. You make me laugh, you're easy to get along with, easy to talk to and you're... just amazing."

She shook her head, sniffling, "Don't... don't say things like that. Especially when you just broke up with..."

"I don't care anymore." He cut her off, trailing the hand that grasped her wrist around her waist.

"Beck..." she murmured, frozen in place as he pulled her close to him, slowly tilting his head down and kissing her lips.

He had just given her the most warm and tender kiss ever. Her eyes closed at the feeling of his lips pressing against hers, before he broke the kiss.

His dark brown gazed deeply into her watery caramel brown eyes as he softly mused, "I don't know why it took me this long to finally realize all of this."

Beck kissed her again.

"It's been you. Always you."

He brought his lips back to hers, slowly kissing them over and over until her hands roamed to his chin, stopping him from doing it again.

She looked deeply into his eyes. "Always... me?"

"Always you." He nodded, bringing his lips back to hers.


Well, that's that. It was always Nikki...

Realistically speaking, as much as I love Jade and her relationship with Beck was very fun and amusing, after watching the series I realize it is toxic. They love each other but at the same time they're bad for each other during moments in the show and the creators knew what they were doing when they broke them up. I feel like Dan had no intention of bringing them back but the Bade fandom supported that and they couldn't help and not ignore it. He was probably going to be paired with Tori should the series have continued on and not been cancelled. From the moment they kissed in the first episode and almost kissed in that special, I feel like it was set. But upon them finding out the show would be cancelled after the 4th season which was cut in half, they made the episodes we saw with him and Jade getting back together and everything going back to normal. If you don't believe me, another example is the same thing with Vampire Diaries fans: naturally Damon was supposed to be with Bonnie in the end but the Delena fandom prevented that from happening, anyone could see the chemistry between Damon and Bonnie and anyone could see the chemistry between Beck and Tori. That's just my opinion though, don't come at me with Bade nonsense and how I'm wrong if I've offended you...

I'm a Bade fan myself, I just see the flaws.

The way I like to think of the ending of this chapter and confession is like when you're in a toxic relationship and you have that one close friend that is always there for you and supports you, so sometimes you can't help but fall in love with them.

I haven't decided if I'll have them jump into a relationship right after this chapter but I'm open to it. The story will be changing to M though because let's just say, sexual tension is a burden. And I need my girl Nikki to shred that virginity... lol I'm kidding, well maybe not. We'll see based off of me rethinking about it. Something I'd like to know is if you all would like detailed smut or toned down?

I am also going to be editing the story for plotholes, errors, adding on things and rewriting some chapters AGAIN. The chapters I already know will be written:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 4

Chapter 10

Chapter 21

Chapter 23 (I'm not happy with this chapter but it'll do for now)

Now, I'd love some responses. It's been long awaited and this chapter alone has the most reviews out of any other one. Someone even reviewed about this story on another story xD please don't do that.

I hope it didn't disappoint, you seen and knew it was coming.

Thank you for the constant support on this story and I hope you continue to read and stay tooned.

I'm getting better at updating my fanfics in general, so another chapter will be out soon. It's a promise. Next chapter will probably be in Beck's POV.
