It is finally summer for Pokemon Trainer Jordan. Now that he is out of school, he and his lucario, Ryan, plan on heading north to collect five more gym badges. As these two brothers plan their journey, they remember good moments of their past, and they make new friends along the way. Will a fateful weekend like this one lead towards changing their new friends' lives?
Author's Notes: I made some changes to the story in chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, as I mentioned in chapter 7.
I changed the title, too. It was originally "Summer: Chapter 1", but now it is "Summer Part 1: Tales of Oakridge". The reason I originally had it as "Chapter 1" is because this was my first story posted on the site, and I didn't know that I could post more chapters to the story. BASICALLY, I was new at this, and still am.
Yes! My stories do contain Christianity. I'm sorry if this disappoints you, but Arceus is not gonna be the god in this series, or any fanfics that go along with it. If it makes you feel better, I will put him in a future story, but as a demigod.
This story is rated K+ for mild violence and small blood reference.
I do not own the pokemon franchise.
Read and Review… PLEASE!
Chapter 1: Meet Jordan
"Tick tock. Tick tock," I thought to myself as I looked at the classroom's clock. The big hand was nearly at the twelve, but the little hand was at the eleven. I was shaking my right leg, just because I felt like it. I sat in my desk as I waited for the dismissal bell to ring. I inhaled an amount of air, then I exhaled it at my brown hair that dangling on my forehead. Then I leaned back in my chair as I paid attention to my friend at the front of the room. He was about as old as I was, fifteen years old. He had on black jeans, a green t-shirt, and white sneakers that were a little worn out, and he had orange hair. I listened as he spoke in his Australian accent.
"…and that is what I plan on doing this summer, fixing a lota cars, having fun with my Raichu, video games and listening to a ton of Rock and Pop. PEACE OUT EVERYBODY!" he shouted as he raised both of his arms and made peace signs. Everyone clapped and applauded as my friend went back to his seat, which was actually next to mine.
"Nice speech," I said to him. I didn't hear the entire thing, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Although, my friend kinda knew I wasn't entirely paying attention.
"I saw you staring at the clock, lad," he whispered back to me. "I guess I'm just boring to you, now."
"Rex, that's not true," I responded. "Sure, you talk about fixing cars, Raichu, video games, and Rock music all the time, but I'm just waiting to get outta here for the next two-and-a-half months."
"Are sure about that?" Rex asked, "'Cause I think you just don't want to keep your blue-and-black dog waiting." Rex was referring to a lucario that I owned.
"Yeah," I sighed, "It's that, too."
"Relax, lad. You worry too much."
I knew that Rex was right, but I hated to keep my Pokemon waiting, even if he was early. I looked at the clock, and saw that the big hand was just about to reach the twelve. "Ten… nine… eight…" I thought to myself. It was nearly time for summer. "Three… two… one…"
When I finally got out of the building, with my backpack on, I carefully walked across the street to the park. There, I walked by the fountain that was in the center, and I looked and saw that my lucario was waiting for me. He was wearing his red scarf, half of it wrapped around his neck, and the other half hanging down, between his chest spike and his left shoulder, almost all the way down to the black line around his waist. As I looked him in the red eye, he smiled and came over to me. I knelt down on one knee, so that I could be at equal height with him.
"It's good to see you again, Ryan," I said to him.
"Right back at you, Jordan," he happily responded.
Okay, maybe I should've introduced myself at the start of the story.
My name is Jordan. I'm fifteen years old, and I live in Seattle, Washington.
I know what you're all thinking right now. "How on Earth is there Pokemon in the United States?" Well, the northern side of Seattle that I live in is filled with Pokemon. The area that Pokemon inhabit stretches all the way into British Columbia, Canada. Americans discovered them long ago in the late Nineteenth Century. History books says that pokemon were discovered shortly after the Civil War. Ever since they've been discovered, pokemon have been befriended by Americans, mainly children, and studied by American Zoologists and Biologists. They have set up a perimeter called "Sector 01", which is designed to maintain the pokemon population as well as to keep the pokemon from wandering off and getting hurt... or getting someone else hurt. I could go on and on about the history of pokemon in the US, but I just got out of school. Plus, this a story, not a history book.
Anyways, back to me. I'm actually a Pokemon Trainer, and I already have three gym badges. Oh! That reminds me, the lucario that you have read about, his name is Ryan. I've known him ever since he was born as a riolu, which was over three years ago, when I was twelve. In fact, I've owned him before I became a Pokemon Trainer, so he's kind of been like a "house dog" before. One thing that is very special about our friendship is that Ryan and I are more than even best friends. We're brothers. Ryan's always been a brother to me, as I've always been a brother to him.
Unlike most lucario, who are able to speak telepathically, Ryan can speak just like a human being, although he wasn't born with that ability. My Dad is a scientist who studies Pokemon, and one question has always been on his mind: "Why do Pokemon only say their species' name?" He soon figured out that the speech area of a pokemon's brain was not as functional as a human's. He has been doing a dangerous experiment through brain surgery to enhance the speech area. About fifty-two times. The first few times, when it got too dangerous for the pokemon, he and his team would abort the operation, so that the pokemon would survive. The next thirty-or-forty times, the operations were only temporarily successful, because whenever a pokemon evolved, it lost its ability to speak. The next few barely survived, but the next one after that, the fifty-first, didn't. It was hard for him to recover, but Dad was soon able to try again once he felt like he finally had the perfect solution.
Coincidentally, Ryan had a deep desire to talk like a human when he was a riolu. Why? Because he wanted to be like the human family he belonged to. He convinced me to volunteer him into this experiment. The operation took nearly seven hours. I was terrified during those seven hours. I cried. I prayed. I even asked Dad if I could come in, but I couldn't. When my dad and his team were done, Ryan miraculously woke up, but he wasn't talking. When I came in to see him, the first thing Ryan ever said was that I was a good brother to him. After I became a Pokemon trainer, and before we challenged the 3rd Gym Leader, Ryan evolved from a riolu to a lucario, and we all experienced that he was still able to talk like a human. Dad had done it. After fifty-one failures, he finally had one success.
You know that scarf around Ryan's neck? It symbolizes two things; his courage, and his passion towards our human family. For courage, Ryan is will to do what is right, no matter the cost. For passion, Ryan truly loves me as a brother, and my (our) parents, which means Ryan is always willing to protect us. Kinda makes him sound like a superhero, doesn't it? Nah! He prefers 'brother'.
Back to the story:
As Ryan and I walked home, we passed by Rex's house. The house was a two story building, but there was definitely something unusual about this house.
"Ryan?" I asked, "Have you ever noticed Rex's garage?"
"What about it?" he responded.
"Oh nothing. Just that it's big enough to hold TEN cars!"
Ryan and I looked and saw that the garage was actually a vehicle repair shop. I looked and saw a big sign that said "Dr. Leroy's Garage: The Doctor's Office for your Cars!"
"Jordan, I think a repair shop is the same thing as a garage."
"For a lucario that is only three years old, you're pretty smart," I responded.
"Hey! How many times do I have to tell you, I prefer 'twenty-one-in-dog years'."
I silently chuckled. "I'm just messing with you, little brother" I said as I gave a light punch on Ryan's left arm. Ryan smiled. Friendly punches were the only punches he liked taking, unlike the three elemental punches, especially Fire Punch.
Anyways, the two of us decided to stop by. We knew that Rex would be there, because the owner, Leroy, was Rex's uncle, and because Rex clearly said he'd be fixing cars this summer. But as we started to walk towards the shop, we saw that Rex was walking off the front porch of his house.
"G'day, mates!" Rex shouted in his Australian accent. He started walking towards us, and I saw that there was a little orange mouse accompanying him. That was his Raichu. I don't know why, but he actually named it "Pika Jr."
"Hey, Rex. How are you doing?" I asked as I shook his hand.
"Good, actually. You know that I have told that I'm a fan at video games?
"Thousands of times," Ryan exaggerated as he rolled his red eyes.
"Well, I just beat that old high score on my new guitar game!"
"I see…" I responded.
"So, I hear that you and Ryan are heading up north for some gym badges."
"Actually, we were planning to do just that after church on Sunday," Ryan responded.
"Can you take me and Pika Jr. with you?"
"Come again." I said.
"I just spoke with my uncle, and he says that it was okay for me to take the summer off, as long as I did something other than video games."
"I don't know Rex," I responded. "How many gym badges do you actually have?"
"Eleven, actually."
"What?" Ryan responded as his eyes widened.
"There's no way! There are only eight gym badges available, and you're saying you have eleven?" I said.
"Not all in these parts. Remember when I left Oklahoma in the third grade and moved back to Australia?"
"Well, I should've told you this, but there are actually… Pokemon there… too."
I was so shocked to hear that, I pretended I didn't hear that. "Ryan, you have dog ears. Tell me what he just said."
"I don't find it offensive at all, but do I really have that much resemblance to a dog?" Ryan asked.
"Physically, yes," I responded. I then turned back to Rex. "Why did you not tell us?"
"You never asked," Rex said.
"You've used that excuse way too much," I said as I pointed my finger at Rex. "I clearly asked 'how was Australia' and all you said was 'fine. How is Seattle'?"
"Okay, fine. I wanted it to be a surprise for when you guys headed out next time, because Pika Jr. and I want to come with you."
At first, I was a little mad at Rex for not telling me. Then I thought that it wasn't that big of a deal. I could use someone with that much experience to aid me on my quest. Then I looked at Rex and asked him, "How much experience did you bring back from Australia?"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, Rex. Why don't Ryan and I put you and Pika Jr. to the test? If you have that much gut, you can come with us."
"Is this a battle you're challenging me to?"
"If the baby kangaroo fits in the mommy's pouch, put it in."
"You're on!"
And then Rex and I shook hands.
To Be Continued…
Author's Notes:
I made changes to where it talks about how there are pokemon in Seattle, by giving details on where the perimeter stretches out to. I also made changes on the paragraph on the fifty-one operations.
Plus, I decided to drop the TOP-SECRET idea. I figure that if pokemon inhabited NW Wasthington, they would've been discovered a long time ago. Plus, I doubt Americans would do bad things to them. Only Team Galactic does that.
Again, Read and Review… PLEASE!